The Vespiary

The Hive => Chemistry Discourse => Topic started by: twodogs on October 17, 2002, 03:16:00 AM

Title: Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride
Post by: twodogs on October 17, 2002, 03:16:00 AM
200 gms nitromethane, 300 gms 28% HCl and 300 gms Glacial Acetic Acid were mixed and slowly heated to just below reflux and temp held there for about 4 hours then temp adjusted for relux and left for 12 hours. Left to cool for 8 hours. Crystals formed. Liquid was decanted and reduced to about 200 mls and put in freezer overnight. More crystals were recovered. Total yield 100 gms. Crystals became yellowish on standing.
Title: O!
Post by: Tricky on October 17, 2002, 03:43:00 AM
I think it's gibberish.
It's impossible.

Wanna make laugh the GOD? - Tell him about your plans.
Title: Nitromethane has a nitrogen in the fifth ...
Post by: karl on October 17, 2002, 04:01:00 AM
Nitromethane has a nitrogen in the fifth oxidation state while hydroxylamine in the third. How is the nitromethane being reduced by GAA. I doubt the acetic acid could be so readily oxidised.
Title: Let's not be hasty
Post by: moo on October 17, 2002, 04:49:00 AM
Please read

Post 263772 (missing)

(halfapint: "Re: Nitrostyrene or Nitropropene electrochem reduction", Chemistry Discourse)

Post 285259 (

(uemura: "Oldie, but Goodie", Novel Discourse)
Title: O!
Post by: twodogs on October 18, 2002, 04:11:00 AM
Say what??