Author Topic: Preliminary DON writeup  (Read 9828 times)

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Preliminary DON writeup
« on: June 11, 2003, 12:48:00 PM »

The two last days in the lab has been great. The goal was DON hydrochloride, which almost certanly has been produced. The vacuum pump was at the repair shop so the entire synth was done without it, which proved to be somewhat annoying, but it wasn't impossible.

to the nitropropene:

10 gm's of 2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde was processed alá Barium with nitroethane to produce about 10 gm's of nice canary yellow crystals of (2,5-dimethoxy-phenyl)-nitropropene. The nitropropene seems to be somewhat less prone to crystallization than the ethene, so after one hour of reaction, and following addition of the GAA, the 10 mL IPA was evaporated and the resultant mixture was put in the freezer. After 10 mins the mixture was very viscious, but the second it was touched with a glass spatula, the whole mess crystallized nicely. This was washed three times with water to remove the methylammoniumacetate.


Standard LAH reduction in THF. No noted problems. Gave a nice yeild of 5,0 grammes of yellow-tinted DMA freebase. As mentioned there was no vacuum available, so it was not possible to distill it. The DMA was tested with marquis, which turned totally green immediately just like good old 2CB.

The DMA was dissolved in 30 mL's GAA and stored in the freezer untill it was to be used.


Half of the DMA was used for the nitration(the other half has quite another fate heh).

10 mL 62% HNO3 which weighted 13,4 g, was mixed with 3,2 mL's of water to produce 13 mL's 50% HNO3 solution. This was placed in a small flask, and submerged in water/ice. A magnet was put into the flask and stirring was started.

16 mL's of the GAA:DMA mixture(30 mL GAA:5 gm's DMA) was dripped into the solution over the course of ten minutes. The GAA was yellowish in color. As the DMA was put into the nitration liquid, it turned more reddish in color(probably some NOx), but no red gas was evolved. When the addition was complete, it was allowed to stand in ice water for an additional 10 min's. This mixture was poured into 100 mL's of ice/water and stirred. The mixture was brownish/orange and resembeled a nice summer cocktail. The mixture was basified(1) and extracted with DCM(2). The DCM was washed with water and then acidified and extracted into water. The water was washed three times with DCM and then evaporated(3). The resultant "not-so-white-and-beautifull-crystals" has not been weigthed yet, but theres between .5-2 gm's(it's hard to estimate). They'll be subjected to recrystallization and following bioassay.

All in all: it's a quite forgiving synthesis(the nitration that is). It's somewhat less hazardous than bromination with elemental bromine. I just cant figure out how the heck the authors from PiHKAL have made nice crystals from one extraction with DCM. The DCM in this case was less than white and nice with the goodies in it...

I'll probably have some more info when the weekend is due :)

The PiHKAL entry was followed, but it seems unlogical to basify at first. Why not simply wash with DCM a couple of times to remove the grud?

This one should almost be in worst lab mistakes. After adding the "DCM" there was no separation. Even no ugly emulsion?? Thought about that one for 15 mins untill it was realized that it was THF and not DCM that was dumped into the soln ;) Had to wait 20 mins for the THF to boil of. Read the labels very carefully after that one.

The water phase should just have been basified and put in some DCM which then could be boiled off. Gives nicer results in 99% of the cases. But again, the PiHKAL autors do it this way. I'm beginning to think it's a prekambrium synthesis writeup :)



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« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2003, 03:39:00 PM »
Nice to see someone finally made this compound. A word of caution though. Roumors has it that DON has been avaliable as a RC in EU. The vendor cancelled it quickly because a high percentage of the customers were hospitalized. I believe the dosage was 4-5 mg. All of them recovered though.


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Perhaps PiHKAL overestimated the dosages?
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2003, 03:44:00 PM »
Perhaps PiHKAL overestimated the dosages? 4-5 mg's of DOB would probably also hospitalize quite a few.

What would be an appropriate start dosage? I was thinking 4,5 mg's originally, but maybe i should reconsider?



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I would start with a few hundred micrograms...
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2003, 03:53:00 PM »
I would start with a few hundred micrograms and titrate upwards, slowly and carefully.


