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Things to never create or consume

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I would be terrified specifically of an accident. It's so easy to spill stuff. I had a full 500mL flask full of GBL and DCM break on me (super glad it didn't get absorbed into my skin). Had that been a 50mL flask of NBOMe or fentanyl or even some precursor bastard ass thing, it could be death.

Oh my God, railing a line of amphetamine fulminate has got to be exciting.


--- Quote from: Newton2.0 on July 19, 2021, 08:11:24 PM ---Oh my God, railing a line of amphetamine fulminate has got to be exciting.

--- End quote ---
I think it would(considered that salt would be even possible, which I doubt) explode if you hit it with the tip of your... tube to... sniff it with... fuck, how are those called in english?
Railing tube sounds like a british name for the subway :D

Btw Newton2.0, good to have you here, you haven't made an introduction post(maybe on some day if you like to? :P), but you seem to be a valuable addition to the pack :)
You fit right in :)

If we want to take some explosive amphetamine salt, we probably have to take on smoking amphetamine picrate.... *boom* :D
Maybe amphetamine azide? But I "fear" that wouldn't be explosive, as an organic azide... or would it be, since its an ionic compound and not an organic azide?
We don't know.
And we probably will never, since the threads name is in order for explosive stimulants :P
You want the explosion to take place in your head, of course, but not literally please... only at your dopamine receptors, thats more than sufficient, not directly on your mucuous membranes, resulting in some horrible outcome... :o

We here in the good ol' US of A sometimes call it a "tooter".

Railing tube... Yeah, I think we've all see that documentary...

Thanks, Carl! It's really a fascinating topic and I can't really get enough. I often wonder if I should go back to school and learn to read and write and then learn chemistry. I feel like a wizard and there's really nothing quite like it. Even failure and frustration won't dash my hopes. I am simultaneously grateful and terrified of this hobby.

Energetics aren't my jam. I'm so high strung and anxious already that stepping in a room would cause a detonation. Couple it to something the Klapƶtke (sp?) team has made...well, I mean, I sure couldn't do it.

Has anyone worked with OsO4? Or anything of radiological interest? I've heard those can be nasty.

big mac:
I bet that dextro methamphetamine styphnate would blow either your dopamine receptors and your nose :D
But the one that I wouldn't want to take since I've got to known what is it is the mCPP. Shit that can induce headaches (phew), dysphoria and panic attacks on itself must be nasty. Not to mention inhuman mixes one could create to poison somebody  8) ::)

What's interesting, trazodone gets metabolised to this shit, in small quantity, but still.

Funny enough, I have personal experience with that compound. I purchased a gram of mCPP expecting to get a similar experience to MDMA or something of at least some recreational value.

Well, what a fucking bummer because I could've gotten 2C-I from the same place and I would have loved the fuck out of that.

Anyways, I would describe the dose I consumed as being a distinctly serotonergic version of consuming both Dayquil and Nyquil. The experience led to me being extremely hot and sweaty, produced a sort of fever-dream fugue state of the sort one gets when one is neither completely asleep nor awake. It was overall a very uncomfortable experience and I would caution against using it.

I did learn about the metabolism of trazodone, which was a drug which confirmed to me that black box suicide labels are an absolutely real threat and not statistical noise (because how could you parse out the correlation between depressed people's likelihood of suicide pre- and post-consumption, right?) Anyways, 30 mins after 100mg trazodone orally, I started to get a very frightening and deep compulsion towards something very dark. I could not shake it and it was so opposite to what I had felt moments before that I was truly afraid for my life and what I might do to myself.

I wonder to what extent mCPP is responsible for serotonergic effects? Probably pretty significant, I imagine.


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