Author Topic: Sassafras oil...  (Read 12649 times)

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Ok i think we are getting a little off topic now..
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2002, 10:30:00 AM »
Ya, i agree 2 pills is enough to get REALLY high, any more is just a waste. Think about it MDMA is a drug that releases seratonin(sp?) in your brain. There is only so much seretonin in your brain so eating anymore pills once all your seratonin is depleted...its just a waste.

Anyway now we are getting a little off topic from this thread concerning "sassafras oil"  :P

Clouds come and go and never stay still........


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« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2002, 11:30:00 AM »
We've made this into a mini couch. I guess the god of the acquisition forum is shining down on us.  :)


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sassafras oil
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2002, 04:35:00 PM »
I don't see any problem of stocking up on sassafras. The people with a pound of rP aren't complaining now. I doubt the people with 10 gallons of sassafras oil will be complaining next year.

there's a big difference between criticizing your government and criticizing your country


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agree with Fully_Auto
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2002, 06:27:00 PM »
goiter said
I've only experienced that empalthetic feeling when rolling the first couple of times with people I knew not to turn my back on.  I felt like the roll was making me let my guard down to people I had learned from past experiences that couldn't be completely trusted.  I don't think it has anything to do with selfishness, as older people tend to be more battle worn and selfish than younger people are.  I feel Corporate America is mainly responsible.

Why do you hang around with people like that?
It basically is saying that you believe you deserve to bee treated like shit.  This may not bee apparent to you, but you may realize where such feelings stem from.  We are not our feelings, feelings are just built in reactions from past experiences, we experience our feelings they don't control us.  It is possible to change and overcome negative emotional baggage from our pasts.

I think you really need to get into your mind and figure out where your different feelings come from. 

This belief
as older people tend to be more battle worn and selfish than younger people are.

Tells me alot about your past and the experiences you had.  It saddens my heart to see someone belive that this is how it is, because these kind of beliefs usually become reflected back at us and become us, IF we maintain them.  My experience has been the opposite, as people age they become less selfish and more understanding.


Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety


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that is all I have ever seen
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2002, 07:11:00 PM »
and that is what I will use to keep me from getting burned in life.  Back in my stoner days, I actually believed that most people were generally good natured and valued friendship.  It doesn't take long to realize that the vast majority of people you will ever meet are only out there to satisfy their own desires and really don't give a shit about anyone else.  If I only hanged out around my true friends, I wouldn't ever see over 2 people at a time.  The problem being is the college atmosphere I live in tends to invite over plenty of unfriendlies to where people are hanging out.  I'm not going to just up and leave because some backstabber just walked in the room;  I have just as much of a right, if not more, to be there as they do.

Yes, I've been burned a few times.  Yes, I've taken more than my fair share of beatings growing up.  The way I see it, everyone takes being burned or beating at some point in their life.  We can't prevent it, we can only make sure we know who it is on the giving end.

All paths are the same: they lead nowhere


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Imagine A BEE
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2002, 10:42:00 PM »
Who definately isn't me...
Who hooked up with a job...
Who like Hood He'd Rob
Big Pharma of its thunder...
In the Melee
Who Still isn't me...
Got Drums of Sass for his trouble...
Cause down in heart
He Knew from the start
That 90% Safrol could be used by his double.

Robbers Play
this game of corp
with greed and distain for all

This Bee Feels
That along with product thats real
Game a corp can be played for the good of all

Diversion?  What diversion?  To who?  To where?  What were we talking about again?


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Hey Hipster
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2002, 10:56:00 PM »
Another test you can do for safrol content in your oil is to try freezing it. The safrol will solidify into a light yellow chunk at -14 °.
 It sounds to me like you've got the right shit as safrol will melt plastic , like your spoon, you probably have high safrol content. lucky, stocking up is a good idea, but we will always be able to me MDMA so it doesn't really matter. They'll NEVER make Sassafras Root bark illegal. :)

Bubba Fatt - LA's Biggest Bounty Hunter. His subjects are at large and so is HE!


