Author Topic: Capsule filler - Ideas, thoughts please.  (Read 6288 times)

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Capsule filler - Ideas, thoughts please.
« on: August 22, 2003, 07:00:00 AM »
Swim is currently filling "1" size capsules with MDMA 140mg.  The capsule filling machine makes this tedious since swim can't fill them completely. (The machine is made to fill and tamp FULL capsules).  Swim is looking for a filler to make this a bit easier.

So far research has shown fillers that would be safe and adequate are: electrolyte powder (still researching a source for unflavored pure), magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.

Checking, weighing each cap and emptying out some is really getting on swims nerves.  'Know some of you are going to say "MDMA only" in the caps, but this is not a full time job;)

Give swim your thoughts, possible sources (PM please - don't break the rules please).

Slack out


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« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2003, 07:52:00 AM »
In crazy dreams where SWIM had to fill capsules he used, cheap, and easy to find


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Isn't your hourly wage not enough to do that?
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2003, 11:03:00 AM »
this is not a full time job

No, but isn't your hourly wage for this hobby still not enough for you to take the extra time needed to weigh out and fill a cap? People who doesn't take that extra time to ensure quality are too lazy to be in the business.


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The only way I see
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2003, 03:51:00 PM »
is that u use those filling machines they sell on the net.
You can fill 50 at the time. Now you would have to figure out exactly how much filler it takes to fill these 50 capsules. Then replace say 50 *140 mg of filler with MDMA.

Then mix everything really well, then capsulate.
It's the only way I see were you can makes so many so fast.
I would be scared that the MDMA isnt properly distributed, which is why I prefer to do them one by one.

I use number 2 capsules, which when filled with 150 mg is real close to the top. Using a glass stirring rod, which fits perfectly into those capsules, you can fill a lot of pills in an hour. But like Rhodium says, you can make a lot more money in an hour filling those capsules then working at most jobs. The average salary in my country is around 18 bucks an hour. I can safely say that you can "make" more money then that in an hour filling capsules!
You just cant make money without working, and filling capsules is the part i dislike the most, but its got to be done


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Hey now,
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2003, 09:21:00 PM »
HEy now,

 Create jobs.Pay someone to do it for you if your too lazy.
I still do it by hand.#2 No cut!It cornfuses the masses when you add filler,they expect every cap to bee full! :P


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Didn't mean to come across as a lazy ass.
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2003, 01:38:00 AM »
Didn't mean to come across as a lazy ass.  Swim is not.  Believe me, Swim estimates to have filled between 1500-1600 MDMA only, no fill.  Swim always double distills ketone, does A/B, recrystallizes.  Truly top notch product.  You would be proud.  Swim makes 140s, not 125s. Swim loves to see people have a true roll.  Swim sometimes sits and marvels at those piles of caps.  It's just- Nobody else around here has seen caps, they always ask why it's not full...and I give the them the shpiel... pure, blah blah blah, uncut, blah blah...

When swim said this is not a full time job.  Swim meant just that.  It has nothing to do with money, Swim is ok there.  It's all about time.  It is sparce.  Swim likes his real job.  Swim is a full time single parent.  Swim goes to school part-time.  Swim excercizes.  Noone in a million years would expect swim to secretly pursue this labour of love. Swim is just trying to maintain balance and not spend too much time with the hobby.  And swim doesn't trust anyone to do this for him.

It would be nice to use that cap filler the proper way, faster, full caps would be "pretty" and it would nice not to get asked the question...

If pure with a less than filled cap is what you say Rhod, than that is what I will continue to do.



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Filling caps
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2003, 03:33:00 AM »
Aside of the purity argument, another doubt about diluting MDMA with a filler comes from dosage variability:

Post 367771 (missing)

(Rhodium: "Variability", General Discourse)

What cap size are you using now? If you use a #4 or #5 cap, a single 120-125 mg dose will fill it to the brim:

Post 269392 (missing)

(Chromic: "Re: density of pure mdma powder", General Discourse)

I'm very glad you decided to go for the right thing to do - to provide people not only with a pure product, but also in a reliable dosage unit.


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Why not just PRESS the
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2003, 08:25:00 AM »
Why not just press the pills,

I think the downside to putting the goods in a cap is that your product can be cut by some inconsiderate prick. Id rather press them. if for sale that is.

Although i guess someone could just crumble cut and repress. greed sux.

Although it is a lot easier to just fill caps, the benifits of pressed pills is worth the time. HAPPY CUSTOMERS :P  :P  :P


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I object to giving people 140 mg dosages.
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2003, 10:40:00 AM »
I object to giving people 140 mg dosages. Some people are more sensitive to mdma than other -- for example, I need only 70 mg to 'get off'. Women also need smaller dosages.

If you truly care about your customers, you also say how much is in them, and that they can get any dosage they want by dumping the cap in some water and taking the amount they like.


