Author Topic: Instruction for making tablets.  (Read 11377 times)

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Re: tablet tips
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2001, 09:28:00 AM »
Very intersting research. But would the ascorbic acid and alpha-liprotic be available in enough concentration to have a positive effect in the amount contained in the mentioned tablets? What sort of dosages of these are needed for positive effect?

If you're not talking to your kids about drugs who is?


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Re: tablet tips
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2001, 09:54:00 AM »
if you could figure out a way to press a time release SSRI such as Prozac into the center of the pill, that would go a long way towards deminishing the neurotoxicity of MDMA.  the time release would need to bind the SSRI long enough to keep it from being released during the effects of the pill, or otherwise the effects of the pill wouldn't be noticed.

Drunk driving, that's what I like to do,
I like drunk driving with you.


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Re: tablet tips
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2001, 06:42:00 AM »
Hey dude, I like the way you think! However you know what they say about great minds.... I have looked into the SSRI addition and have realized that the reuptake mechanism would counter act the desierable effects that any evil elves may be wishing to achieve from ingesting any methelenedioxyphenisopropalamine compound. The field test subjects in this twisted cookie factory noticed that both Zoloft and Prozac made them crash faster than a Led Zepplin filled with Radon. Also I believe that any SSRI will fuck up your mind far worse than any subustitued amphetanmine analog ever could ( aside from Fenfen, Phenteramine or the insidious PMA), besides why would any one want to add these costly adulterants when L-ascorbic acid and alpha-liprotic acic are available in dirt cheap shit load wholesale amounts right off the shelves at your local health nut and muscle head warehouse as "dietary supplements".
  As a further aside if one were to look under the antidote section of "The Bible" A.K.A "Total Synthesis II" located on page 250 of the textthey would find that messing with any serotogenic influencing compound, be it an antagonist or inhibitor does not result in the direct distruction of the evil metabolite, they only seem to either over power MDMA or it's buddies from reaching it's neurological "G-Spot" or perhaps they serve to destroy the good along with the bad indiscriminatly. My main research goal is to propose an additive that either binds up the culpret free radical, destroys it or prevents it's formation altogether.  Unless we can do that we just spinning our wheels and wasting both good Molly and SSRI's to boot . If the federal goverment would take its grossly swelled, yet seemingly narrowminded head out of it's up tight pessamistic ass, maybe such a simple solution could indeed render the " evil bee pollen" safe and benifical for all drones to consume.  Hell I've even heard that eating pollen can turn both WASPS and PIGS into safe happy honey bees....

 But then again what do I know? It's not like I'm one of those brainwashed atomotons who gets paid for not only beliveing in the negative propaganda but also spreading this bullshit across the land like it was the gosipal truth. It's just too bad that society stands too close up wind next to the fertilizer factory for any of us who wishes to smell the flowers!!!
  "Lets all help turn big brother into our little sister, because we all know that's all she really is...."

yours in science
Calamus  8)


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Re: tablet tips
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2001, 09:42:00 AM »
SWIM used to always keep prozac and zoloft on hand when he had rolls.  A couple of his friends worked in a pharmacy and could get those easily because hell, everyone has a prescription for them it seems.  trade a couple of pills for a full bottle, then just give them out with the pills with instructions on how to take them.  True, it's not as crafty as pressing it into the pill, but then again what happens when half of your clients crush up their pill and snort it, only to never feel the effects and end up with some serious time release gakk clogging their nostrils?

Drunk driving, that's what I like to do,
I like drunk driving with you.


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Re: Instruction for making tablets.
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2001, 10:15:00 AM »
Any luck with the photo's and such...?

::)  ;D  :)  :P  ;)     Mean People Suck     ;)  :P  :)  ;D  ::)


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Re: tablet tips
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2001, 11:21:00 AM »
well joe it seems that all of that beta-iodoephederine may have fucked up your tyhorid but left your brain intact,(lucky for all of us). I can and have shitloads of both zoloft and prozac, but the most of the morons who consume bee pollen look at me crazier than Hitler at a barmitsfa when I try to explain why they should ingest these drugs alongside "the others". Those who have listened to the wisdom of Calamus the Sage usally jump the gun, and chow the ssri's along with their pollen.
   Calamus then has a bunch of pissed off rave monkey spunions who not only claim he's more full of shit than the portapotties at LemonWheel(FYI it was a BANGING Phish show3-4 yrs back with the WORST saniation ever, with shit piled hip high overflowing the seat where ever you went... one of the ugliest scenes I've witnessed to date)but that his pollen was about as real as a three dollar bill. You tell them to take one than the other and what do they do? Say fuck it and piggy back the dose and then come to yours truly with a range of bitchey that proclaims the product is bunk and poor old Calamus should be shovd head first into one of the previously mentioned portable shithouses for his "ignorant trechery". Luckly for him being a 2nd Dan black belt in WTF Tae Kwon Do, along with the help of friends armed with pepper spray and cattle prods this never had to transpire... $$ was refunded and all was forgotten.... That is of course untill our clicks butted heads again.... I've never had to remove a mixture of skatole,buyteric acid and ammoumium sulfide from the interior of a 97 Mustang convertiable.....However our offending party did...  So if your waiter at The Ground Round smelled like the bussiness end of a used diaper rotting in the sun, you'll see just how small this world of ours really is...
Bottom line is that the additive has to have no effect on the psycoactive qualites of said compound what-so ever!!!!

I urge all drones to look into either biofriendly free radical inhibitors or anti-oxidents as these will get the job done with the  buzz intact.  Avoid getting your head dunked in portapoties as it will lead to you bust from pissed off clientle who will rat on you for serving their ignorant asses the raw with the antidote.... So much for bettter living through chemistry!  8)


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Press Blue Prints?
« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2001, 08:53:00 AM »
Some Bees are still waiting to see those pictures of the press. Ol' Dirty would like to get cranking on the metal work.


I have no data to actually back up what I say.


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Press Details
« Reply #27 on: August 16, 2001, 03:29:00 PM »
When I started this post, I promised detailed photos and instructions for making a manual pill press a la Stokes.  However, current project is taking all my time.  A little patience, please.  Once again, I thank Rhodium and all the Hive Bees for their courage.  This forum is awesome.  If not for The Hive, I shudder to think where I would be right now.  Not to mention never knowing the pleasures of a numbered offshore bank account.  BTW-- a warning about the guy on the internet with the store in Ohio who sells the $3160 tablet press with instruction video and ready-made binder pack.  This is a DEA sting operation.  Don't even call him, if you value your freedom.  Your phone number will be logged and a recording of your call will end up with the local chapter of the feds.  I know about not naming sources, so I'll just say that if you type in the word "tabletpress" on any search engine, you will find him. The MCA (meth control act) has given the DEA the authority to really crack down on pill presses and spare parts and tooling for same.  If you didn't take shop classes in high school, now would be a good time to take a course on millwork, especially if you own a 16 station rotary press, because spare parts and tooling sets draw more heat these days than calling up the local chem supply house and ordering 3 cylinders of methylamine gas.  Anyway, good luck and keep up the good work.  Argox.


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Re: Instruction for making tablets.
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2001, 04:20:00 PM »
faux toes??  pho tows??  po towes??  photos??