The Hive > Tryptamine Chemistry


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Does anyone have any details on where to find Claviceps Paspali?

Does it grow in commercial cultivars (Wheat/oats/rye/etc), and is it present in the soil etc.  Has anyone found this in OZ, and if so, in which areas?

I have some idea of what it looks like, now I have to find it!!

Does it grow in the grain after harvest, (ie in the silos?) or is it only while the plant is growing?  Once I have a culture can I grow it in a Lab environment, and if so, what would be the best culture medium?

Is it true that it grows on the surface of mashed weetbix when they are made up & left in cool place for X weeks?

nb Is it possible to make Lysergic acid from LSA (Morning Glory seeds etc) by Alkaline Hydrolysis?

Alice D25

"Trust in God, but tie your Camel" [Arab Proverb]

I would like to know the same thing. Most of the symth. for LSD I have read are very hard for the average shade tree Chemist to understand. I would like to see someone do a writeup like Cheapskate did with Earth Wind and Fire give a down to earth way to make all of the precursers step by step with the easiest to find material to make your own home made LSD. It can't be any harder to make then Ludes. Rock On!

There is no easy way to make LSD.  If you don't know how to produce LSA (its just a carboxylic acid man, how do we build carboxylic acids? Gringard! MgX that is) than just buy the shit, don;t bother making it, as you will poison or kill yourself.  BTW ergot is fucking absolutely disgusting to work with and should be avoided at all costs, as it promotes gang green!  Would you really like to see a limb rot and have to be amputated all because you wanted a few doses of crapy LSD?  Please take a chemistry course

Look on the lycaeum, its there in some detail

"trip not equal to tryptamine, tryptamine equals trip"

Thanks Zephler you were a real help!


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