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There have been no complaints so far.
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2003, 05:41:00 PM »
Around here swims product is considered tops.  When they are sold, swim lets them know that they are twice as strong as the weak pressed pills they are used to.  Where I live, you rarely can get a decent pill.  These people are greatful.  If they want less, then they don't have to take it all at once. 

Swim truly feels that the 140's are a great dose.

The 200's that swim makes for personal use- Well... that would be too much. ;D


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Better safe than sorry
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2003, 05:51:00 PM »
You shouldn't manufacture or distribute any controlled substances.


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Re: pressing. Does ascorbic acid (vit c) have...
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2003, 09:36:00 PM »
Re: pressing. Does ascorbic acid (vit c) have any reaction with mdma? Is there any significant loss in the effect when these 2 are dissolved together in the stomach?


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Baal uses "O" sizes caps in his...
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2003, 10:45:00 PM »
Baal uses "O" sizes caps in his capper mechanism. For each 24 caps, 2.4g's MDMA is thoroughly ground/mixed w 3g's of cornstarch in a pestle & mortar first. Once all is a consistent granule size, its ready to be capped. The caps dosage is definately distributed equally, as testing has assured this.


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Consistent distribution, or "kind of"?
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2003, 11:21:00 PM »
What kind of testing has shown consistent distribution? If you refer to bioassaying, I doubt that anyone can pinpoint an MDMA dose any closer than with 20-25% accuracy...


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« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2003, 12:32:00 AM »
Why are you worried about people bitching about the amount of product in the capsules? If they are repeat receivers, ask them in a nice way if they have had any problems with your product. If a person is experienced with MDMA, they will know about 1 hour after they eat the cap if your product is quality or not.
If you produce quality product, they shouldn't bitch about the caps not beeing full.
If the people have not received product from you before, and they ask about it, politely explain to them that there is plenty of moon dust to get them off. Give them some shit like your supplier was out of the small caps, and you had to go with ones that were too big. Usually, first-timers are so nervous that they aren't even listening to you; they're just "talking the talk" to look cool in front of you.
When SWIN distributes product in caps, he invites skeptics to weigh a cap on a scale tared with an empty cap. That is usually enough to suppress any doubts. If doubts still persist, this is what SWIN says: Here, man, this one's on me (these are non-friends of SWIN, as all of SWIN's friends ride for free). If you don't like it, don't sweat it. Have a good time (put the cap in his hand and give a smile).
Dude: are you sure?
I can almost guarantee that in an hour or so, you'll get a call from the guy (who's now peaking hardcore) because he wants to pick up a 20-pack (and pay for them!).
Or maybe you should use smaller caps? Don't they come in "0" size or something? good luck peace


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People are total morons about caps.
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2003, 11:34:00 PM »
Baal: what about snorters, corn starch would take up a lot of bulk for railing.
People are total morons about caps. Now I understand why the cops are probably not so worried about the average mdma cook because they simply don't have the capability right now to press large quantities. Again, I'm guessing they know people are morons and are finicky about capsules. MF's won't even take shit for free in caps thinking something is fake about it, especially nigga's, they really think it's a trick. If it's not full they think it's a trick, even if full and white, bitter, turns black and smokes on the marquis then it must be too good to be true. They are so dumb on that pressed shit that a capsule is not even worth trying, even if found on a table. I don't understand this mornic world. I do have to admit that the pressed last longer in my observations. It must be the disolution time in the stomach. There are #3 size caps that fit 150 to 165mg tightly packed on the health shelves. Look for folic acid, niacin caps. They will fit between 100 to 135 loosely packed without having to individualy measure.


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Use flour, its white and of the same ...
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2003, 11:42:00 PM »
Use flour, its white and of the same consistancy.  Swim has used it from day one and has had .no problems with it Cheap and easy is the way to go.


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« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2003, 10:12:00 PM »
have I had anyone refuse a free cap. Even if they were skeptical about the purity of its contents, any free cap I have offered was promptly swallowed. T+30 to T+60 minutes later, all skepticism is dissolved. peace


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If you really need to use filler
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2003, 09:16:00 AM »
Then fuck flour or sugar.  Sugar is sweet, and will alarm people.  Flour looks more real, but anyone with experience knows to leave the powder on the tongue for a while.  This will, incidentally, cause flour to be degraded by saliva into simpler carbohydrates, which means it gives a sweet taste.  If you use mannitol or inositol or magnesium stearate, the flavor of the MDMA will prevail.  An experienced taster will know that it is not pure as the taste will be diluted, but he will still taste it.


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sugar taste
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2003, 06:01:00 AM »
filling a capsule with mdma and sugar will make it taste like....mdma.  The intense bitter taste completely overwhelms the sweetness of that tiny bit of sugar, swim knows from experience.  Swim has put 1% 5-meo-dipt and 99% sugar in a capsule and it still absolutely tastes like shit, couldnt tell any sugar was in it at all.  But like others before said, why cut a pure product ?