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Report: Meth Precursor Chemicals from China - Implications for the United States

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Forensic Science Put Jimmy Genrich in Prison for 24 Years. What if It Wasn’t Science?
A special investigation reveals a disastrous flaw affecting thousands of criminal convictions.


--- Quote from: Tsathoggua on January 23, 2018, 09:03:47 PM ---IMO killing the 'war on drugs' would be a good thing. That abomination is no war on drugs, it is a war waged by the governments of countries upon their own citizens.

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***Standing wide eyed a small tear streaks slowly down his face as he begins to slow clap***

Motherfucking-A! Thank you. I wrote a long ass response telling you all the ways I agree with you and how important I think it is for us to stand wittness to the atrocity these tyrants are commiting with the help of their jack booted, traitorous lackey's but it seemed unimportant and redundant. What I thought was important was telling you I fucking think you rock! More people need to be saying this and more people need to really open their ears and listen and comprehend how serious the implications of these are. Man America is makling billions of the prison industrial complex and it is being financed off the misery and suffering of people whose only crime was to choose to medicate themselves without the consent of a government sanctioned dealer. How awful is it that people are flourishing from this knowing that if you remove the title "iegal" from the drugs being done then most if not all of the families that were torn apart by this will be found to have been torn asssunder for NO REASON AT ALL! Jail overcrowding is a thing of the past since 75%+ of them are populated with non-violent drug offenders. Prostiution and the emotional damage occuring both to patrons and "benificiaries" becomes all but extinct. Petty theft becomes almost  a negligible criminal statistic since the price of drugs is inflated almost entirely due to the expenses associated with the black markte... People can have an open dialouge with their health care providers and take prevtative action against healt-risks associated with various drugs. I mean this list continues ad infinitum but no one ever sees it and if they do they still continue to point fingers at everyone but the demons responsible for this plague.... oh well all we can do is stand and bare witness and pray that one day the reckoning will come and those responsible will be called to account by the people who they have transgressed... Again, you rock bro...


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