Author Topic: health problems to blame on h3po3??PLease Read  (Read 16661 times)

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Two Cooks Compete in Sleepless Olympics
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2004, 10:38:00 AM »
The first guy I ever met who cooked told me that he and his cook buddy once had a contest to see who could stay up the longest. One lasted to day 13 the other barely beat him by staying up a full two weeks. Now you might start to understand the underlying origin of the word tweaker as it applies to methheads.

The guy who won that contest literally pulled a two-weeker.

Personally I'll never push beyond 2 or 3 days or things just start getting too weird and my overall effectiveness in basic task doing begins to break down. I think Buster Hymen once said the same thing but he said something to the effect of "after day 3 things can tend to appear to be turning sinister". That's been my experience too. The potential for counterproductive paranoia can be sensed.

Something in the way I hear sound is often my best clue that I need some quality dreamtime. Odd sounding barely audible "ghost" music and subtle subdued voices begin coming out of almost anything. If I hear my name softly whispered by the flushing toilet I have no doubt that it's time to catch up on some z's.

Some people really dig that "weird zone" though and a decent few claim that it's the very best time to enjoy cannabis products. Not in my book but everyone's different.


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day three
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2004, 12:53:00 PM »
Day three almost always finds me sleeping for a couple of hours. If I take the time to sleep four hours a night, I can keep a run going for weeks, unless I do a good deal of strenuous physical labor. I've gone longer, but by day three the sleep deprivation monsters begin to appear, and by the end of the day they are no longer fun to tweak on. I'd rather sleep a little every day than get into the tweaker zone.


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Post meth sleep
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2004, 02:09:00 PM »
Is there a safe way or any no-nos for helping you get to sleep after a decent binge (lasting a few days)..

Eg, are strong sleeping tablets good?
or should one get into the weed?
or just wait it out like a tweaking fuck

Because friends will just lie there wanting to sleep, doze off for five mins, then wake up in a cold sweat and heart beating like a piston?

Is there a way to 'get off the ride' when you want to?


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ah yes, the willies..
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2004, 02:47:00 PM »

Odd sounding barely audible "ghost" music and subtle subdued voices begin coming out of almost anything. If I hear my name softly whispered by the flushing toilet I have no doubt that it's time to catch up on some z's.

It is amazing: out of a random "white" noise source,
a particular song can be heard, as if coming from a car outside or something.. and it is definite..

Lean up against a building, and you can discern vibrations previously undiscernable..


geting off the ride?  No prob.

1st best is some nice GHB.  Oh yeah, a two hour GHB delta sleeper and you'll be ready for anudder 24 hours.

but?  you do this for about a week, and you WILL get in a land of wierdness.  INterestingly, it's like a really cool acid trip.  No janglies, just unfilteed perception.

Like the white noise= songs, however, you will SEE patterns which are obviously not there, but you will se tings that you didn't USTA see that ARE there, too. 

2.  Benzodiazapines, readily ordered from overseas pharmacies, S/B in the tweaker's bag of untrix.. ;)


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Phony Hallucinations
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2004, 04:02:00 PM »
Another effect that is a sure sign to me that I've truly burnt the candle at both ends too long (which is rare) is that my ability to correctly focus my eyes begins to suffer and my handwriting gets horrific. A kind visual overlay then begins to occur in which the transparent cellular matter of my eyes themselves becomes overty present in my visual field. This subtle sheen of "squirmy worms" then proceeds to weirdly fill in the gaps of my slowly deteriorating eye focusing capacities. Once that whole chain of bizarre mechanisms begins churning I've essentialy got a whopping case of what some might categorize as "strong visual hallucinations" And they are not really enjoyable to me like acid, psilocybin or mesc visuals. It feels more like a tweaky malfunction than a true substance-caused visual effect. So instead I class it as an annoying and undesirable sleep deprivation symptom.

If this ever starts up I'll immediately go to bed and am usually out cold within 5 minutes or less after fully relaxing. To continue to remain awake would intensify it and make it worse and more exaggerated.

Occasionally I'll drink a glass or two of a lower to mid priced Cabernet Sauvegnon red wine when sleep is stubborn but my trend with alcohol has been to steadily drink less and less. I've become too acutely aware of how much it dehydrates me and I find my body actually shunning it.

