Author Topic: Get things the right way step by step.  (Read 2633 times)

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Get things the right way step by step.
« on: July 18, 2002, 06:02:00 AM »
In illict chemistry there are many pieces of equipment, chemicals, and machinery which must be purchased.  It is also necessary to have a place to do the synthesis, make the tablets, do whatever, this place must be owned or leased.  Additionally it would seem that if money was to be earned it must be made usable.  The solution to all of these problems is much simpler them it is made out to be most of the time, from what I have noticed, here on the hive.

The solution is a corporation, defined by the united states supreme court as an artificla person defined only in the texts of the court to be treated in every way at all levels as an individul. 

This means that if you own a corporation it can do anything that anyone else could.  This includes, get credit, own property, own cars, make leases, make purchases, have bank accounts, pay out wages, and grants, ect.  Now if that wasn't enough it also means and specifically has rules provided for bringing the corporation to court with COMPLETE IMMUNITY FOR THE OWNERS the corporation is a person on to itself and for the most part it is reponsible solely for such things as bankruptcy, fregulatory fines, having to have search warrants upon it.

Okay next part a corp. is looked on much more favorabley by almost all companies.  They ask very few questions when dealing with a corporaton, especially if you have a crfedit record for the company.  Also specific to us many equipment and chemical supply companies will only sell to corporations.

Okay so here is a step by step:
1.Get a False ID
2.Get a PO Box with it
3.Go to office max and get a kit for setting up new corporations.
4.Fill out the articles of incorporation part and send it to the secretary of state in the state you want the corp. in, with filling fee


5. Got to the IRS site and get an EIN number which is equivelent to a social security number for a company. Form SS-4

6. Using that same fake ID file this form:

7. Now get a bank account with the corporate ID
8. Get a AMEX Corporate card
9. Rent a warehouse
10. Using your now good corporate credit you can now get accounts with big supply houses, and purchase equipment with no troubles.
11. Get Microsoft publisher, or eqv. Make up purchase order forms, thats what real companies do, also make up letter head, and envelopes, all with the same logo, make it look simple not stupid.
12. Get a phone at your warehoue.
13. Get a FED EX corporate account
14. Get a Corporate rental car account, rent cars on your good corporate credit for cheap, no id on that car just the corporate.
15. reregister your cars to the corporate name.
16. Make three more corporations, but do not give them properties, just mail boxes, make them a cleaning company, a internet company, and a taxi company.  Make them all pay checks to your main corporation that you deposit in it's account as payments for services rendered. 

Now yer on your way start paying yourself a ridiculous salary that makes no sense and leaves little in the corporate account.  THE MONEY PAID TO YOU AS WAGES CANNOT BE HELD AGAINST CORP DEBT.  okay now you have the back bone.

DO this first, ask questions, if you like this watch what you can do with this back bone.  You can expand it to be something that will do everything for you and make it so it looks to official to be fake.  Even if you just use the backbone you are 10000 times ahead of most everyone else.


So you need a precursor to a pecursor, just to make a precursor thats what the people told me . . .


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It doesn't work that way...
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2002, 06:43:00 AM »
When I got my sigma account, the diversion people called me up for a 1/2 hour grill session... this was a legit corp with money raised, shareholders etc... After about the 10th time of asking for proof of this and proof of that... I got fed up and told them to contact our corporate attorney's, who happened to be the same ones that rep'd one of the big oil companies... I then got my account... but it was a real pain in the ass...

  Then when I called just for pricing information about a kilo of 5-HT agonist that is a non-scheduled research chem but can be used for "fun", I got a call back the next day from a chipper, upbeat guy who said he was from sigma...wanted to know about the order... I explained everything to him in great detail and he was on board by the time I was done... then I call back two days later with "where's my quote?"  They never heard of the guy...
so he was probably dea...

  This same ploy was used by the CIA about 15 years ago when I contacted customs about some potential tech transfers going to seriously bad people, and had two interviews from "customs" 3 hours apart...the second one, was customs...the first wanted to know how much I traveled outside the country...

  The moral is, who ever is calling is "not" who they claim to be... one should always have a printout of the regional offices and phone prefixs... when they call ask for a call back number and then look it up... you'll know if the prefix is in Va. that it's not the missouri company they claim to be..

Infinite Radiant Light - THKRA


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Not that easy... and you are still responsible ...
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2002, 06:47:00 AM »
Not that easy... and you are still responsible for any crime. New corporations are without credit in any form, just like a 18 year old schoolboy. It will take alot of business references and bank references to get credit. You will also have to supply the SSN of all the officers in order to get the TIN for the corp. So the fake ID is pointless.

If you are going to use legit business to cover your clandestine activities, at least make the business 100% legit to begin with.

there's a big difference between criticizing your government and criticizing your country


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You'd think so wouldn't you
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2002, 07:51:00 AM »
Set the seeds, set the seeds, an 18 year old can grow into a 30 year old with excellent credit, just give it awhile, this can all be done with out the corp actually making money.  I have been doing this for a loong time, and I will tell you this will get you past like a million hurdles.  Okay, just passing on what DOES work for me, and what has kept me out of trouble.


I've done this same setup in 4 cities and it work very well.  I have also set this up for two friends, one of them in canada, and again it always works.


So you need a precursor to a pecursor, just to make a precursor thats what the people told me . . .


