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Where do you draw the line?

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You know what's sad is the fact that this data of the 80 - 90 % of people that use drugs are not addicted, has been known, but not shared, for over 40 years now(In the U.S. anyway, don't know about elsewhere )......

that's fucking disgraceful.....and can't nobody with any upbringing, classify it otherwise......or at least unless they use some kind of synonymous word, with at least a vaguely similar meaning to disgraceful [shockingly unacceptable]

Equally disgraceful are things like the demonizing of meth, when way back in 1971, researchers gave side by side, oral doses up to 30 mg of meth and amphetamine repetitively, verifying that they produce the same effects  =  well documented and verified information, yet when a public surge of use of it breaks out a few decades later, they act like their deaf and dumb to any facts or info on it, and subsequently some years after that, with the crack epidemic winding down....

....And things calming a bit..........they spin up a replacement epidemic with meth as the target, saying similar shit as when crack was wrongly implicated in 1986..... like meth has a unique pharmacological profile, and relaying this info by defining their use of unique pharmacological profile as being like no drug we've ever seen.....bullshit.....was bullshit then, and is bullshit wasn't and isn't with no more a unique pharmacological profile, in terms of their use of the phrase, than all the adderall and any other form of amphetamine i'm omitting, shuffled around and passed out like fucking breath mints

hence keeping the equivalent effect producing "breath mint", in widespread and complete legally controlled use for adhd, add, narcolepsy, obesity.........well i suppose the meth was too, via Desoxyn, but that's not the point, one can see the point here hopefully....

people don't know, if you tell them that the human body cannot differentiate between adderall and pure d-methamphetamine, they look at you like your fucking crazy, and you typically get responses like "NO IT'S NOT!!!!"   

effects monitored for differences ~~~(systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure,heart rate, temperature~~all important physiological measures= same effects)                                                   

then you got subjective effects,(euphoria , stimulator, alertness,etc.=same effects) They also let the participants choose between meth and amphetamine repeatedly, and self administer repeatedly preference toward meth

don't know the doses tried on the older of these runs in the 80's and 90's, but i do know the know the ones from the early 2000's..........  12 mg and 12 mg,  20 mg and 20 mg (that one might be 30, but i know its one of them), then 50 mg and 50 mg........ these apply for everything described above

bottom line is ........drug effects are predictable, if you know a few factors~~ dose, how much your taking, novice, frequent or infrequent user, tolerance, etc. .........we know that tolerance is a huge factor, and it's regarded as a bad thing.....bullshit

tolerance is a good thing......tolerance will be a reason someone does not overdose, or be too high, etc........yet it's instilled to be regarded as a bad thing ..... and taboo as the lies told about the drugs themselves........

environment is critically important in mediating drug effects.........all these things.......

you can control things like anxiety production factors which make big differences and are part of predicting effects and ensuring safety

you know what's NOT predictable..... police encounters.... that shits more dangerous than a drug that my fucking kids take, that I can teach them how to control the effects of and be safe on......its fact and logic, simple and plain..... drug effects are predictable  .............

adulterants and/or cuts are the only thing that ever warranted any of the unnecessary demonizing that has been intentionally used to implicate any drug that's use can be controlled

I'm all for safety and individual rights, in terms of someone getting harmed by a person on a drug that's effects are not able to be controlled, and won't bat an eye or cry by keeping THOSE drugs as controlled substances, but not EVERY other fucking one along with them.... that's just stupid or sold out, one of the two. And I don't know about you, but I don't think the vast majority who are in a position of say so on such things, along with most of our other supposed "leaders" in that sect of employment, are that stupid either, so that don't leave but the obvious alternative.....

like them saying to self......"let's see how much soft money I can collect in exchange for my core values" ...... or any other means of selling out and following the herd.....about like the U.S. here, ......poor fucking brainwashed ass voters actually think they making a difference..... this country was bought and paid for a long fucking time ago, that shit they shuffle around every 4 years=(hand mimic jacking one's dick and cumming) and keeping up the mirage that it actually means any more than dick, zilch, zero, nothing; and letting the illusion stand that any president in this country, will ever serve any other REAL purpose, other than a figure head/ focus point for the public, in terms of the meaningless information they actually release to the public......

never seen the point of all the prestige and notoriety attached to a fucking glorified p.r. rep, myself, but I suppose it's necessary to help maintain the illusion of freedom of choice, just like the elections to swap em out every 4 years, for a new public relations representative~~~~~ illusion of meaningless choice..... not too bad a story, gotta give em that.... and so simple...... silly nazi's, this is all they had to do to take over the world!!

politicians never have led, that i know of; sure as hell don't now, that much i know; and likely will not change in the future.....
they only care about voters.... none of them will ever brave the politics to make the needed changes, as long as these myths about drugs are allowed to remain what the public knows........ no incentive......