I used to drink vodka to sleep but it now has an energizing effect on me which is completely counterproductive to sleeping. My theory on that is that it's read by the body as a high concentration blast of sugar. Plus, just like methyl and iso alc gasline fuel dryers can do for your car, ethyl does a similarly mean job of sucking water outa your body.

Rarely I'll take one bendryl/diphenhydramine as a "sleep inviter" but my trend is to shun that too due to it sometimes resulting in what I call "the morning zombie effect".


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Two weeks sounds like utter bullshit
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2004, 04:49:00 AM »
Anyone who 'thinks' they stay awake for two weeks has forgotten that at some point in that period their body did shut down.  It may have been only an hour or two, but that little lapse into la la land, would have enabled some sort of body functioning for the next day.


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« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2004, 05:11:00 AM »
Damn, about once every couple to three weeks I'll do a 4 dayer. After the 3rd day is on I find myself the most creative, The results are airbrushed after a good day of sleep.. I never seen monsters or things that wasn't there? Maybe it is because I'm focused on the project at hand?
 This thread took a turn to the left I think.


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I remember reading about....
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2004, 07:48:00 PM »
Some woman from either the UK or US who was in Africa working with people in the jungle and claiming that it was not necessary to sleep.  She said as long as she kept busy and ate twice as many meals a day she never got sleepy.  She was giving a speech on the benefits of not sleeping after being awake for 60 straight days.  About 10 minutes into her speech she fell asleep.  The story was in a regular daily newspaper.  Whether or not it was true i don't know.  I just remember wondering if she had found a new stimulant in some kind of jungle plant.


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Awake for ages?
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2004, 11:30:00 PM »
Why would anyone want to stay awake for more than ~24hrs anyway? After reading some of those posts it seems that there are plenty of bad points but no good points. Obviously I havent done anything like that before. Is it fun? Whats wrong with sleeping once a day, for around 6 or 7hrs?



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What's the big deal
« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2004, 02:14:00 AM »
Week minds need plenty of sleep. I have never seen a crystal ninga (shit that aint there) I make a living at getting things done, I don't procrastinate hallucinate or get paranoid, I do tend to focus more on meth than when I'm not especially when detail is important. I do get grouchy, I'm an asshole after 24 hours but I'm that way strait.. I will sleep when I feel like it and stay up when I don't. Reading the above information should be kept to an indivual who has written his or her symptoms and not generalize the effects on the majority or minority which in this case might be me... I watch the locals ruin there lives around meth but the mentality of these people are week in general, They could just as well screw there lives up on soda pops if it were the only thing for them to abuse. 10 broken lawn mores in the front yard grass as high a there knees, cars that don't run and crying ass snotty nosed shitty diapered babies hanging off saggy tittied mommas in bathrobe with needle marks slam up to there shoulder on every porch, these people are the ones that give the drug a bad name and fuels the WOD's. I would refuse to even get one of these types high much less sell anything to them other than a buss ticket out of this fucking town. Looking from the outside in reminds me of a wild pack of rats (informants) feeding off each other leaving shit droppings everywhere they go, Only place I ever seen were people hang out with the very ones that snitched them out and knowledgeable of this fact. These are the two week day trippers, tweeters. Night freaks and they all have one sure thing in common and that is week minds.


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I don't like getting too much sleep..
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2004, 06:38:00 AM »
Why would anyone want to stay awake for more than ~24hrs anyway?
I feel best when i am at the mid point between needing to sleep and getting too much sleep.  When i sleep for 2 long its like my mind is racing and although i do get alot done i also tend to make stupid mistakes.  Not enough sleep and i make even more stupid mistakes but at a slower rate.  IN the middle of the 2 much and 2 little i make few if any mistakes and am still twice as fast as my competitors.  I find that a few hours sleep a night with the occasional sleepless night, when neccessary to complete a project, seems to work best for me.


