Author Topic: what do you tell the chem company  (Read 14029 times)

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what do you tell the chem company
« on: August 23, 2004, 01:03:00 PM »
Do you guys tell chemical supply companys that you are lab store and then have the chems sent to a vacant house or something?


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you figure out what a reasonable excuse in...
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2004, 06:08:00 PM »
you figure out what a reasonable excuse in their eyes is for you to want the chemicals, ie what is it used for? (check msds documentation) and generate a knowledge on its use and functions therein, they may ask questions they may not, but its best to have the understanding to explain yourself enough for them to buy it...



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Ok, but you dont have your chems sent to your...
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2004, 09:49:00 PM »
Ok, but you dont have your chems sent to your house do you?


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A home business
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2004, 10:52:00 PM »
Many people throughout the world run small businesses from their home. Many of these businesses require chemicals used in industry. So what is wrong with having chemicals sent to your house?

To millions of people, the only difference between being an individual and a business is a piece of paper.  ;)


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however no matter what your business is or...
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2004, 12:40:00 AM »
however no matter what your business is or where it is (home or industrial site) if you order a "insta drug kit" your screwed.... unless of course you can show good use when your raided....



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that not true , i purchase insta drug kits...
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2004, 06:11:00 AM »
that not true , i purchase insta drug kits from chemical shops  all the time, this was my last purchase.


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« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2004, 05:08:00 PM »
Laughed like hell when I first saw that pic, thats some funny shit...

OK in regards to the thread, do some reading dude before you get yourself busted!

Chem supply company staff are usually trained to be aware of suspicious purchases. Any legit company with open an account with the supplier and will have bank accounts cards letterheads etc etc ad nauseum in the company name, probably turn up in car with logo on side, so not exactly all that suspect.

Ok now picture Joe Bee off street, tries to pay with cash. Hmmm....

Or Joe Bee thinks he real clever, makes up fake letterhead (easy as fuck to do) or maybe even a bit more pro and actually forms a real company to conduct the business. Now that has good and bad aspects. Good in that if you pull it off well and its not suspect you got a licence to print money. Bad in that if you get busted you are screwed because you are tied to it and beyond any realistic legal defence.

Now all that said maybe small cash purchases ok with some supply places, individual basis sort of stuff, but man you playing with fire.

SWIX's advice: explore every other availble option for OTC like hardware stores, paint shops, blah blah blah UTFSE but man don't for f*** sake do anything hasty because you can't wait. Or you will have many, many years to ponder why patience is a virtue...


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don't for f*** sake do anything hasty because...
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2004, 05:20:00 PM »
don't for f*** sake do anything hasty because you can't wait. Or you will have many, many years to ponder why patience is a virtue...

That should be a moto you have posted in your lab.... it applies to sourcing and proceedures.... nothing should be rushed...



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« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2004, 07:06:00 PM »
probably turn up in car with logo on side,

Now that is shady,  ;)

and suspicious,  :P



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esp if it reads: "Shifty McShady ...
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2004, 09:49:00 PM »
esp if it reads:
"Shifty McShady industries"

Yes i wouldnt go into a chem supplier unless you look yourself respectfull, your a business person ie SUIT!
Screw that.... plenty are more than willing to deal over the phone or some are ok over email but depends on what your getting...

One thing, companies usually dont pick up their own goods, they get it delivered.... so dont think your smart by going to pick it up or "im jsut in the area"....



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Shopping carts
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2004, 10:03:00 PM »
Many companies use shopping carts when ordering chemicals nowadays and not the ones you have to physically push around either. For a proprietor of a home business, chemical purchases have never been easier. Suit? Office? Those are all pretty much obsolete now.  ;D


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Thanks for all of the responses.
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2004, 07:25:00 AM »
Thanks for all of the responses.


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« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2004, 10:19:00 PM »
For every chem u can look up reasons to obtain it through this site, for the most part.  There are many reference books that help that you can find in your local library, too.  You seem pretty uneducated about this stuff.  Take plenty of time to learn everything.  Rhodium's site has some good basic information, too.


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HEy now,
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2004, 06:45:00 PM »
HEy now,

 Ive got a few things to add here.My grandpa got me a chem set when I was maybee 10 or 11.I pissed in a cup added a few chems and it foamed up on me. ::) My first chemistry experience.My advice is to wait 6 months before you order anything.You'll not only bee more aware of what your doing you'll feel safer.Research,research,research.then you put all the peices together.Most here did that,now its your turn.I can tell from your first sentence this is the case.Put in your time kid. ;)  :P


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« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2004, 11:26:00 AM »
strikes book "sources" is a good read btw. alot of valuable dos and donts for the beginner.

what you have to keep in mind above everything else is that no synth is worth your freedom.
and although the old axiom  "nothing ventured, nothing gained" applies to clandestine chemistry as much as anything, what your venturing here is more often then not something you cant afford to lose.

make the extra effort, go the extra mile and never sacrifice your annonimity for chems or equiptment.

its just not worth it, period.


