Author Topic: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II  (Read 25449 times)

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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2002, 05:37:00 PM »

SWIM is now looking for any suggestions for further purification of the p-MeO-phenol. He's gonna steam-distill it 1st, but to get rid of that toluene... It won't hurt the planned Reimer-Tiemann, but of course having nice crystalline product would bee just... nice

You're going to have to apply a vacuum to the product, a test tube warmed in a water bath and an aspirator would be one good method  :)


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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2002, 06:07:00 PM »

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.


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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2002, 12:15:00 PM »
Dear Lugh! Of course, to vac distill the product would bee an ideal option. Unfortunately, SWIM doesn't have a source of vacuum. In fact, he doesn't even have a source of running water in his "lab", so he uses two buckets to feed the condenser (a 10 liter bucket lasts about 1,5 hrs :) )

And, dear Osmium, SWIM fears that recrystallization might bee difficult as the product is very dirty. He will definitely try it the next time, though. As for now...

Well, guys, steam-distilling p-MeO-phenol sucks! It doesn't steam-distill, or smth weird as fuck is happening – even worse, SWIM is starting to doubt if the product he got is what he expects.

1st, the liquid that comes over is totally clear. It does have something in it that is salted out though.

Then, p-MeO-phenol is obviously not very soluble in even boiling water - is that correct? At least, at 70 ml sol'n's volume, most of the oil stays undissolved. Upon addition of more water, however, it mostly dissolves.

But the main confusement is the fact that even at 150 C bath temp the mixture boils not very intensely – and I always thought that steam-distillation was based on the principle that the comp'd's azeotrope w/water boils at lower temp, no? WTF?

Well, after 6 hrs distillation (~100 ml distillate collected) the mixtr was diluted to 150 ml, boiled somewhat and decanted several times to separate the undissolved oil. The water phase immediately on cooling turns milky. It turns clear upon addition of alkali.

Well both water phases were pooled and some brown oil separated upon add'n of salt. It has a different smell from what it previously was - hard to describe, grassy, remotely similar to that of dimethoxybenzene. The smell used to bee very slight, oily. Can someone give SWIM a hint at how pure p-MeO-phenol smells?

Thanks in advance,



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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2002, 01:20:00 PM »
You don't have to dissolve your crude oil in water to steam distill it. But you might have to distill quite a lot of water, since I doubt the distillate will contain more than 1-2% of your product. You need bigger glassware, it will take forever and a day at a 16g/hr distillation rate. You might be able to speed it up by adding some salt to the distillation flask, so that the boiling point of the water will be raised, but don't expect too much from this.

To isolate the product you have to extract the distillate and evap the solvent again.

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.


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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2002, 03:13:00 PM »

I can at least clarify a point on steam distillation:
It has nothing to do with azeotropes. It relies on the fact that two immiscible liquids will each exert their own partial pressure, pa and pb. The total vapor press. will be pt = pa + pb, and the mixture will boil when pt = 1 atm. If there was only a or b present, it would boil only when pt = pa or pb respectively. Therefore the presence of the 2nd substance allows the mixture to boil at a lower temp. than either of the pure substances. The problem is that the distillate composition is in proportion to the vapor press. of each. Therefore it's usually only useful if the 2nd substance is significantly volatile in that range.

Anyhow, that's my 2 cents worth for today.



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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2002, 03:39:00 PM »
Osmium - thanks very much for the clarification, now Osmium (or some other xperienced bee), bee so kind - can you give SWIM an advice on rextaliz'n. He has a very general idea on how it is done and never actually performed one  ;D

a) While this crap is still an oil, it can bee just mixed w/an unspecified amt of hexane. Will it crash out as crystals on cooling/scratching or is this improbable? How much hexane should bee used per gram of the stuff?

b) Approximately, what percentage of impurities can the procedure tolerate? I mean, not if the crystals won't bee pure enough, but if they form at all.

Therefore the presence of the 2nd substance allows the mixture to boil at a lower temp. than either of the pure substances.

Yep yep yep. This is called Raoul's law or smth, right? :)  i'm shy to show my ignorance, of course, but... well...

Anyway, the bp of the mixtr was definitely higher than 100 C - well SWIM was stupid enough not to measure it.

That's very confusing to SWIM.


P.S. Karl was so kind to inform me that p-MeO-phenol "has a kinda pleasant sweet hospital disinfectant aroma" - that's quite consistent w/the results from steam-dist'n. Thanks Karl!


