Author Topic: Swim is planning to visit China later in the...  (Read 6064 times)

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Swim is planning to visit China later in the...
« on: April 20, 2004, 02:01:00 AM »
Swim is planning to visit China later in the year. Any bee know how to say Sassafras oil or phosphorous in chinese?
You thinks shipping would be a problem?

Thanks! ;)


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Why would shipping be a problem?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2004, 02:32:00 AM »
Why would shipping be a problem? Just declare the two products properly and you won't have any problems.


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« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2004, 02:42:00 AM »
dont they sell the mdp2p ketone there???


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gee whiz
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2004, 05:13:00 AM »
why not just buy X if you don't want to work for it?


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Barium, how would you declare any usefull kind
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2004, 05:28:00 AM »
Barium, how would you declare any usefull kind of quantity of sassy? say anything over 15-20L??? obviously you wouldnt say it was sassy... but what could you declare it as?

That would be a good way... just walk in and get it, sassy is a common thing over there....

MDP2P from china, yeah that was the point rhod was making a while back about EU labs importing mdp2p directly from asia labeled as something else... yeah its obviously possible, but how to go about it?? and once again barium in this case how do you propose to declare any amounts of either of these products?



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> dont they sell the mdp2p ketone there???
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2004, 06:30:00 AM »
> dont they sell the mdp2p ketone there???

No they don't.

> sassy is a common thing over there

I'm not so sure about that.

> in this case how do you propose to declare any amounts of either
> of these products?

First of all stop being so naive and use your brain.


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« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2004, 11:00:00 AM »
Why wouldn't I declare it as sassy if it was sassy? As I said above - declare it properly and you won't have any problem. If you don't you will very likely end up in a world of trouble. If you can't declare it for what it is, then don't do it. Simple!

People smuggling chemicals tend to forget those who transport the goods for a living. If I was making my living out of that I would, one I recovered, devote my life to hunt the bastard down who shipped LAH, bromine, 5-MeO-AMT or similar labled as non-hazardous goods and a accident occured because of the lack of information.


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If you aren't well versed in the Chinese ...
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2004, 10:09:00 AM »
If you aren't well versed in the Chinese language and culture it would bee pure stupidity to attempt acquisition of anything questionable!


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Is it watched there, too? Or even ...
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2004, 11:44:00 AM »
Is it watched there, too?
Or even questionable?

From what I know they produce it in mass in
these far east countries.
I don´t think much poeple know that drugs
can be made from it if it´s not bought at
one of these big exportteurs.

Just a thought.
Anyone fell free to correct me.


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« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2004, 02:46:00 PM »
I expect that both (iso-)safrol and MDP2P are watched in China. What I doubt is whether the Chinese government is really trying to reduce the export of those compounds. And even if they would...China is a big country with lots of companies that sell/produce chemicals and with a large export to civilised countries. This makes it very difficult to control the smuggling of those precursors. But hey, if you would find some MDP2P, think of me  ;) .


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First off....
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2004, 10:33:00 PM »
going to china to export chemical when you come back is very dumb.  Exportation of said chemicals is punishable by excution in china. 

Now since you are not of chinese orgin odds are you will not be excuted.. but that is still possible.  Why don'tyou just buy ketamine in china... sned it via FEDEx.. or one of those... marked as another substance...  Now I will not tell you what you should mark it as.. but there are certain chemicals that are unwatched..... and have similar molecolar characterisics... do some research!

BTW Odds are if you do not also speak cantonese, or mandarin fluently and able to use slang and such... they will sell you crap.  also P2P and MDP2P require certain papers from teh central governement to sell.  so fat chance finding a random factory that will do this for you... unless you know them already and have a good business relationship...

That is just my 2 cents... have fun...


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re: china trip
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2004, 08:24:00 PM »


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« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2004, 11:26:00 PM »
What the hell is an excution? I think you mean an execution there ace. And I am pretty sure they don't excute you for posession of safrole, as it is widely advertised by Chinese companies on the net.

Now if you took that same oil and produced a ketone and then reductively aminated it..well....

Well, a bullet to the back of the head is standard procedure and I would forget about the appeal.

I mean, ammonium nitrate can be used to blow up things, but until one actually makes a bomb with it, one isn't going to get in trouble for simply possessing it....even in China


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that is not true
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2004, 07:41:00 AM »
possesing ammonium nitrate is likely to get you into serious trouble where swim is from even buying too much fertilizer will.

has anyone here been to china?no?

if you feel like risking it, it is your head on the line do what you will if the chinese gov. dont fuck you maybe the triads will. swim would only bring pictures back like a good tourist. get your sassy somewhere safer.


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Swim can blend in asian countries easily.
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2004, 11:19:00 PM »
Swim can blend in asian countries easily. Swim speaks chinese fluently except for certain words like sassafras,red phosphorous etc...
Swim thinks he can get it no problem but dont know what to as for. 

Any ideas?  haha maybe if swim downloads a picture of a sassafras tree and shows it around he might get lucky


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Ah... they are not stupid....
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2004, 06:01:00 AM »
Ah... they are not stupid.... english is taught widely in the world today, esp asian countries... im sure if you just said "do you speak english?" someone in the place would be able to translate....

anyway im sure if your start speaking slow and stupid to them in english and showing flash cards you'll get in more shit than you would getting the oil...


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Know What You Are Doing
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2004, 03:48:00 AM »
I think that barium is essentially correct and not being sarcastic here.

If you are going to do this then you need to act and think identically to those who do this for a living for completely legit purposes.

That is essentially how people are able to pull off these "amazing" acquisitions of these huge quantities of sassy and  the mythical "barrels o'phedrine". They are able to do it because when you know how to do it in the legit way it's not seen as suspicious.

This goes for even small scale stateside acquisitions of stuff like labglass, iodine or any other "suspicious" article related to chemistry that you could think of.

It's called being smart about it.


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Chinese Sources
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2004, 09:12:00 PM »
I have heard that there are numerous black market sources for both ephed and sass in China, despite the restrictions. I have heard this from people who actually live in China and are Chinese so I take my source with a higher degree of credibility. Apparently, poor ephedra farmers will body pack small quantities through the various provinces, as each province has it's own border checks, where it is sold on the coast at a much higher price than inland. Also, if one is caught, Chinese police are just as corrupt as every other poor country. And yes, most of China is poor.

 If you talk to enough chinese people, you will likely find someone with a relative back in China that knows someone who does this. It is about as easy as buying cocaine in a night club around here from what I am told by my chinese friends.

But acquiring Sass or Ephed in China is NOT REALLY the obstacle here. Getting it into the U.S. of A is the PRIMARY obstacle. BY FAR!


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regarding the link, those are actually ...
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2004, 02:10:00 PM »
regarding the link, those are actually japanese products, introduced in mandarin.:)


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i only know brown camphor oil is pronounced as
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2004, 02:14:00 PM »
i only know brown camphor oil is pronounced as huang zhang yu:) it may mean the same thing to those suppliers, IMO.