but..... when the script gets flipped on what the public knows about these drugs, it probably still won't hit home with em, and matter, but it will over time......... of coarse it's gonna take time for a good many to adjust from the brainwashing we all had for so long, but the sooner it get's introduced to em, the sooner they start their slow ass process of becoming at ease enough with the shit, for it to eventually become a normal subject......and not a taboo un-easyness and discomfort of a feeling, that comes natural to em, at the thought of even having to refer to one of the "hard" drugs, in any other way than bash fear of some stranger nearby that might judge them for being a supporter of such spread the message, anyway one can, hell ...i'm probably not doing dick, in terms of making any difference by ranting here, i know that, nothing of any real significance anyway, and impact....... but i'm gonna fucking try

i aint pointing no damn fingers and trying to obligate nobody or anything like that....just saying... take the fucking drugs out of the picture, and honestly think about what other possible aspects, that keeping drugs illegal can affect, in terms of our civil liberties and the general principle of LE being bucked back down to actually having to go through actual channels and procedures to violate our 4th amendment protection from search and seizure(well, in the U.S., not sure about other countries, sorry), when you say no to a search, and "probable cause" replies with "step out of the vehicle sir".....and nothing is even in plain view or smells of alcohol or any ACTUAL probable cause...... but the notion itself, gives them the leeway, to turn it into a matter of your word against theirs, if they so desire.......

or next week i could be driving home from work and get pulled over for a illegal lane change or some stupid, similar bald ass excuse, and be harassed to the max, all in the name of drugs and their word over mine, (now of course Im not dumb enough to leave my house with anything i can't 100% dispose of in a crisis like that, but that's not the point, it's the principle) and your ass could be too at any time we out don't fool yourself with thinking this is limited to the issue of drugs, this shit effect many other aspects of our lives, directly and indirectly, like it or hate it , love it or leave it

might not ever be an issue for you from here on out, or for me......and you may be fine with that, but i'm not.........i'm not at ease with some douchebag that who knows if he hadn't got laid in a month of sundays, and just mad at the fucking world, and I have any probability of being a vent for his frustrations, or his misery loves company approach to dealing with lower class, white males....fuck that shit... not when i know there's better options, like the option of virtually fully or at least somewhat restoring the 4th Amendment protection that lower class, white males actually had before the meth epidemic, which I now know is literally complete fucking horse shit!

things like this effect other area of our lives besides being able to get high or whatever......yours and my civil liberties have been significantly reduced in areas not even related to drugs, because of drugs and the social hysteria's they've used to divert attention when they've made their moves over the years...... the secret's out...... don't sell out...... you only hurting yourself and future generations by doing so

and more than likely you don't even know about what civil liberties you've been doing without because of the drug myths used over the years.... hell i don't either, you know why? because we lived our whole lives without them! Many of them are things that hit the books when we wasn't old enough to piss in the toilet without painting the walls.... so we don't know, it's normal to us doing without them...... well i'm interested to find out exactly what they have taken away over the years, and intend on digging a little to find out, but regardless, it's not just the civil liberties they've taken in the name of stupid shit like drug myths, or just harassment, be it direct or indirectly related to drug's giving them a reason like probable cause, it's bigger than that man......

use your imagination, this shit matters, you know it, and i know it..........

Legalities, civil liberties, and other similar things aside, there are other very worthwhile reasons for all of us to put forth added effort to ensuring this information's circulation.....

Removing the mystery, taboo's, and myth's surrounding these drugs, opens the culture of this world up to new opportunities that would benefit, advance, and enrich all the things that both drew us to it in the first place, and keep us emerged in it.

Take a longer view......... I'm as guilty of the next, of being short-sided sometimes, and not doing it myself. But I make a conscious effort to kick myself in the ass, when I have those needed moments of emergence from that limited view we are all guilty of lulling ourselves into, sometimes....

Nobody tries to limit their view or be short-sided, it's a by-product of our reality.....there's no blame, implications, recourse or any other form of accountability in such things, it simply is what it is.......but ain't nobody gonna take the wheel for us, and take whatever detours we may encounter, that have the potential to get us to a destination quicker, easier, and any other number of advantages that such things include......

hell, for that matter, could be one of those detours that narrows up to a half a lane, damn near motorcycle width, and have police on every other block, all with axes to grind on anybody not conformed to their little ideal persona, but the end result actually becoming an eta(estimated time of arrival) within our lifetimes, is intriguing enough to have me re-route and take a shot.....

to me, the bridging of that gap between us and society, opens up doors that i wouldn't mind having access to.......
now, granted, decriminalization or legalization will take away the inherent mystery and lure that the laws, myths and taboo's have created for this world........ and even though this same magic drew us to it to start with, and inevitably takes some of the interest we have in it with it....luckily, many of us here are in it for the long haul, I do believe. and that being the case, i don't see such things just shaking us off like a bad case of fleas.....I know i won't be.....Any who agree with such observations, must at least see some value, in us brainstorming the most effective ways of better and quicker assisting this information to getting to the front lines for the masses

anyone see any harm in having such a discussion and/or thread ??      thoughts?? Would like to see of one's constituency is on board with such things though..... talk to me

and i must admit, i have a certain amount of disdain at the thought of us being mixed in with the masses, i ain't gonna lie, it's actually a rather repulsive thought, to a degree, when you ponder on it..... but i'm trying to keep the potential that repulsive merging offers, as the more important aspect at play here....... so it's a mixed bag for sure, but i definitely would choose the greater good of unknown potential, and the nauseated hesitancy that accompany's it, over staying at a snails pace of progression, but within my little comfort zone and not having to confront the gag reflex that merging with the masses triggers, no question about it......   what y'all think?


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