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yeah, but at $25-$50 a pound, it may as well bee ...
« Reply #27 on: July 20, 2002, 11:39:00 PM »
yeah, but at $25-$50 a pound, it may as well bee when you figure how little oil can bee extracted from that percentage-wise (of course this only applies to bee's who are unfortunate enough not to live next to where it grows  ;) )

i FEEL funny.


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Bla Bla Bla
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2002, 01:15:00 AM »
RE: and that is what I will use to keep me from getting burned in life.  Back in my stoner days, I actually believed that most people were generally good natured and valued friendship.  It doesn't take long to realize that the vast majority of people you will ever meet are only out there to satisfy their own desires and really don't give a shit about anyone else.

That’s true there are a lot of assholes out there. Avoid them.

RE: If I only hanged out around my true friends, I wouldn't ever see over 2 people at a time. 

That number of real friends I have has been whittled down over the years. I’ve only got a few real true friends. Maybe 7 or 8 people I trust with my life. Everyone else is more or less just someone I chill with.

RE: The problem being is the college atmosphere I live in tends to invite over plenty of unfriendlies to where people are hanging out.

I’d don’t exactly know what your stance on violence is but I vent my aggression on people who have wronged me. They stay away from me because they know I’m willing to do what they wont. They fear me because I blow things way out of proportion and I’m willing to take it all the way. It’s a form of checks and balances for me. I’ve very kind to my friends and people I like but if I’m even remotely near someone I don’t like I become a different person I start grinding my teeth. I just lose it.

RE: I'm not going to just up and leave because some backstabber just walked in the room;  I have just as much of a right, if not more, to be there as they do.

You do have the right to stay. They screwed you. They should be worried about coming near you. Don’t just sit there. Put them in a hurt locker.
RE: Yes, I've been burned a few times.  Yes, I've taken more than my fair share of beatings growing up.  The way I see it, everyone takes being burned or beating at some point in their life.

I know I did. I’ve been jumped. I’ve been stabbed. I’ve had more guns pulled out on me than I can count. I survived and they got theirs.

RE: The way I see it, everyone takes being burned or beating at some point in their life.  We can't prevent it, we can only make sure we know who it is on the giving end.

Not true. It’s all about turning the tables. Don’t let people shit on you.  It’s not about how big you are it’s what you’re willing to do. How far you’re willing to take it. When people recognize that’s your state of mind they wont fuck with you. Trust me.

RE: stocking up is a good idea

Read about operation white horse then say that. Hot potato and clean galss is the way to go. Look at it like this, are you more screwed if you have a set of glassware or are you more screwed if you have glassware and a carboy of sassy?

RE: but we will always be able to me MDMA so it doesn't really matter. They'll NEVER make Sassafras Root bark illegal.

I don’t know about never. They might regulate it. However, if you look at it from a logistical standpoint. It’s the quickest easiest way for use to get what we want. If they shut off the flow were going to find a million new ways to make safrole. We’ve already got dozens of methods and it’s not even off the market. That’s a million new pieces of paperwork, a million new protocols, and lots more work for them. Not to mention the public out cry. I don’t see how they ever plan to succeed. The research is always going to go faster than the legislation. All in all, they’re asked out.


Everything you ever wanted to know about the marketing of sassafras.


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Remember bees...
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2002, 01:15:00 AM »
sassy isn't the only source of safrole..There will always
bee a way.. :)


Weedar contains 2,4-D dimethylamine salt,apparently


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Yea personally I'd start stocking up on catechol ...
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2002, 06:31:00 AM »
Yea personally I'd start stocking up on catechol and eugenol in mass quantities. As they are easily enough made into safrole or piperonal just kinna tedious and low yielding. Then there is always benzodioxal which can be bought from specialty companies for a few bucks a kg which can be made into iso, safrole, piperonal and something else i'm leaving out. though benzo can also be made from the catechol which is less suspicous but more expensive.  It woudl be wise for everybee to start finding alternatives to sassy. The sooner te better.


