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I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I /fear/ the wrath of anyone willing and able to manufacture BZ.


The US government make and stock this stuff as far as I know. I even herd rumours that a little test was performed in the war on Balkan. Not during the bombings of Cosovo, but much earlier. Before and during one of the many “minor” massacres very irrational behaviour of soldiers was reported. They shot on each other and were reported INSANE (not the normal, brutal alcohol/drug induced war-crazies like rape an severe beatings). Perhaps the CIA found the situation and context right for a little “testing”.

Bullshit? Sure not, the US has always wanted to test new thing when created. Big boys with a lot of money making new weaponry, wanting to try their stuff out. Researchers, curios like you and me. Think about it. “We gotta test the new B-52” - Vietnam. “Hey! Those F-117 surely are high tech” – Dessert Storm. “We might look silly to the public if we don’t try our 2 billion B-2s out” – Cosovo.


The way I heard it was that the yugoslavian army had plenty of that stuff laying around, which was used by serb forces to get rid of those moslims hiding in the woods. Was quite effective; lots of people that were so fear-filled that they killed themselves with a hand grenade, or started shooting other soldiers. No need to accuse the US for this. And btw, BZ is *old*.

(O, and it is *really* silly to test out a 2 billion $ plane and see it shot down)

Okey, you are probably right about the BZ use details. I feel that I suffer severe source amnesia on this account. Yes, I know that BZ is not new at all. Old enough for small scale test during the Vietnam War? I just wanted to point out that most military inventions will eventually be used in combat, or at least tested.

And actually you can’t blame the US for all CIA operations as several has been of the “not presidential or senate approved” type. Of course the power elite in the US WILL always benefit from those actions (And the American public will usually not, as they are financing operations that are of advantage only to the tiny elite in power).

Finally, no B-2 bomber has ever been shot down as far as I know.


Hell, is this of topic here or what!

If you look on the federation of american scientists home page and search for bz, you will hear about the use of bz by serbian forces. They have been stockpiling this stuff since the 60's.They have it in hand grenades, mortar shells, artillary shells and in gas form(bombs, aerosol0
It seems that this disturbing trend has also started a partnership between several other rougue nations to further the use of bz and other such gasses. And remember, the serbs are a defeated nation, with nothing else to lose. Kindof like the other people and places that believe in unrestricted warfare. scary...
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