Author Topic: Tin/H+/Nitro-> MeAm question  (Read 6584 times)

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Tin/H+/Nitro-> MeAm question
« on: April 05, 2001, 04:06:00 AM »
I was wondering about this method at Rhodiums page:
I can not insert the link coz it won't submit for some weird reason, but the article is at Rhodium's page under Eleusis MeAm fact 2.7. After adding HCl to tin metal and Nitromethane then you add Naoh and distill. The article quotes "Since methylamine readily dissolves in water, you will need to distill the reaction contents carefully to first liberate the 40% constant boiling soultion (bp: 53 C) and then the gas itself" Can anyone describe what swim can expect to see during the distillation? Water (with MeAm) then gas - or just water with heaps of dissolve gas in it? It is a bit confusing. Swim wants to make 10% MeAm in MeOH and would like to distill straight into MeOH but by the description give there will be too much water present. Any suggestions?


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Re: Tin/H+/Nitro-> MeAm question
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2001, 05:39:00 AM »
Why are you going to this effort to make MeAm ?
Surely the Hexamine route is best ? Read Eleusis/Zwitterions documents on the subject, particularly Eleusis' Methylamine FAQ 2.7, part 6/7 (Hydrolysis of Hexamine). Skip steps (a) and (b) because you don't need to make hexamine, you can go and buy some hexamine tablets from your local outdoor/camping supplier ("camping fuel tablets" or "hexamine cubes") and jump straight onto the hydrolysis by adding Hcl (step c).


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Re: Tin/H+/Nitro-> MeAm question
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2001, 05:43:00 AM »
also read "Zwitterion makes methylamine" (this is where he does the Hexamine stuff, again remember you can just buy hexamine cubes for next to nothing)


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Re: Tin/H+/Nitro-> MeAm question
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2001, 03:15:00 PM »
Eleusis does it in a very chem-hack kind of way. If anyone is going to do this, PM me and I'll give you a copy of my (in-progress) write-up.

I've worked on it for a while, it's fairly comprehensive.


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Re: Tin/H+/Nitro-> MeAm question
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2001, 02:20:00 AM »
Swim has tried the hydrolysis method and spent a lot of time getting out the NH4Cl and recrystilizing- this way sounded easier.