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I thought i read somewhere the stikes book
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2004, 08:07:00 PM »
I thought i read somewhere the stikes book "sources" was too outdated.


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« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2004, 09:13:00 PM »
well, all i can say is try reading it and then report back.

and dont worry about wasting money, unob will reimburse you if you aren't satisfied.


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SchooL?? Yeah, "back to school" kids!
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2004, 03:09:00 AM »
Dreaming of going back to school, i.e. college?

Yes, it costs a few bux for a few classes, but offers a wealth of knowledge and resources including teachers, librarys, and labs!

For those less than wealthy in the shitty states of hellMerica, your college is paid free plus a little extra spending cash..  Inquire at your local college regarding the Pel Grant (govt grant).

And last but not least, should you go back to school, (ya should have never left school!) ,
you might ask the normal question "where do we buy our chems and glassware from". 

Your 'resources' (teacher, etc) will gladly point you in the right direction.

And should LE ever question you or show-up?
All your labware and chems in your possession/home/lab are legal.  And just to support your legitimate research and chem synths, your attending blah blah college as a chemistry student.  "Gee, officer, I didn't know it was illegal to study and practice chemistry or buy chemicals?  Is that the case?  No?  Ok, great.. Come see my latest experiment!"

Tip 2: NEVER FUCKING SYNTHESIS ILLICIT DRUGS IN YOUR HOME OR OTHER LOCATION YOU COMMONLY FREQUENT!  Do all this at an location NOT associated with you and UNKNOWN to a single human being, this includes the storage location of the illicit (scheduled) chems!



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dangerous thinking
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2004, 12:20:00 PM »
And should LE ever question you or show-up?
All your labware and chems in your possession/home/lab are legal.  And just to support your legitimate research and chem synths, your attending blah blah college as a chemistry student.  "Gee, officer, I didn't know it was illegal to study and practice chemistry or buy chemicals?  Is that the case?  No?  Ok, great.. Come see my latest experiment!"

im often amazed by beliefs that people who havent been arrested/jailed have regarding the way they imagine things will go down when and if they ever do happen to go wrong.

in almost every case they imagine a senerio where by the cops will politely question them regarding their illegal activities and then quietly go away after having been given a satisfactory explanation.

beeware of thinking like this.

its HIGHLY detrimental to your plans for the future.

first of all if they're watching you there's a 99.999% chance you'll never know it, and when they finally do come-a-callin it will bee with a battering ram and a small army of jackbooted thugs.

after they rough you up a bit,dismantel every object you possess, strip search your residence in its entirety and confiscate every possible item they find even the slightest interest in, then maybee they'll interrogate you for hours until your weak story falls to pieces in light of the overwhelming EVIDENCE that they will most likely already have against you.

if your stupid(like most wannabees are..nothing personal, im just beein honest) you'll then try and talk your way out of things( or at least make them go easy on you from that point on which they'll of course promise to do as long as you cooperate) by comming clean and revealing to your new found oppressors even more information that they,"can and will use against you in a court of law".

my point is simple, dont kid yourself into beelieving that a simple explanation will send these guys packing.

if they have a bead on you your probably gonna going down and most likely go down hard.

this is not a good pastime for wishful thinkers.

you have to face the facts and weigh the evidence in the light of the world we live in...the REAL world.

its a dangerous hobby with potentially horrible consequences.

attending your local college for a few chemistry classes will NOT save your ass if the shit hits the fan.

hell, for all we know in these days of heightened "terrorist" threats, local LE agencies just might get a list of all the new chemistry students in the area just for safe measure.

i wouldnt bee surprised, would you?

if so, consider a new hobby..i hear needle point is making a comeback :P



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LE's opinion of your hobby
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2004, 02:48:00 PM »
Law Enforcement will consider your chemistry hobby to be a "drug making" hobby.  Count on it.

Count of the officers kicking the door in, guns drawn, and slamming you to the floor before you have time to figure out what the fuck is going on.

Do not expect the interchange with officers to be polite, by the book, or noncoercive. It will not be.

By the time they figure out you actually have a hobby that isn't related to drugs, you will have spent a small fortune on a bail bond, a lawyer, and the time off from work or school it took to get the case resolved. And the cop that arrested you will figure you got off on a technicality. He'll watch you every time you go by.

Don't count on chemistry hobby helping you one damn bit with cops with a search warrant. Almost all the flasks they find are connected with drug labs. That's what they know.

Now. What chemicals are involved in your hobby? And what are you going to blow up with them? A bridge? An office building? The National Guard Armory?

It gets worse, not better-- just a comment from the real world of jail, court, cops, and lawyers.