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Wild stories and claims about ketone meth in The Atlantic

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--- Quote from: jacolives on October 19, 2021, 07:45:24 PM ---What is this “times of no use” you speak of?  Must be some weird Euro thing.  :P

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Yes exactly :D
We mean with that, given that we had no analogue laws until currently, that we just take different drugs and do not use the "parent drug" for a time(it never gave me her titties for milk tho!).


--- Quote from: jacolives on October 19, 2021, 07:38:42 PM ---Then there are innovations like the “hot rail”.

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Yeah that shit is pretty far out! You know you've got a propper meth user on your hands when they casually hot rail a fat fucking line of gear  :o


--- Quote from: jacolives on October 19, 2021, 07:45:24 PM ---What is this “times of no use” you speak of?  Must be some weird Euro thing.  :P

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LMFAO, no doubt!

*edit* I remember WELL they heyday of good old e-dope in SoCal during the 80's, I was there. And there were psychotics then, trust me. Most of the racemic crap on the market nowadays hardly even seems good enough to me to short-circuit your sanity.  All a matter of an individuals brain chemistry and ROA I reckon.

So nowadays I see that drugs which not long ago were not even regarded as drugs worth the name like ephedrine or ritalin which are now commonly called "strong stimulants" whilst I associate them with decaf plus unpleasant side effects, that compounds like this induce psychosis in people like it was only known from hardcore crystal meth tweakers. Are the younglings all wimps?
Well they are but not to the extent to explain all this and the problems raised in the article (and completely misinterpretated).

I would like to suggest another explanaition (partly hinted at but not taken up in the article):

I know that opiates and related compounds cause massive paranoia and delusions when used together with Meth. Problem is a person partaking in both never ever snaps out of the madness as there is no coming down anymore, any soberness is completely overshadowed but a double craving. What the article gets wrong is that the madness would much worse if we still had pure d-Meth available and not the 20% Cartel Meth (mostly Isopropylbenzylamine). So thats the "opiate crisis"  not the raze-Meth.
But there is something else happening and it is much worse IMHO and it will haunt society for times to come and it will unavoidably fall back on the rest of the users of recreational substances:  It is the Benzos which are over us, the abundance in supply and the acceptance of this family of drugs which has no recreational value and is highly addictive mentally as physically and carries the worst and endles withdrawal process, besides inducing lasting personality changes by turning longer term users into egotistic assholes. And they are creeping in everywhere. In the past they were the junkies friend used besides heroin or instead of heroin and mostly confined to the szene. Now everybody who had a cup of coffee seems to believe he has to take a strong longlasting benzo to be able to suffer the comedown. Whatever drug people take the end up taking a benzo. It is in r/researchchemicals it is on other boards, it is everywhere and they are sneaking into "normal" peoples areas too I noticed. All this whilst sailing under the flag of "RC" whilst benzos are not "RCs" (lacking any recreational value).

Back on track: Benzos and strong stimulants cause delusions and paranoia same or worse then Opiates do, Benzos are flooding in, the situation will get worse and it will be not benzos  getting the heat (as prescribable drugs they cannot be sooo bad) but all the other ones. People we are about to get royally fucked again. And we can do virtually nothing about it as the benzo zombies are squatting plain in the middle of us and they will defend the shit with claws and teeth.

This is the golden age for what we are doing but I am afraid in a few years it will be gone. But now enjoy and use the opportunities, don´t forget, connections now made, any entries as a legit customer at a legit company, all this will stay with you to be used freely forever and as an individual counts nothing but a company even a tiny one is protected under the ideology of free trade, incorporate yourself and think internationally.

makes sense?
makes no sense?

“Cartel meth” for the past few years at least in the Americas is NOT mostly IPBA.  There was perhaps a large spike in its use several years ago (almost ten!), but it’s just not common anymore.  It’s just not economical.  “Cartel” would have to import massive quantities, just to export it again, OR manufacture their own - and at that point it makes more sense to just manufacture more meth.  The “cartels” are businesses after all.

I disagree about opiates increasing paranoia when used in combination with sitúelas te, if anything they probably mitigate mental crazies associated with met anfetamínico use.

I can only speak to what I’ve seen in the Americas but venzo use, while certainly IS a thing, does not even hold a candle to opiate or meth use.  Not the same ballpark even.  If the market was flooded with cheap available benzos perhaps this would change, but I’m not so sure.  They surely are very addictive and their addiction potential is high especially amongst people who already have the disease, but they just are as reinforcing as opiates. This is just what I’ve seen and experienced though things vary from place to place.  Use is rampant in certain communities.  Methadone clinics for example, are nearly filled with people who are also prescribed amphetamine, clonazepam + alprazolam, and use street meth.
Just my two cents!


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