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...users going without sleep for 2 weeks..........
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2004, 07:03:00 AM »
It is not physiologically possible for the brain to go for 2 weeks without sleep. After so many days (it would be different for each individual,maybe 5 or 6 days)your brain will just shut down on its own,with out any kind of warning and you may or may not even rememeber it happening.You could be driving, walking down the street, in the middle of a conversation with someone...then're in the middle of a dream. After 3 or 4 days you should not drive, work with equipment, or do anything else that could harm yourself or others. I'm dead will not have even the slightest clue before your brain just shuts down.
It could be anywhere, anytime. I know some users can probably go beyond  4,5 or 6 days, but they are putting themselves at risk every time they go this long.


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RE: reading the above info.....................
« Reply #32 on: January 29, 2004, 11:05:00 AM »
Hello Hammer

I don't mean to personally flame you for this, but you are right, you are NOT a Dr., I am, and you are 100% wrong. I know you're the old  slamm'n pro, but you are wrong, it IS a medical fact that the human brain must have sleep and if it does not get it, it will automatically shut down whether you want it to or not. I'm not really impressed with how long you can stay awake,(which is why you jumped to a conclusion about my post) the exact number of days isn't important. What IS important is the FACT that if we over do it we could be putting ourselves or others around us in danger.

When I started reading your post I thought you were honestly trying to make a legititmate point, but then I realized you were starting to sound just like the people you were posting about.

Your years of wisdom and hard won insights put you in a  unique position to really give some great advice. We are lucky that you take the the time to share your thoughts with us, but I wish you would be a little more open minded about the possibility that some of us might actually have a brain.

I'm sorry if I pissed you off.....Its just that I hate to see your good advice mixed with bad judgement.


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You may be a doctor, what_monkey, but you need
« Reply #33 on: January 29, 2004, 12:09:00 PM »


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10 year binge
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2004, 09:18:00 AM »
it has already been said but i'll reiterate. take care of your mind and body and you can and will be fine. don't let your senses outwit your mind. think about what is goinig on and the state u are in before reacting to the things u hear and/or see. after a while the meth monsters become your friendly and amusing companions.

seriously though, it is NOT impossible to stay awake for 14 days, i have done it several times and go 5-9 days regularly. and i have for approx. 8 years. i have a set of rules to follow when doped and make myself stick to em. i eat every 4 hours, especially protiens and simple carbs, i take a multivitamin every day and a b complex on top of that, i drink water every 2 hours (4-8oz), i don't sleep but do meditate for 1/2 hour every day, if going for a long stint (7 days or more) i take a small dose of xanax, valium, or klonapin each day at the same time every day, this lets my muscles relax and shed some of the stresses that wear us out. i shower every 24 - 48 hours, brush my teeth 2 times a day, use eye drops every 8 hours or so, wash my hands and face with regularity, especially since i have facial hair. i do my best not to pick at my skin, when i do crash i try to always shower before hand. (it's the after sex crash that often prevents me from doing that tho) it seems like pretty basic and stupid stuff, but it makes all the difference in my opinion. for the record i have been using for ten years smoking for 8 and i never bang. i have no cavities, am slightly underweight, all my hair, no infections in 10 years as i have seen in many others. i rarely get sick and don't have a cough nor do i shake unless i've been up for 9 or 10 days. i'm not trying to brag, just point out that so long as you keep your body healthy in all the other ways u can, using dope regularly for a long period of time is not all that detrimental.

now i do have to admit that i have done iq tests on a day by day basis several times and i have found that i have scored a loss in iq for each additional day i was awake. if i was taking care of my self the slide was rather slow, (2-5 points daily) but if i was not eating or drinking enough water the slide was very high (11-14 points daily). incidentally i have never outscored my sober score when on dope. i have matched it, but never gotten a higher score.

my 40 cents


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Weening off meth
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2004, 10:12:00 AM »

now i do have to admit that i have done iq tests on a day by day basis several times and i have found that i have scored a loss in iq for each additional day i was awake. if i was taking care of my self the slide was rather slow, (2-5 points daily) but if i was not eating or drinking enough water the slide was very high (11-14 points daily). incidentally i have never outscored my sober score when on dope. i have matched it, but never gotten a higher score

