The Hive > Tryptamine Chemistry

LSD synthesis

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Hey now,

When you are able to actually obtain any ergot alkaloids then start figuring it out.You have a long,long trip.Then you have to fandangle several hard to aquire materials into your lap.Not to mention quite a bit of missing information or "Technique".Let the true light shine,bee careful.Know your tools. :P


Wolfgang is saying that ergot is an abortifacient.

I believe that a Laminar Flow would suffice to do the work of culture of ergot and for sterility, but Trichaderma is going to be your worst enemy.  A rotary shaker could be made out of a dc motor and then it is just in the prep of the substrate and innoculation.  The fungus will grow.  Remember not to autoclave the carbon source i.e. sugar(glucose, sucrose etc.) with the rest of the micronutrients or they will be useless.  good luck.


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