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off the market, but not gone
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2002, 11:32:00 AM »
Did P2P dissapear when it became illegal?  hell no, it just became a lot more expensive on the black market.  Do you think the big labs in eastern europe are starting from safrole?  No, they're buying MDP2P wholesale from chemical suppliers, even though it is illegal in almost every country.  The same thing will happen in the US gets pulled off the market.  There will be plenty of Ozark Mountain boys and Appalachian hillbillies that will realize they can take that liquor still down by the creek and rearrange it ever so slightly to distill oil.  But instead of the $20 a gallon they are getting paid for white lightning, they can produce sassafras oil and sell it for $2000 a gallon.  They'll make a killing off of it, and the person they're selling it to will also make a killing off of it.  I've had serious thoughts about setting up a still myself and selling the oil instead of working it up.  It would be a lot less hassle with what you are dealing with and the number of people you are dealing with.

All paths are the same: they lead nowhere


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The True Patriots
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2002, 10:26:00 PM »
When in the course of human events...
It becomes necessary to dissolve the prisons of conscienceness.
When Governments Place Profits ahead of Spirituality, The Common Good or Even CommonSense.
When Bad Central Nervous System Stims and Fermented Carbs rule the land.
The People must be free...

Its Fucking ON NOW.

History will record this moment.
Fear A Government That Prosecutes DANCING..
That a dabble, a raver and prophet and a priest

Became more.

Fear a government that prosecutes plants.
None of this is random or just carprious.
Their is an evil stench here that billows all the way from ROME.
History will judge us..even those who are mere PROFITEERS.
As Warriors, Prophets and Seers...

The ones who USHERED in the Light...
The first photons from a new dawn.

Exstacy Prohibition isn't about a couple of deaths people.
Your Government doesn't give a GOOD GOD DAMN about your health.

They don't want you to see the LIGHT.

"Make A Joyful Noise All Yes Lands"
"It is HIM that has made us and not we are selves"

Diversion?  What diversion?  To who?  To where?  What were we talking about again?


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Too cheap for the right people
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2002, 10:29:00 PM »
I don't know how much my fellow bees pay for sassafras but this person who shall remain nameless has seen it OTC for about $25 a pound.

When you buy bulk (from the right vendor) sassy oil is dirt cheap. Under $3.00 a pound. Suppliers like that do exist. I can't understand why people pay the butt rape prices found online. Sassy will remain that cheap for the right people. Even if it does become regulated.


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keep thinking that Fully_Auto
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2002, 12:51:00 AM »
I wouldn't call $25 a pint cheap, but there's no way in hell you will find it for that price when it becomes banned in the US.  it is already somewhat regulated in the same manner RP used to be.  They don't restrict it, they just watch who purchases it and bust them.

All paths are the same: they lead nowhere


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I believe he said a pound not pint which is ...
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2002, 08:25:00 AM »
I believe he said a pound not pint which is pretty cheap for todays prices.

Yea, well check out chemindustry and look for asian sources for heliotropin, safrole, sassafras oil, or just look at the flavoring and perfume industries in the asian areas. A friend inquired about their safrole 99% garunteed and sassy oil 90%safrole by wahtever analysis they use at 4/kg and $1.80/kg. Now if he can't find a country where pure safrole is legal he will have to resort to getting sassy sent to germany or something.


Of course there are better ways than synthing safrole but how many people that can't find sassy do you think could pull off somthing like that???? Not a one! So they are stuck using pepper, nutmeg and camphor. Personally I'd rather synth safrole than extract safrole from root bark, ground nutmeg or fucking pepper. Though untill it is legal to do here which I doubt ever will that will have to remain low in priority til I find the perfect country.


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« Reply #36 on: July 23, 2002, 10:10:00 PM »
Comprehension isn't your strong point is it? I was referring to 3.00 a pound as being cheap.

RE: there's no way in hell you will find it for that price when it becomes banned in the US.