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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2002, 06:04:00 PM »
> a) While this crap is still an oil, it can bee just mixed
> w/an unspecified amt of hexane.

It's impossible to predict how much hexane or whatever solvent will produce crystals, sometimes you only need to wet the oily residue with a solvent, sometimes you have to produce a hot solution which needs to be cooled and scratched etc. to crystallize.

> Will it crash out as crystals on cooling/scratching or is
> this improbable? How much hexane should bee used per gram
> of the stuff?

Try the following:
Place approx. 1g or less of your oil into a test tube or small vial, mix/extract with about 1ml warm hexane or MeOH or EtOH. In case there are insolubles separate the solvent with a pre-warmed pipet into another vial and let cool. It doesn't matter at all if only part of the stuff dissolves in your solvent since you want to create a warm saturated solution which is then allowed to cool separately. If nothing precipitates put it into freezer. If there is oiling out then you need more solvent and a slower cooling rate. You can also try to crash out the product by adding a bad solvent (like hexane) to a concentrated solution in a good solvent. Or putting a layer of the bad solvent on top of the solution, not disturbing the mixture and letting them mix by diffusion only. This might take quite a while, but patience is the key to crystallize such substances.

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.


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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2002, 06:06:00 PM »
Mix the oil with twice the amount of hexane, and see if it dissolves completely. If it does not, but forms two layers, heat up the mixture lightly with stirring (but not above 50 C, as 4-MeO-phenol melts at 52 C, and 1,4-dimethoxybenzene at 58 C), and see if the solution is completely homogenous. If not, continue to add hexane slowly until it is. Now let the solution cool slowly, first at room temperature, and if no crystals forms, continue to cool in the fridge (and in a really bad case, the freezer). Scrape the inside of the beaker with a glass rod from time to time if the crystal formation is sluggish.


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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2002, 08:36:00 AM »
Thank you very much, dear maitres, esp. Os!

I am very sincerely grateful. Esp-lly considering smth. like this should bee asked in Newbee Forum :)  :-[

SWIM will get back and do it ASAP.



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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2002, 02:17:00 AM »
I think that a nonpolar extraction should isolate the product from a basic solution.  If it works out as your ref. states you won't have any dimethylether to worry about.
Read this patent US 3274260 and watch how they isolate the products.


"After refluxing an addnl. hr. the mixt. was acidified to litmus with approx. 12 g. HOAc.  The top oil layer was sepd. from the aq. phase, washed with 600 g. 5% aq. Na2SO4 and distd.  After removal of the C6H6, a 122-g. head fraction, b20 109-40°, and 525 g. hydroxyanisole (I), b20 141°, were obtained.  From the head fraction, a mixt. of hydroquinone di-Me ether (II) and I, was obtained 53 g. I by extn. with aq. NaOH followed by acidification.  A total of 578.5 g. I was recovered (78% conversion of hydroquinone).  From the non-alkali-sol. portion of the head fraction was obtained 64 g. II (7.7% conversion of hydroquinone).  The combined aq layers were extd. with methyl isobutyl ketone.  Evapn. of the solvent gave 52 g. of 96% pure hydroquinone."

Stay Informed



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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2002, 06:12:00 AM »
Yes, Foxy, thank you - but the problem isn't solved this way. The problem is the dirt. It insists on staying  together w/the product, no matter in what phase and what form it is - at least, it isn't extracted from an alkaline aqueous medium w/toluene. Not in the least degree. SWIM admits he hasn't given this approach much work though - maybee using smth like ethylacetate would work. He finally managed to make some money recently (money, not honey :) ) so he'll have some in a coupla days.

Also, that patent you mention is a DMS alkylation, which is, AFASWIMK, a much cleaner rxn. I've seen it bee4 - actually, posted an xtract from it some time ago :)  - see

Post 240420 (missing)

(Antoncho: "Selective monomethylation of hydroquinone", Chemistry Discourse)

So far, all attempts at rextallization were futile :(  SWIM made a sat'd solution of the oil in hexane by adding toluene in small portions (it doesn't dissolve in hexane alone at all) and diluted it a coupla more times w/toluene - as the shit oils out. He tried the slowest cooling rate he could manage - in fact, setting his fridge to the lowest cooling rate/wrapping the soln in several wool socks - and w/furious scratching - but, alas, to no avail. Oils out, fuck. He'll give it two more shots, and if that fails, he'll try to dilute it yet more, chill well and try to crush it out w/hexane at low temp, using 'slow diffusion' technique - what do you say?

