Author Topic: L.A. METH CRISIS  (Read 6435 times)

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« on: October 05, 2003, 07:02:00 PM »


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Well Britney your not so "Lucky"
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2003, 07:19:00 PM »
Sorry i couldn't help it, so its gotcha goin "Crazy" hugh. "Oops i did it again". 

No seriously, it could be the meth and it could bee you or a little of both.  If your not eating properly then your not providing your body with any fuel so no matter how much meth you do it won't do much if your outta fuel.  But more than likely its the meth that is the culprit.  Not much you can do about except for learn to make your own but let me warn you its not easy.  I was in the same situation as you and that was why i learned to make it cause i was tired of gettin ripped off every other time i bought some.


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Advice for a newbie chemist
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2003, 09:26:00 PM »


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Everything on Rhod's site can be trusted.
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2003, 09:34:00 PM »
Everything on Rhod's site can be trusted. Here, you'll know whether you can trust or not by what others say in the thread. or
utfse (use the fuckin search engine)


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Could be MSM
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2003, 09:38:00 PM »
If your gear has been cut with lots of MSM (a food additive, you can find more about it in the search engine) then it will burn clear and rock up nicely but do fuck all.


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Not only that but good ice can go for up to...
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2003, 09:44:00 PM »
Not only that but good ice can go for up to $160 a gram here.  With the traditional rp/I2 method alone (one of the most expensive methods IMHO), it can be had for less than $10 per gram (that's mainly matches and pills, excluding solvents and such, which usually last more than one batch).  Why in bloody mutherfucking hell would I want to pay $160 for something that cost me about a sixteenth of that to make.  Everytime I had an accident like spill the plate or put it in an excessively windy place, other people would rant about my careless behaviour.  Maybe because they had payed high prices all their lives and didn't know anybetter.  All the while I would just smile and say something "It's ok, I didn't lose but a few bucks scrounged from the couch on a rainy day".

It's sad to. Something like the rp/I2 method IMHO takes very little chemistry knowledge to do.  If at least 60% of the people who do meth would take the time to learn and make it, prices would drop dramatically do to the sudden slump on the market.  Nobody would buy/sell meth anymore, as they could make it or know some who does.  That would make some people shit out of luck, but a great deal more would be very happy (and really jacked on cheap good shit).

Now I say that is sad because in reality people are lazy, esp. people with money, which is why this doesn't happen.  And you would think with all the meth they buy they wouldn't be so lazy.  Take my ex-roomates of course, who were meth feinds.  I never once bought my own pills the whole time.  Never had to scrape a striker, they were more than willing to spend $10 and a few hours of there god given time to get a gram of the finest and best shit they would ever touch.  But they are still lazy, cause I tried teaching them right before we split, and they were too uninterested to be interested, do you get what I mean?  They even said they wanted to learn, after all they were about to lose a very great priveledge buy not living with me anymore.  But they sit at there house today, not doing ice, but doing nothing because they are lazy (probably a good thing they way they were getting, from the constant ice use, not the lazyness).

Basically, learn to make it, and unless you somehow get busted or something else equally as bad happens, you will never in your life regret that you took the time.  A couple hours doing something like scraping match strikers sucks, but it is time well spent.


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The difference between Ice and Glass
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2003, 11:49:00 AM »

Why do you call this substance "Ice".  I was under the impression that we were talking about Methamphetamine, or in it's pure crystal form, "Glass".  "Ice" is a completely different compound, 4-methylaminorex (synonimous with U4EuH), made from completely different precursors(Norephedrine, Cyanogen Bromide, Potassium Cyanate, etc.).

Glass tends to be more clear crispy crystals, where as Ice will be a more opaque white and waxy crystal (often left in it's FB form, unlike Meth which is almost always the HCl salt).

Nothing big, just a little FYI.

Lukky D


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I have been experiencing the very same thing...
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2003, 01:45:00 PM »
I have been experiencing the very same thing in my area, but only from certain sources.


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Sounds like
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2003, 10:12:00 PM »
Sounds like Mexico's answer to a wideopen meth market (huge demand) with the dilemma of inpatient users buying a product but not willing to pay what it is worth.

In Swim's area this shit sounds like the typical $900 an oz or $7,000 per lb "glass" = 65-70% MSM rerocked with 30-35% actual dope via slow recrystallization.

These idiots are actually making $ hand over fist with this bullshit!


The reason is that people are impatient and don't want to wait. That and of course not willing to pay the $1200 an oz street prices for ice. Ice being 80%+ or better actual dope.

One can in an extreme act of futility try to explain the economics, percentages and even sit down and help them do the math but they actually prefer this shit.

One such scam artist opened his wallet to reveal several thousand dollars in $100 bills "supposedly" generated behind that shit and even had the balls to inquire as to why one would even want to cook anymore considering they could make much more slinging for the mexicans, with less risk and labor.  >:(

Most drug addicts are sheeple obviously not concerned with quality but rather the price instead.

Its a sad state of affairs when "middlemen" make more $ then actual cooks.  ::)

Whatever happened to pride and integrity?

I guess it pays to keep some "bunk" around to passify the impatient idiots in between batches.