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Do a little more research
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2002, 08:30:00 AM »
Youre trying to show off your balls but we can see your ass.  Do a little more research, as this, for the multitude of reasons that I need not point out; as everyone who has actually tried something similar knows the fallacies in your proposal.  I doubt you even know how to get a damn business license and I guarantee that you have not set one up with a fake id.  Maybe you get your cigarettes with it but besides that I bet it's useless to you.  Your further boasts only enhance the image of ignorance you are projecting.  As to your mastery of chemistry I cannot say, but I will tell you that you need to do a little more reading in the fields of law, business, and the field that you completely ignored, which in itself would be your downfall if you could come so far as a corporation, accounting


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« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2002, 08:59:00 AM »
3.Go to office max and get a kit for setting up new corporations.

9. Rent a warehouse

I'd just rent an office space in an industrial zone that has a roll down door in the back. Very common in the US. Warehouses aren’t cheap.

10. Using your now good corporate credit you can now get accounts with big supply houses, and purchase equipment with no troubles.

Hold on let me think about that... No
 Companies that use large volumes of chemicals have credit accounts and agreements with chemical suppliers called "P.O.'s". There's a lot of bullshit that goes into setting up accounts and purchase orders. Dea Authorized buyer numbers (if you're buying fun stuff). Plus the epa will be up your ass, inspections, All kinds of shit. Don't get me wrong it's not rocket science. It's just a lot of weird protocols and bullshit that seems unnecessary to someone who hasn't been trained to buy chems for a corporation but if the protocols aren’t taken you will stick out like a sore thumb. I'd love to sit and type it all up for you but I'm being lazy right now.  

DO this first, ask questions, if you like this watch what you can do with this back bone.  You can expand it to be something that will do everything for you and make it so it looks to official to be fake.  Even if you just use the backbone you are 10000 times ahead of most everyone else

Not really I think you'd be taking 10 steps in reverse. Showing up on the seen calling companies asking for accounts not knowing what to say not being knowledgeable in the possesses involved with buying chemicals paying with credit cards, renting warehouses, trying to use fedex. It just leaves the most evil paper trail in your wake.

13. Get a FED EX corporate account

Fedex? You need a freight company to move large amounts of chemicals. If you called a company and said "ship that enormous volume of chemicals FedEx" they'd know exactly what you were up to. You would be caught right here.

14. Get a Corporate rental car account, rent cars on your good corporate credit for cheap, no id on that car just the corporate.


16. Make three more corporations, but do not give them properties, just mail boxes, make them a cleaning company, a internet company, and a taxi company.  Make them all pay checks to your main corporation that you deposit in it's account as payments for services rendered

You will go to jail if you do that, once again you will go to jail if you do that. You need to shake some hands and find out how money is laundered.

I'm not trying to be an asshole. I'm really not. You need to get your self in a position where you can see how chemical related companies work. (This is turning into an intervention) Heed my warning


Just some tips, do it your way if you think I'm full of shit. I'm trying to keep you out of jail


RE: I've done this same setup in 4 cities and it work very well.  I have also set this up for two friends, one of them in canada, and again it always works.

Bullshit! either that or your information has been submitted to the authorities


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Evening all, this is an intersting topic, SWIGK7 ...
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2002, 09:07:00 AM »
Evening all, this is an intersting topic, SWIGK7 has also seen this done in my city by a few people.  If you are a person who is "connected" you can easily obtain %100 legit ID (Drivers Licence, Passport, SIN Card and Health Card) They have your face/info (height, weight ...) except diff name, address, date of birth...  and they are all in the system/government records. Many of these people have empires built under the alter-ego's, I suppose to someday empty all the accounts and throw the ID away, or maybe front some type of illicit activity. SWIGK7 once requested a quote and got a reply of $6000 CND. Look around, but BEE carefull friends  8)

BTW, id get one soon, biometrics is only a few years away, new system, smart cards (haha direct tv), and finger/mobile dna sample on card, while you still can, just in case something bad happens... whatever, emergency for the reason of protecting your loved ones, just dont scam with the fake info if you dont need to.  ;)



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The right way
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2002, 10:17:00 AM »

The right way step by step

Set up a damn legitimate business in your own name.
        Well here is a novel idea!!! Why not just fucking get into the business for real?  Often it is more profitable.  Get all the proper licenses and become a distributer.  Rent some office space.  Hire some clean, well mannered and knowledgable employees.  Manage your business, expand your business, profit from your business, advertise.  Hell you might forget about trying for mass illicit production in the first place if you follow this plan.  Eventually you move past something as simple as being a distributor and set up 'research divisions', etc.  Do pharma research, publish findings reports, etc.  By now you have set up working relationships with chemical suppliers and are familiar with protocol having become knowlegable in a manner that is legally sound.  You now have a pretty good excuse for just about everything you order, and you have a lucrative business that will probably keep you happily making drugs solely for yourself or your loved ones in the safety of your private offices.

Honestly, you may be able to get a legit fake i.d (although the old loopholes I was aware of are now closed) , but trust me, if you try what is proposed by the creator of this thread you will be in jail before you can perform 1/3 of the instructions that he has given you.

Don't even begin to seem like you are supporting this dangerous, unresearched, boastful misinformation.

And once again nobody wants to see how big your balls are, and if you feel the need describe them to us, you must have some deficiency in that area.

Please research your posts more thoroughly in the future.



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More crap
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2002, 10:26:00 AM »
Flip don't waste your time these guys are full of shit


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lock it...
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2002, 11:31:00 AM »

  This thread is insignificant, will some mod please lock it up before it sucks up anymore juice ?

Infinite Radiant Light - THKRA