Incorrect. You make a lot of false assumptions don't you?


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After a several hour search on the other FSE ...
« Reply #37 on: July 24, 2002, 08:36:00 AM »
After a several hour search on the other FSE Swic's confounded as to pricing of sass oil.Everything from 1/4 oz. for $12 to 1kg. for $130 and the price drop seems to come at 4oz.prices still seem to vary widely for bulk though,so it seems if Swic wants to stay off any lists he's gotta take it up the ass on 4oz. quantaties at a time.The only decent deal's Swic has found for small-medium quantities noid him out,as do any deals for quantaties above 8oz.Swic is allready freakin because before he knew jack shit(probably still doesn't :P )he ordered 32oz. sass oil online to his home address :-[ .Swic is trippin on this and has been preparing his home for a visit ::) although he's kinda a slob so if they look hard enough I'm sure they'll find something to fuck with him.Ahhh regrets and hindsight allways so pointed >:( .

Bee's don't die,we just multiply.


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well then...get your ass off the computer, and ...
« Reply #38 on: July 24, 2002, 08:49:00 AM »
well then...get your ass off the computer, and get cleaning NOW!!!  If you still have that feeling like they MIGHT find something, you havent cleaned well enough.

That messy place you live in, if its filled with notes, baggies, parafinelia...whatever, just imagine you KNOW they are coming tommarow morning.  Go through any/all old notebooks, page by page.  Have two garbage bags sitting in front of you, one to go in your trash (nothing incriminating) and one for stuff you dont want them finding in your trash.  When you find 'bad' notes, throw them in the bad bag- unless you find any phone numbers, companies, names etc...  With these papers, bee sure to first rip out any personal info, throw the rest of the 'bad' note into the bad bag- then take the name/number/adress and rip it into several peices.  Every other peice goes into the home bag, every other peice goes into the bad bag.  A little anal, I know.  Even better, burn all the bad notes.  Dont put that shit off, imagine how hard you would bee kicking yourself in the ass rotting in some cell, just cause you where too LAZY to scour your place.  Do it!  Do it right NOW.  They very well may never come to your door.  Fact is, you dont know, clean your house and develop better (new) habbits.  Nothing but for personal use in the homestead.  No glass in the homestead, specially if you got that computer sitting there thats loaded with incriminating evidence.  Get rid of the sass, bury it if need bee- just OUT of the freakin house.  If they ask what happened to it, you accidentally dropped it and it spilled all over the place, so ya threw it out at the dumpster at the end of your street 'cause your garbage can was full.  -whatever.  Figure out what the worst possible scenario is, and plan to counteract it.  Theres product, precursors, equiptment and plans/notes.  Swiy shouldnt be found with any more than one of these in his home, or he just might bee going bye-bye.  Your computer can bee counted as plans/notes that means everythings got to go.
Please, take your freedom seriously!

i FEEL funny.


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GOD,thanks for a reply.
« Reply #39 on: July 24, 2002, 09:37:00 AM »
GOD,thanks for a reply.Swic thinks that beesides a little personal use weed and mabey a lost container of QB's that all he has left is glassware(alot),sass oil and some basic chem's(HCl,H2SO4,various solvents).All rxn reagents such as sodium nitrite,nitromethane,hg and any other dead giveaway's have been moved to a trusted friends.Does glassware and sass oil alone constitute conspiracy?I had a friend order bolth the glassware and sassy under his name,glassware sent to his house,sassy to mine.Could he possibly be charged with anything simply for ordering them? Even though he no longer has possesion and didn't know or care what Swic was gonna do with the stuff.Thanks again god,too bad all those mushroom tips you gave me couldn't bee put to use for me(couldn't stand the added heat of tryin to sell the things w/out anyone knowing Swic grew the fuckers,didn't work people guessed from stupid comments made before he was involved in anything too illegal)but you'll bee happy to know I tought a friend and gave him my setup(to be paid for later)and he's doin pretty good for a first go at it 8) .peace

Bee's don't die,we just multiply.