SWIM's also made an xperiment using HMeSO4 and thoroughly dried MeOH - like, the purpose was to run the rxn totally unhydrous. Interestingly, the black precipitate that initially forms in the rxn, wasn't completely dissolved even after 3h (usually gone in 30 min), and when it did, the rxn was significantly darker than under hydric conditions. He hasn't worked it up yet, but looks like it ain't an improvement of the method - he'll see yet what the yield will bee, though.

That's it for now,


P.S. I'm terribly glad the Hive is back online :)  Last 3 days have been a time of sorrow and despair for me and my friends :)  When i saw the words 'hard disk crash' i was really scared that the Hive archives might bee gone for good or something like that... Happily... :)  all is well that ends well :)


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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2002, 11:36:00 AM »
hi antoncho,

excuse otto for sugesting steam-destillation. otto himself used it for methyleugenol where it worked great.
please dont flame for next sugestion. you could possibly do a regular destillation of p-MeO-phenole (after drying). i saw in literature on several occasions a boiling point of 263°C. somehow it must have been determined...



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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2002, 02:08:00 AM »
On my ride home, I was thinking about a variety of synthesis, especially the idea of OTC 2,5-dmb. Let's say for clarity that the following chemicals have the numbers:

1 4-hydroxyphenol
2 4-methoxyphenol
3 2-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzaldehyde
4 2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde
5 2,5-dihydroxybenzaldehyde

The route you're currently thinking about is 1 to 2 to 3 to 4, but why not go 1 to 5 to 4?

Of course this isn't a new idea, it's been discussed on Rhodium by applying

Patent US4755613

to hydroquinone... but hopefully this will serve to generate some new dicussion!

P.S. To PP, sorry... I just revised my post (I often do that after I reread it, heh) to include patent reference... I hope that puts my question into a better context.


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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2002, 02:16:00 AM »
How does one make the conversion from hydroquinone to 2,5-dihydroxybenzaldehyde? I would like to hear your proposal, and perhaps I know his reasoning for choosing otherwise.


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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2002, 08:16:00 AM »
The answer is very simple: 20% yield. Megamole posted a procedure - admittedly, using the old-fashioned Reimer-Tiemann, nor the modernized version, but still sucks, IMHO.

Isolation of the product tends to bee reallydifficult w/such yields, also the hentisylaldehyde thus obtained is quite unstable/air sensitive and is proally a bitch to work with.

That's why SWIM's plans came to bee as expressed above.


Edit: I'm positive now p-MeO-phenol can't bee steam-dist'd - i looked up, it's vapor pressure is 10 times lower than that of p-DMB and even lower than veratraldehyde's - the latter can't bee steam-dist'd - an established fact.  :(  SWIM was still hoping for that it could work somehow...


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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2002, 11:41:00 AM »
There is an excellent procedure starting with hydroquinone or 4-MeO-phenol, using SnCl2 or SnCl4, an amine and paraformaldehyde in toluene solvent.

Patent US4151201

Patent US6080895

JCS Perkin I, 1980, 1862

Then there's another one using phenols, Mg(OMe)2, paraformaldehyde and toluene. 4-MeO-Phenol to the aldehyde in 92%.

JCS Perkin I, 1994, 1823-31
Acta Chem. Scand., 1999, 53, 263-68

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.


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Anisole to P-MeO-phenol
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2002, 07:48:00 PM »
Nasreen, Aayesha; Adapa, Srinivas R. 
Aromatic hydroxylation by a new cupric nitrate-H2O2-phosphate buffer system.   
Org. Prep. Proced. Int.  (2000),  32(4),  373-376.

Get this article and it has said transfomation in 90% yeild.
The reagents listed are H2O2, Cu(NO3)2, Na2HPO4, KH2PO4, Water and MeCN. 

Looks interesting to Foxy

Can anyone dig up this reference? 

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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2002, 08:16:00 PM »
Didn't megamole write this:

However, I do have some good news. I did a review of some literature on the Reimer-Tiemann reaction for you, and while the formylation of hydroquinone or 4-methoxyphenol is not exactly high-yielding, it is quite reasonable (60-70%.) Considering how cheap hydroquinone is, I think its worth it."