Interesting, do any other bees have a means of comparing sober intelligence to under the influence of MA intelligence?
Personally I have never tested myself as swibb does, but through college in the past, have noticed a decline in the ability to learn and/or score well on tests while on dope binges.
Swim has also used benzos while on meth, but not in the way swibb describes.  Swim usually will take benzos about 4 to 8 eight hours before "crashing out".
This is to ensure some quality sleep in swim's case.  At least eight hours.
Another habit that swim is used to while using MA is always leaving himself some meth to use after the initial "crash out".  Swim almost always leaves him self one eighth to one quarter of a gram to use the following day or two after the sleep from a long binge.  It really helps to overcome any hangover (maybe form benzos in swim's case) or feelings of laziness that come after the big binge is over.  Swim does not use enough to get "wired", only just enough to kill any drowsiness and then stop with usage.
Swim has found that weening off the meth like this is much better than abrubtly stopping usage.  Using MA like this also helps swim with tasks and chores that might have otherwise been put aside or completly overlooked.


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plenty of ligit reasons
« Reply #36 on: March 02, 2004, 01:17:00 PM »
swihm has suffered most of the mentioned symptoms - research shows that
1. sleep deprivation causes drastic alterations in thy hormones, quickly. Cortosol/one in particular and some immunological things as well.
2. Meth by itself can cause vasculitis and myopathies of muscle tissue - combine meth with a lack of cortisone from sleep deprivation, and you have inflammation unencumbered by the normal defenses.

so, sleep every night.


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nearly every substance i've grown very fond of
« Reply #37 on: March 25, 2004, 12:41:00 PM »
nearly every substance i've grown very fond of eventually founbd a way to let me no that it wzs time to quit.  lsd gave me daily flashbacks, mushrooms i developed an excruciating allergy to, marijuana made me a antisocial sloth, ketamine gave sever abdominal pain and acid reflux, ecstasy stopped getting me high and instantly made me sketchy for days,  coke is now becoming void of good effects and becoming a purely physiological high.

but the great part is every single one of these drugs now produces the desired effects.   only very large break was needed.   the same symtoms redevelop quickly however,   so infrequent doses or short, far apart binges are the way to go.

am i unique in this?   i've yet to encounter a drug that can keep me in it's grasps,   even oxycontin and fentanyl lost thier magic


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not enough coke
« Reply #38 on: March 25, 2004, 01:19:00 PM »
You just haven't had enough coke. Maybe you have to be an addict or a habitual user or whatever you wish to call it, but cocaine tends to be a self-limiting addiction. As the addiction progresses, you lose so many serotonin receptors it simply no longer has any euphoroic effect, and any overdosage results in instant paranoia. Finally the paranoia makes you realize it just isn't fun anymore, and you quit. The other part of cocaine's self limiting nature, is that you usually run out of money about the time you no longer get off on coke. Coke did nothing to me but swell my sinuses closed and make me paranoid when I finally laid it down.

Perhaps this only happens if you do it continuously for a long enough time. It certainly happens, and did to me.

My marijuana use is basically infrequent, and has been for years; I have finally recovered enough from taking life too damned seriously to be able to enjoy it again. I no longer care to indulge in lsd or mushrooms. I will probably always be willing to trip occasionally on mescaline. Alcohol doesn't call my name anymore at all, and I am very glad of that fact.

I have used methamphetamine as my drug of choice longer than I have any other drug. It still does the same things to me it did when I first began using it regularly.


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geez, your experience with it is definately...
« Reply #39 on: March 25, 2004, 01:36:00 PM »
geez, your experience with it is definately consistant with what i have abserved in other around me however my own is different.   over the course of a few months i gradually got into sniffing infrequently, but in large amounts.  then i tried smoking it,   i've zipped thru qp's many times this way.  now i only first tried smoking about 6 mths ago.   since then everyone around me who has smoked has succummed to addiciton.   i'd say everyone after time develops a weird state while on the drug, paranoia being popular,  cleaning, organization and such being another popular one.  coke doesn't get me high now.   a few days ago i did a massive line but the primary effects are trembling jaw and jitters.  and even smoking produces primarily typical pysiological overstimulation effects(since i try to achieve a high by doing much more).   no euphoria, no cleaning mode.   i just burn right out, instantly.   relative to what happened with mdma.   no high, instant sketchyness.

hopefully one day we will discover that there is a bioligcal mechanism behind my experiences with habituation and will learn to exploit such mechanisms to help overcome addictions