Author Topic: pusdo distillation issues  (Read 6989 times)

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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2002, 08:30:00 PM »
I hope we can keep this thread alive with more ideas and
bees experiences.  SWIM allowed psudo pills to distill until
there was black and red PVP tar.  The resulting distilate
was acidified and evaporated.  There were many small
crystals and I think that benzaldehyde contaminated it.
It's definately a workable process but SWIM hasn't gottent
the hang of it yet.  SWIM tried again and it's still in the
works... it evaporating now hopefully there will be some
nice crystals.  Im using Baking soda to base out the psudo
hcl so it beecums a freebase.  Remember to use one gram
of sodium bicarbonate for every 2.2 grams of psudo hcl.

Update soon!  ;D

Gott Mit Uns!


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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2002, 10:19:00 PM »
just remember to be careful and dont let the pH get up too high.. i think 12.5 should be high enough.. pfed molecule isn't quite as sturdy as a meth molecule


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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2002, 11:32:00 PM »
with the baking soda the ph only gets to 7-8 maybe 9 tops.

Gott Mit Uns!


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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2002, 02:44:00 AM »
> SWIM allowed psudo pills to distill until there was black
> and red PVP tar. 

How can there be tar during a steam distillation? Did you distill to dryness?


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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2002, 03:09:00 AM »
SWIM distilled to dryness.  That of course was a "no no"
I (Rhodium ;) simply forgot to check on water levels.
An intresting thing happened though.. a band of the psudo
crystals were rather small and exibited a rainbow refraction
when exposed to white light.  I previously used mineral
spirits and may not have washed a container as much as I
should have.  That may have caused the rainbow effect.
This was better than last time and there is no funny smell
after the crystals formed.  The psudo water was
heated at 70C to quickly form crystals.  This heating
plus an crystalizing plate that was sitting uneven
may have caused to weird "veins" that are on the plate.
ALmost liek the back of a leaf the veins run through the
crystals.. they are thick and white.  All and all this
was my most successful distillation so far.  I mixed brands
of psudo pills.  I think after recrystalizing from menthol
and maybe an acetone wash everything shoudl bee nice and
clean.  This is really diplaying promising results.  I have
given up on the A/B process for this.  Its automatic and
uses fewer chemicals reducing your chem purchaces.I (Rhodium) love to reduce the amount of flammable solvent
in my lab.  Previous posts talk about adding steam from
other sources.. I (Rhodium) am doing fine without using
an external steam source.  My rig uses simple distillation
is is doing well so far.  SWIM hasn't worked out all the
kinks... some of the psudo crystals smudge when touched.
Magnification under 30X microscope showed liquid droplets
under the crystals.. so we'll let it dry some more and
recrystalize to see if we have something pure.

'Official' Rhodium Impersonator


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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2002, 02:42:00 AM »
Why thank you Rhouium for that witty and informative post
Rhodium  ;D  oops Im exposed... Menthol_man and Rhodium
COULDNT bee the same bee could we?  Maybee it's another
Zwit / Elusis thing going down here  ;D   Umm anyways
after SWIM finished the resulting psudo was VERY nice
after a menthol recrystalization.  Every bee run out and
buy equate brand psudo and make METH!  8)   SWIM will
now entertain questions.
You fuckin FIRST get an answer: If I catch you once again with that childish impersonating of Rhodium, I'll expell you for life. And learn to spell or use the checker. LT/


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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2002, 09:13:00 AM »
Here's a little tidbit SWIM's just learned.  32 oz of water
will take about 1G (or so) of Psudo over.  Now this is with
simple distillation.  This produces the best psudo SWIM has
EVER seen.  After your adition to make the psudo Hcl make
sure you do a menthol recrystilazation.. its amazing..
but the moral of this story is to only put in a gram at a
time.  SWIM can't get more to come over at once.  SWIM
deals with WALLY MART pills from the Uninted States.So umm Wally can just suck this bee's nuts.   ;D
SWIM is working on a faster / better solution than one gram
per 32 oz of distilled water.  Anyone know anything bee
sure to speak up.

until later
Seig Heil Uber Allies !      >:(


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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2002, 10:02:00 AM »
You better quit your Nazi remarks, at least learn how to spell that correctly next time. But I still say quit that shit, if you wanna impress your redneck buddies at the watering hole with them, fine, but not here, got that?

32x30ml is almost 1L of water, that's a lot of water for only a gram of pseudo.
Try saturating your water with NaCl or add some other salt (e.g. KNO3), this will raise the water's boiling point and hopefully bring over more goodies.


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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2002, 10:29:00 AM »
swij was just about to open a new thread to ask about how much psuedo one could expect to get from how much h2o.  like if there is some kind of equation or something to try and figure it out.  but luckily he's a good bee and reads all the new threads before he posts.  guess there's no real answer to his question though eh?  hmm,  guess it's time to play around and see what he comes up with.  and yes,  seeing how swij just started distilling also,  this is by far the best way to clean psuedo.  fuck playing around with all those solvents and shite trying to clean it up.  this is by far the way to go-go.  next up, distilling meth freebase from rxn mix.