Then go onto say in

Post 224056 (missing)

(megamole: "Re: Vilsmeier mechanism: the alternatives to POCl3", Chemistry Discourse)
that gentisinaldehyde (2,5-dihydroxybenzaldehyde) could be prepared in good yields? 100g CHCl3, 550ml aq. NaOH, 10g hydroquinone... then extract with NaHSO3, wash with ether, acidify, extract and get the crude product?


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Re: P-MeO-phenol from hydroquinone: part II
« Reply #38 on: February 27, 2002, 07:42:00 AM »
2 foxy: i've seen a bunch of patents like this - they all claim high yields - except the fact that the ratio of hydroxylated species to the reagent is like 10:1 - needless to say, they calculate the yields based on the converted phenol/anisole. And they determine yield by chromatography - imagine what bitch it would bee to isolate the product (in kitchen, anyways).
I'm not sure about this one, though - just mentioning this FYI.

2 Chromic: damn it, i recall Megamole told me that in a PM, but god damn it can't seem to fucken find it! I might bee hallucinating of course, so the question remains open. I sinseriously doubt though that HQ could bee R-T-formylated in high yield - it is xtremely sensitive and turns to tar under much milder conditions - believe me, SWIM's done many things to HQ. Of course, everything may happen, OTOH.

Now guys, SWIM's grown really desperate about recrystallization of the freaken p-MeO-ph - no doubt, someone w/a more adequate lab technique could've managed it, but as you all of course know, SWIM's practical experience in the field is approaching zero (actually, away from zero, so to say :) )

So the last idea he came up with - since the bitch is so fond of oiling out even at low temps, why not try to recrystallize the phenolate? He sees it like: dissolve the crude xtracted product in minimal 20% NaOH, wash w/non-polar (actually, this proally can bee skipped - it pulls absolutely nothing from the soln, even EtOAc); then carefully evap water and dissolve in boiling MeOH, then chill slowly.

Can anyone help him w/this phenolate's solubility in MeOH - or, maybee, some other solvt or solvt system would bee better used?

Yours as ever,



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p-dimethoxybenzene to p-methoxyphenol
« Reply #39 on: April 03, 2002, 10:28:00 PM »
Shit I initially thought they did this in acetonitrile but the said transformation is in carbon disulfide.  :(

New reagents 3: aluminium iodide - a highly regioselective ether-cleaving reagent with novel cleavage pattern
M. VivekanandaBhatt, J. RameshBabu
Tetrahedron Letters 25(32) 1984 pgs3497-3500

Preparation of AlI3:
Dry aluminium foil (250 mg, 9.3 mmol) and iodine (1.9 g, 15 mmol) were refluxed in dry Cs2 (10 ml) or dry CH3CN (8 ml) till the iodine color disappeared (~3 hr).

Cleavage of allyl phenyl ether in CH3CN:
To a freshly prepared solution of AlI3 (5 mmol) in CH3CN, allyl phenyl ether (670 mg, 5 mmol) in CH3CN was added and the concentration of the solution was adjusted to approx. 1M with respect to both reagent and reactant. The reaction mixture was refluxed till there was no more starting material (5 hr. TLC), cooled and poured into water. The mixture was extracted with ether and the aqueous extract was washed with 5% sodium hydroxide solution. After acidification of the alkaline aqueous solution, it was extracted into ether, dried over anhydrous MgS04 and the solvent was removed. The crude product after short path distillation yielded phenol; 418 mg (89%).

Cleavage of 1,3-benzodioxzole in CS2:
To a freshly prepared solution of A1I3 (10 mmol) in CS2, 1,3-benzodioxzole (610 mg, 5 mmol in CS2 (2 ml) was added and reflexed till there was no more starting material (7 hr. TLC). The cooled reaction mixture was decomposed with ice, extracted with ether and washed with thiosulphate solution. The thiosulphate solution was extracted once again with ether and the combined ether extract was dried over anhydrous MgSO4. The solvent was removed and the product was chromatographed (TLC silica gel; 3:l hexane:ethylacetate) to obtain catechol, 440 mg (80%); m.p. 106C

Other Demethylations
p-dimethoxybenzene to p-methoxyphenol
substrate:reagent ratio - 1:1
solvent - CS2
Reflux time (hours) - 3
Yeild (%) - 74.2

p-dimethoxybenzene to hydroquinone
substrate:reagent ratio - 2:1
solvent - CS2
Reflux time (hours) - 4
Yeild (%) - 85

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