But then again always remember these bunko artists are always the 1st to get told on!  ;D


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Re: Almagum: Why do you call this substance...
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2003, 10:47:00 PM »


Why do you call this substance "Ice".  I was under the impression that we were talking about Methamphetamine, or in it's pure crystal form, "Glass".  "Ice" is a completely different compound, 4-methylaminorex (synonimous with U4EuH), made from completely different precursors(Norephedrine, Cyanogen Bromide, Potassium Cyanate, etc.).

Ok, now let me tell you about the real world. In reality, methylminorex, at least around here (and SWIM hasn't produced any) is mostly unseen and unheard of.  I come from a very ignorant town.  'Round these parts people call pure meth "ice" or "shards", but mostly "ice-cream".  I can't tell you how many times I tried to explain how meth wasn't ice until I was blue in the face.  Fuck it.  It's a useless fight.  Try to except the fact that most people have a hard time telling their asses from random holes in the ground, so speaking about aminorex ring systems and substitution patterns is a waste of breath.

I have heard 4-mar called "the real ice" for years, but only on the internet.  Do you get what I'm saying?  Fact is, PPA is pretty much unavailable to most people, unless they have mastered the akabori condensation, or have plenty of propenylbenzene and NBS laying around to twerk some up with.  Plus cyanogen bromide is nasty, and carbamyl formation followed by ring closure with an acid isn't a very popular route.  You know what I meant when I said ice.
Bear with me man!


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....and thanks scottydog, my thoughts exactly.
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2003, 10:50:00 PM »
....and thanks scottydog, my thoughts exactly home-skillet.


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« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2003, 09:54:00 PM »
Now, I've got a question regarding this "Ice" or shards. My understanding, after UTMFSE is that it really is just the powdered meth hcl, recrystallized to look cosmetically appealing, while removing some impurities from crappy product. Well, I have tried this recrystallization step with denatured alcohol and acetone, as per previous instructions, but NEVER seem to form the shards as per previous instructions.

Before an elder bee erases my message and does the UTFSE thing, I have used it over and over and over again. I have followed Worloks procedure to a tee. A dozen times at LEAST.

1. I dissolve the product in denatured alcohol and bring to a boil. I boil it down until it forms a slight skin.

2. Then I remove from heat and add enough acetone to create a slight cloudiness. Put back on the heat till boiling.

3. Cover pot and put in freezer for 12 hours.

Forms TINY crystal masses that look clear when wet but dry relatively opaque. I have tried varying the quantities of acetone and alcohol considerably with no better results.

Can anyone offer constructive advise better than UTFSE?

I'm wondering if product is heated and compressed like sand will it form "glass"? Don't want to destroy product because heating seems to cause decomposition into yellow goo!


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Cross Posting is a NO-NO
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2003, 11:19:00 PM »
You just cross-posted your question. It's answered in the other thread, but in case anyone else is wondering, its because you put it in the damn freezer.

If you recrystallize fast, you get dinky crystals that look like shit (a la YourMethod). Rx sloow if you want good looking stuff.

If you really had UTFSE like you just said you did, you would have found all over the place that crystallization only works when it is done slow. The slower, the bigger the crystals (i.e. "shards").



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« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2003, 02:37:00 AM »
"crystallization only works when it is done slow. The slower, the bigger the crystals"

while that's true one also realises that when one cools a recrystalization too fast and ends up with a precipitation instead it still gives rise to crystals(be-them tiny ones indeed) that still resemble the crystaline structure of meth.  perhaps not as big but little shards indeed and not what maple has described as tiny masses of crystals(unless it was meant to be tiny clusters of shard like crystals,  but the description used leads jetson to think more towards little square masses?) which therefore leads jetson to ponder about salt formation....  hmmm....  or perhaps you just still have too much alcohol in the mix which isn't hard to do at all.  it only takes a small bit of alcohol to dissolve a rather large(comparitively speaking) amount of meth.  if swij isn't mistaken it's something like 1ml alcohol(room temp) will disolve 1gram meth.  maple have you tried evaping the alcohol down to where you start to get crystals preciping out and then added a drop more alcohol til they just dissolve and then proceed with the addition of acetone etc etc... and lets not forget the reason why the shards form in the first place.  and that is due to impurities.  the crystalline structure tends to break where impurities are introduced giving rise to the shards...   yahh....


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Try this....
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2003, 06:18:00 AM »
Put your powder in a flask, beaker or any type of glassware that can bee heated safely.  I use a 250ml chemical bottle with a teflon lid.  Add acetone until the powder is covered by about an inch.  If the acetone doesn't clear up then decant and add new cause you still got gaak in your powder.  After the acetone is added place on heat source and bring to a boil.  Add alcohol a little at a time until all the powder disappears.  Bee careful not to add too much.  Towards the end add using a dropper and give it time between each addition.  A good indicator is when the bubbles stop rising from the bottom.  When this happens remove from heat immediately cause it will superheat and half the flask's contents will bee lost from the bump.  Remove from heat and seal the vessel and leave at room temp undisturbed and within an hour there should bee some crystals forming.  If they are not needles then they will grow larger as time passes.  If they are needles then you need to reheat and add a little more alcohol.  I usually leave them for about 5 hours and then filter out the shards and keep the filtrate and repeat.  You can also put in the fridge after room temp is reached and then in the freezer to maximize yeild on the first filtration.