Author Topic: POSSIBLY POTENT NEW HOMOLOG OF DMMDA  (Read 4616 times)

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« on: February 12, 2003, 06:59:00 AM »
Recently I wrote and sent Rhodium an outline for the synthesis of a potentially potent homolog of DMMDA called TMMDA. It stands for beta-Methoxy-2,5-Dimethoxy-3,4-MDA.
After reading a government report on potentially new drugs that may be cause for concern I designed a molecule which fit the profile of a substance that may be more potent than any known MDA homolog. There are some drawbacks however. LAH reduction of the nitropropene is not feasible for the majority of us out there. Even Hydrogenation is far fetched. Sodium Borohydride reduction sounds good but who can actually get there hands on that stuff. There must be another way, I know I'm not seeing the whole picture. Thats why I call upon all the bee's out there for help. This substance must be explored! PLEASE HELP.