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Bioassay proposal
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2003, 01:10:00 PM »
Being a bit adventurous, an experienced psychenaut, and HATING for a new compound to work without getting any decent effects, my first bioassay of the compound will probably be 1 or 1,5 mg.
Would that be totally irresponsible? Strong psychedelic effects I can handle, but would there be any serious risk of extreme, undesireable physiological effects in anyone's opinion?


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« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2003, 03:53:00 PM »
Is not so unexperienced either, neither am I, nor the many others on this board who recommend taking it slowly.  Start just as Barium proposes, it doesn't take nearly as long as you think, and in the long run- IT'S WORTH THE WAIT!


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Why careful titration?
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2003, 04:49:00 PM »
DON is active no question about it. But perhaps just a few percent can tolerate the dosages necessary to get full activity. As this is unknown territory what one really should look for in the beginning is signs of toxicity. This is done by slow titration. The psychedelic effect will not go unnoticed when it hits you. But you might be to busy looking for it that you miss early signs of severy toxicity.

Prometheuz, I'm sure you are a hard headed psychonaut. But why risk a emergency visit to the intesive care with a sky-high blood pressure and heart arrythmia, when it easily can be avoided?


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Marquis test
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2003, 08:47:00 PM »
Marquis test of the cleaned-up product: Instantly to brownish-red, with slight bubbling, switching to pure green after a couple of minutes.
The product is VERY yellow, quite resembling picric acid. Is this caused by impurities? Wasn't it supposed to be nearly colourless? Very soluble in alcohols.


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Nitro-MDA is also yellowish, also in the HCl...
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2003, 09:29:00 PM »
Nitro-MDA is also yellowish, also in the HCl form. Not really intensely yellow, but certainly not pure white as the other phenethylamine and amphetamine salts are.


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« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2003, 12:13:00 AM »
Currently bioassaying:

Subjects has been administered 2 mg's each. Two individuals got 2,75. That was two hours and thirty minutes ago and we definately have a positive here. Probably still going up effect wise. No signs of physical discomfort what so ever, no signs of toxicity and spirits are high(VERY high).


PS: Damn it took long to write this post! 8)


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Final verdict!
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2003, 02:21:00 PM »
It is now sixteen-seventeen hours since ingestion, im sober and i feel grrrrreat!

The drug peaked after two hours. The climb towards the top was very gentle and generally amusing. At t+6 hours it started going down. At eight hours i was almost able to sleep without cheating(but 20 mg diazepam made sure i DID) Woke up after seven hours feeling quite refreshed. Was told i drooled quite a bit while sleeping, but thats probably the DZP.

The compund was very stimulating. At t+4 hrs some fentanyl was ingested to mellow us out, which did the trick quite well, but severe dosages were needed. I'd suspect it would be good in social settings at the dosages we did, as we were in no way impaired and confused. The mindspace was a bit "crazy" and visuals where shimmering everywhere(clear ++). Double up the dosage and i will suspect that patterns will be flowing everywhere. The lenght of the drug was acid like, which in my world is perfect.

Every subject that ingested the materials were happy about the effects and are more than willing to investigate further soon :)

Effect wise i'd place it somewhere as a mixture of 2CB, meth and maybe a tint of MDA... The next bioassay will determine the nature of the drug further.

I really can't figure out why this material has gotten so little attention. The synthesis is quite ease compared to DOB for instance. The duration/come up is better timed. Maybe it's just the "novelty" thats talking, but i'd put it quite high on my favorite drug list!

Kind regards


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>I really can't figure out why this ...
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2003, 02:44:00 PM »
>I really can't figure out why this material has gotten so little attention.

From DON's description in PiHKAL you really don't know what to expect from it. Plus, 2C-N seems to be a bit disappointing compared to the other 2C's. So I bet most clandestine chemists take shulgins word as gospel, and guess that DON just doesn't do it as good as DOB/DOM.


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« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2003, 03:48:00 PM »
The compund was very stimulating. At t+4 hrs some fentanyl was ingested to mellow us out, which did the trick quite well, but severe dosages were needed.

