The Hive > Serious Chemistry

Weak effects are not necessarily a bad thing.....

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No, mephentermine is C6H5-CH2-C(CH2)2-NH-CH3, the alpha-carbon where to which the two methyls are connected is the same carbon bearing the methylamino group. Phentermine is alpha,alpha-dimethylphenethylamine where amphetamine is alpha-methylphenethylamine. Mephentermine and methamphetamine are the N-methyl analogues of those. Check out Merck Index or whatever if you don't believe.

anyway there is a compound c6h5-c(ch3)(ch3)-ch2-nh(ch3) that has some activity. maybe putting a cf3 group on the 4 position would increase the activity.

Without the alpha-methyl group, there isn't going to be a lot of stimulation going on. Years ago I tried beta-methylphenethylamine to asses if it had any stimulant activity (it has been used as a vasoconstrictor decongestant in the past); it doesn't, just has pressor activity. So by that reasoning, adding an extra beta-methyl group isn't going to be any more effective.

If you want something with a lot more potential, try looking at alpha,beta-dimethylphenethylamine (3-phenyl-2-aminobutane) and it's N-methyl derivative

sory i post here and in law forum, because i think there are similar laws in many countries:
in france law is very clear:

some compounds are illegal, you can go to jail for only having some.

but designer drugs are not really legal because you cannot sell or give a product which have similar properties as illegal compounds (hallucinogenic, stimulant, and/or relaxant), you can go to jail for giving or selling even non-active compounds, saying that they are active...
so: you can go to jail too for selling ephedrine in low quantities because it is stimulant whereas in france you can buy some pseudoeph at the pharmstore without medical order (non listed medication)
for the ephedrine: selling it in the caps saying that it comes from the pharmstore you can go to jail for 2years whereas selling it in powder, in same quantities you can go to jail for 10 years (in the 1st case you risk because you sell medication without being pharmacist, in the second case you risk because you sell compound which has similar properties as illegal drugs)
finally in France you wont risk anything producting and consuming ALone things like methphentermine, but if someone says you have sold or given him some, you can go to jail for 10years...


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