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XTC harm reduction (Dutch site of the drug testing centre)


The Netherlands is a big producer of XTC pills. A lot of these pills are exported worldwide. On you can find a regularly updated list of pills that contain dangerous ammounts of MDMA or that are contaminated with other substances.

theyr a bunch of greedy bastards:

--- Quote ---Januari 2016 - Vanaf 4 januari worden er wekelijks nog maximaal 2 LSD-samples doorgestuurd naar het laboratorium. Analyse van LSD is duurder dan van veel andere stoffen, daarom is er een quotum ingesteld. Hoe meer informatie je geeft over het sample (we zijn immers een monitor), des te groter is de kans dat het ook wordt doorgestuurd. Ook maak je meer kans als je 2 aaneengesloten zegels inlevert. Het DIMS bureau gaat nog op zoek naar een alternatieve testmethode voor LSD.

--- End quote ---

very roughly translated, starting jan 4th, they will only send 2 samples of lsd a week to the lab to be analysed, reason for this quotum being that lsd analysis is much more expensive than that of other substances. selection of hte chosen samples to be analysed is based on the amount of information provided about the sample; [bold]also, you can raise your chances by handing over bigger parts of the sheet[bold]. then they proceed to mention that they?e looking for ¨alternative ways to test lsd¨

no, j/k, if any of the volunteers working there read this, keep up the good work guys, and enjoy :p

Someone needs to create a flourescent spectrometry device for testing LSD on blotter.  Using fiber optics you can get a good idea of the strength by testing only a single blotter.  By using a flourescent filter you can eliminate contribution of the paper to the signal, would be awesome to have something like this at music festivals similar to what bunk police are doing.


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