Author Topic: Articles on ergot cultivation  (Read 133361 times)

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thats so much!
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2003, 06:42:00 PM »
Thanks that just what I was looking for.  :P


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... which leads us to paspalic acid
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2003, 11:16:00 PM »
Bhankzzz you :)

According to one of those papers - and I quote -

"(Pacifici et al., 1962; Gröger and Tylet, 1936). Kobel
et al. (1964) then described an isolate of C. paspali which
produced high yields of delta-8,9 lysergic acid in submerged
culture. This product is readily converted to delta-9,10
lysergic acid by heating with dilute aqueous alkali"

the delta-8,9 lysergic acid must be paspalic acid
(we all know the conversion which has been posted on this
forum and which can also be found at

There are 3 different Delta-8,9's there:
Agroclavine, Elymoclavine and Molliclavine...
Molliclavine looks suspicious.

, C. paspali submerged cultures have ergine,
isoergine and lysergic acid N-1-hydroxyethylamide (Arcamone
et al., 1960) while sclerotia from Australia contain up to
0.005% alkaloids composed of ergine and ergonovine along
with chanoclavine and two unidentified ergoline alkaloids
(Groger et al., 1961). Elymoclavine (Kobel et al., 1964)
and agroclavine (Brar et al.,1968) have also been recorded.


there is something about Flieger M., Sedmera P., Havlíèek V., Cvak L. Stuchlík J.: 10-OH cis and 10-OH trans paspalic acid amide - new alkaloid of Claviceps paspali.

Anybee got Journal of Natural products, 56 [6] 810-814 (1993)??

Now, SWIM is still only interested of paspalic acid and
wants to know how only (~95%) it can be produced

Or is everything extracted out from C. paspali regarded
as paspalic acid???



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This might also help
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2003, 12:14:00 AM »



































Well I deserve a big excellent for this.

If there are more beautiful patents on the subject, please post them. Thanks.  :)


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Thank You Bottleneck!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2003, 03:08:00 AM »
You're the MAN! These will help so much in my fermentation research and experiments!
All you Bio-Bees out there: let's take the info Bottleneck and others have provided here and run with it. Setting up a fermenter isn't that hard, and once we find a good Lysergic producing strain, we can pass it around and share it. Growing a fungus in a culture medium is much easier than synthing some some chemicals together. Let's DO IT!


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The articles are gone
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2003, 03:24:00 AM »
Can someone that has downloaded them maybe also host them?


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Yes man yes!
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2003, 04:34:00 AM »
Damn flipper now thats what we've been needing.Lets get this shit out an in the open.Lets break this shit down.The "their gone"faces are going for 17,500 a GRAM.Hows that grab ya!Grabs me by my balls!I'm sorry fellas I wont bee able to work with these rediculous prices.I feel like a gump! :P


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am I reading that right?????
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2003, 05:07:00 AM »

Offline Happless

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Re: Articles on ergot cultivation
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2017, 04:41:29 AM »
The smallest bit closer... Found the DOI's for a couple of them using

<html><body><p>Lloydia;1962;25;37-45;Pacifici et al;Production of Lysergic Acid Derivatives in Submerged Culture.  I. Fermentation Studies.</p></body></html> (

A lead:
Authors: S. Mili?i?, M. Kremser, V. Gaberc-Porekar, M. Didek-Brumec, H. So?i?

<html><body><p>Adv. Appl. Microbiol.;1969;11;211-44;W.J. Kelleher;Ergot Alkaloid Fermentations.</p></body></html> (

Ergot Alkaloid Fermentations
Chapter published 1970 in Advances in Applied Microbiology on pages 211 to 244
Authors: William J. Kelleher

I found some other interesting papers with crossref. I don't think I'm really helping though.

Developmental studies of Claviceps paspali seed cultures for the submerged production of lysergic acid derivatives
Journal Article published 1986 in Journal of Basic Microbiology volume 26 issue 9 on pages 533 to 539
Authors: H. So?i?, V. Gaberc-Porekar, E. Pertot, A. Puc, S. Mili?i?

 Studies concerning the biogenesis of natural derivatives of lysergic acid
Journal Article published Sep 1969 in Experientia volume 25 issue 9 on pages 926 to 927
Authors: A. Minghetti, F. Arcamone

 The effect of citric acid concentration and pH on the submerged production of lysergic acid derivatives
Journal Article published Jul 1984 in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology volume 20 issue 1 on pages 29 to 32
Authors: E. Pertot, J. ?adež, S. Milicic, H. So?i?

 Patterns of in Vitro Ergot Alkaloid Production by Claviceps paspali and Their Association with Different Growth Rates
Journal Article published Jul 1968 in Mycologia volume 60 issue 4 on page 806
Authors: Shamsher S. Brar, C. S. Giam, Willard A. Taber

There sure are a lot of papers on this kind of thing from the 1960's - 1980's.

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Re: Articles on ergot cultivation
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2017, 07:25:31 AM »
Did you run those DOI numbers through If so did you get them? Upload if you did. 
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Offline Happless

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Re: Articles on ergot cultivation
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2017, 05:48:32 PM »
Did you run those DOI numbers through If so did you get them? Upload if you did.