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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2002, 07:48:00 AM »
ok,  from swij's playing around he came to the conclusion of .9 grams to about 1 cup h2o.  that was done quite consistantly.  let swij fill in the blanks a bit.  96 pills were crushed and soaked in cold h2o then filtered.  1gram baking soda added for every gram psuedo.  salted the solution till no more disolved in it.  distilled in simple distillation apparatus.  swij used a mason jar to collect the distillate/freebase psuedo,  every time the jar was half full swij put it in a evap dish and evaped to get almost a consistant .9 grams.  why's it taking so much h2o???  is there any other solvent/liquid that one could use in place of h2o?  everclear perhaps?  would that hold the base and bring it across?



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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2002, 01:46:00 PM »
> every time the jar was half full swij put it in a evap
> dish and evaped to get almost a consistant .9 grams.

You evapped the water on a hot plate? And got 0.9g freebase?


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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2002, 06:03:00 PM »
I guess he's saying he steamed distilled it into the jar only so he would be able to steam distill it back into the atmosphere later.  Man, next time try extracting with a nonpolar solvent, or at least acidifying the pseudo before evaporating the water.

If Pacman had influenced us, we'd run around dark rooms eating pills and listen to repetitive music


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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2002, 08:23:00 AM »
ok,  my bad.  i forgot to mention that it was  made acidic with a few drops hcl and .9grams was what was left.  gees guys come on...  i doubt if it was freebase i would be left with anything seeing how the hcl only leaves .9grams.



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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #33 on: January 30, 2002, 02:55:00 PM »
What's with everyone trying to steam distill pseudo without an outside source of steam?  I was under the impression that steam is only soluble in superheated steam, but not in water vapors.  I've had good results with pumping superheated steam into a mush of sassafras roots.  On the other hand, I have yet to claim any oil back from boiling the water in the same pot as the root bark.  Maybe you people should start setting your rigs up the way everyone else has suggested that you do instead of trying to teach a crash course in one-pot extractions.

If Pacman had influenced us, we'd run around dark rooms eating pills and listen to repetitive music


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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2002, 08:26:00 AM »
goiter,  maybe you're right but why not stick with it if it works?  just have to try and get the yields up a bit...  maybe they'll decide to come up,  and maybe not.  but either way it beats the fuk outta all the other shite swij had to do to get clean psuedo.  i don't know about others but swij wasn't ever intending to do steam distillation just a simple distil.  seriously swij isn't trying to be a dick here,  just can't see the point in making something that's somewhat simple, that could have some possibilities, more complicated.  K.I.S.S. :P   but yeah who knows,  maybe the yields won't come up because of the points you've mentioned,  then it'll be on to a steam distillation.  sorry for the rant,  jetson's gettin tired...



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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2002, 08:47:00 AM »
oh,  one more thing.  swij was up all night last night and came up with a neat little simple distillation apparatus that he thinks may work.  it's based on menthol man's above apparatus.  but here's what swij was thinking instead of one of those funny bunt cake pan or whatever,  swij put a thin aluminum bowl on top of a pressure cooker so that it goes down in and only about an inch or so is sticking out,  now the bowl has holes drilled all around the top edge about 1 1/4" down.  put a glass lid on top of the bowl(swij also put the rubber gasket from his pressure cooker lid in between the bowl and the glass lid for a better seal so no steam escapes) upside down and put ice in the lid so it helps condense the steam and the steam, now water fall into the bottom of the bowl...  viola.  did that make sense?  anyway it's not too conspicuous(a good bit less then a condenser and hoses running everywhere) and easy and fast to clean up.  don't know,  just a thought.  swij is going to put the condenser away and give it a shot though he thinks...  stay tuned for yields.



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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2002, 01:55:00 PM »
SWIVE (inspired by Dwarfer) just got back from the thrift store with a $4 Expresso Machine.  After a slight internal modification this baby puts out superheated steam nearly instantly at respectable pressure.  I call it the turbo steamer.  Passes 2 cups of water (steam) in about 3 mins.  No more waiting for hours  :)   Only drawback is its so hot I have to build a new condensor that can handle the load. Thanks for the idea Dwarfer!

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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2002, 02:01:00 PM »
also,  I dont see how  you are getting to the proper PH with just Bicarbonate.  Maybe that's why your yeilds are low or the time is so long.  Try using washing soda with a little lye to bump it up to the proper PH.

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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2002, 07:35:00 PM »
Video Edit: SWIG tried an expresso machine and kept getting too much damn hot water and not enough steam. He was using a small unit and using the port to make cappucino---- and had bad luck. Are you venting the steam that goes to to cup holding the coffee grounds themselves, or or using the steam vent used to do the other stuff with. Maybe I need to do some plumbing on the unit Let me know how well your unit works. OK?

An education is what's left when you've forgotten what you learned.


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Re: pusdo distillation issues
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2002, 10:09:00 PM »
Geez: using the steam vent, not the basket port.  In my model I had to partially block the basket port to create enough back pressure to get enough force from the steam vent.  If I charge the unit with hot water I get steam only from the vent and a small watery trickle from the basket.  Be careful not to block the basket port completely without adding some sort of pressure release valve.  I hate when things blow up :o .  I hope one day to re plumb it to get rid of the basket, add a pressure regulator, and figure out a continuous water feed :) . That would rock , cuz waiting for water to boil sucks.

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