Why mask the true effects of DON at this early stage with fentanyl?? Especially if you are planning to go higher dose-wise. Know your territory before changing it.


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Barium> I guess that would have been the...
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2003, 06:45:00 PM »
Barium> I guess that would have been the prudent thing to do(not do the fentanyl that is), but the mood was a little hyper, and we weren't able to go anywhere to really flip out(like a festival or outside dance event), so we simply sat in my basement, chilled and tried to grasp the mind space of the compound. It was a tiny weeny to stimulating to sit still and just talk among friends, so it really really was nescassary  ;D .


PS: the fentanyl wasn't half as "unscientific" as the 10 mg's of 5-meo-dmt that was smoked on the peak... Pretty intense though ;)


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A few comments to the bioassay
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2003, 12:10:00 PM »
::)  Well, sorry, I decided to take PIHKaL as a reliable indication of dose, even though Shulgin never tasted the compound himself. Maybe a bit foolhardy, but I don't really have THAT many occations where I can take a compound that might leave me sky-high for 16 hours.
I took 2,75 mg, delivered as a 1 mg/ml in 40% alcohol solution. The solution is bright, clear yellow.
After 1 hour + 30 minutes we all agreed that PEA-typical stimulation had hit us, and that placebo was out of the question.
The two of us getting 2,75 mg instead of 2 mg seemed to get a bit better psychedelic effects (I had definate, beautiful visuals, though not overwhelming!), but we didn't seem to be noticeable more stimulated. I certainly hope that the stimulant-effect doesn't increase too much with dose, so that strong psychedelic trips would be unadvisable/unpleasant due to overstimulation. In our dose-area, nobody noticed any unsetteling cardiovascular effects.
Overall the compound seemed quite benign to the body in these doses. I'm usually rather sensitive to pre-trip-nausea with PEA's, but I felt NO discomfort whatsoever.
:-[  Sorry for "tainting" the alpha-test by mixing in a bit of fentanyl, but it just seemed like the thing needed for us best to enjoy the trip at the available setting.
We will slowly proceed with the experiments, raising the dose in rather small steps, and with at least a week in-between the trials.


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« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2003, 01:25:00 PM »
I'm glad it turned out well for you guys. Remember though, there is a reason why Shulgin takes it slowly to get up to effective levels with unknowns. Please be careful in the future. You know I'm not trying to be a asshole saying this. It's just a friendly advice.


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I think a week inbetween might be too short.
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2003, 06:38:00 PM »
I think a week inbetween might be too short. For long-lasting suckers like DON I would take at least 2 weeks, when you take 'effective' dosages. Otherwise you might have the risk of tolerance, and people flipping out because 5 mg is way over the top for them..


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Too short?
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2003, 09:03:00 AM »
Yellium> This one seems to be nowhere near the duration of for instance DOB. In our case we agreed we were very near baseline on the 7-hour mark. I doubt that it will go much longer than 12-14 hours, even at high doses. Could that "curse" you with resistance to the drug for an entire week?
BTW, can anyone give me a good explanation to why we are building resistance to psychedelic drugs like this? The 5-HT-2A-receptor has to forget, before it will be fooled by that trick again  8)  ?  It's not like it should deplete receptor-juices, like MDMA and stims.
But that said, there will usually be at least 2 weeks inbetween trials. We do have other things to do. Sadly.  ;)


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« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2003, 06:15:00 PM »
tolerance does not only occur due to neurotransmitter depletion or neurotoxicity.

the body and brain do a remarkable job of adapting and maintaining the status quo in the face of "adverse conditions".

there are many reasons for tolerance ranging from receptor down-regulation (less receptors - temporarily), changes in metabolism (faster elimination), changes in intracellular messaging (adnenylate cyclase up regulation for example).

if you disturb the equilibrium, the body/brain will attempt to re-establish it.


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Mechanism of Tolerance Development
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2003, 08:07:00 PM »
I put together a nice little document on this here:

Post 440576

(Rhodium: "Trip Tolerance: Neurons Swallowing own Receptors", Serious Chemistry)
- Enjoy!