I did take a peek. It seems none of the above and maybe even no Mycologia journals from all time are available online through the likes of or which redirects to which is down today. :(

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Re: Articles on ergot cultivation
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2017, 02:58:01 AM »
I did, by trying to find another of those above papers, find this one, which the search engine tells me has not been seen here at the Vespiary before.

Journal of General Microbiology (1974), 82,345-361
Large-scale Production of Clavine Alkaloids by CZaviceps fusiformis
PMID:    4419138
DOI:    10.1099/00221287-82-2-345

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Re: Articles on ergot cultivation
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2017, 03:13:27 AM »
I did happen to find this one also. Thought I'd post since the whole thing's available and I don't see it on this site already.

Extracellular metabolism of sucrose in a submerged culture of Claviceps purpurea: formation of monosaccharides and clavine alkaloids.
Appl Environ Microbiol. 1984 Oct; 48(4): 826–829.
PMCID: PMC241621
V Kren, S Pazoutová, V Rylko, P Sajdl, M Wurst, and Z Rehácek
Transformation of extracellular sucrose during cultivation of Claviceps purpurea led to the formation of mono- and oligosaccharides. Maltose was a suitable substrate for submerged fermentation of alkaloids. Fermentation in a medium with maltose was characterized by an insignificant formation of glucans, intensive sporulation, suspension growth of mycelium, and a higher formation of elymoclavine. Glucose alone yielded low levels of total alkaloids and high glucan formation; on the other hand, glucose promoted the formation of elymoclavine.


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Re: Articles on ergot cultivation
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2017, 05:45:21 PM »
There are some ergot cultivation and related papers I posted previously (see links to the posts below).

I uploaded these other ergot pdf's here:

I openned and looked at only one of them. You'll have to forgive me if they're garbage.

Quote from: Beard
*  Ergot Biology and Control - - ErgotDVDtranscript.pdf (180.91 kB)

* The Black Devil Called Ergot - 2010 - Featherly - XDcnsmgK.pdf (194.18 kB)

* Ergotism and ergot alkaloids - a review - 2012 - secale_cornutum.pdf (345.29 kB)

* ErgotErgotism-StoredGrain.pdf (17.83 kB)

* EMERGING ISSUES WITH ERGOT AND FUSARIUM MYCOTOXINS SYMPOSIUM - 1 A review of mycotoxins and their impact on livestock production_Evans.pdf (2941.71 kB)

* Sodium Nitroprusside in the Treatment of Ergotism - Radiology Volume 124 issue 1 1977 O'Dell, Charles W.; Davis, Gary B.; Johnson, Allen D.; Safdi, Mi.pdf (257.49 kB)

* Biosynthesis of Ergot Alkaloids - Incorporation of Mevalonic Acid into Ergosine - Aug 1962 in Journal of the American Chemical Society volume 84 issue 15 p.pdf (381.04 kB)

The one titled "EMERGING ISSUES WITH ERGOT AND FUSARIUM MYCOTOXINS SYMPOSIUM" is a overview about ergot and ancillary topics but is lacking in some info as it is obviously a powerpoint presentation turned into a PDF file. Lots of pictures and some diagrams though. 70 slides / pages, not exclusively about ergot.

And here, a few more are attached:

Quote from: Beard
* Ergot and Ergotism - A Monograph Based on the Dohme Lectures Delivered in Johns Hopkins - JAMA Volume 98 issue 25 1932 [doi 10.1001%2Fjama.1932.0273051006.pdf (398.86 kB)

* History of ergot alkaloids from ergotism to ergometrine - European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Volume 60 issue 2 1995 [doi .pdf (936.57 kB)

* Radioimmunoassay of Lysergic Acid Derivatives from Claviceps paspali Fermentation Cultures - Planta Medica Volume 45 issue 07 1982 [doi 10.1055%2Fs-2007-97.pdf (38.25 kB)

Also, these are major papers on ergot may be of interest and are conveniently chronologically ordered for the most part:
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 05:54:28 PM by Beard »

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Re: Articles on ergot cultivation
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2017, 01:25:32 AM »
It has been suggested that some of these articles might be useful for some people. They'll stay online a couple of weeks for those who want them.

<html><body><p>Adv. Appl. Microbiol.;1969;11;211-44;W.J. Kelleher;Ergot Alkaloid Fermentations.</p></body></html> (

Here is that paper:

I didn't put it there, I just found the link to it.

You can see and read all 34 pages if you allow JavaScript from google, but I don't know how you can save the PDF. Maybe log in with a google account and then you can? I literally don't have any google anything. I don't like their spy-on-you-and-know-everything culture.

You could take a screenshot of each page and piece it together in a photo editing program and then turn that into a PDF. :P

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Re: Articles on ergot cultivation
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2017, 02:23:33 AM »
It has been suggested that some of these articles might be useful for some people. They'll stay online a couple of weeks for those who want them.

<html><body><p>Adv. Appl. Microbiol.;1969;11;211-44;W.J. Kelleher;Ergot Alkaloid Fermentations.</p></body></html> (

Here is that paper:

I didn't put it there, I just found the link to it.

You can see and read all 34 pages if you allow JavaScript from google, but I don't know how you can save the PDF. Maybe log in with a google account and then you can? I literally don't have any google anything. I don't like their spy-on-you-and-know-everything culture.

You could take a screenshot of each page and piece it together in a photo editing program and then turn that into a PDF. :P

Downloaded the pdf and uploaded it here. 
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