The Vespiary

The Hive => Stimulants => Topic started by: Scottydog on July 28, 2004, 03:13:00 AM

Title: BullsEye "Scare Tactics"
Post by: Scottydog on July 28, 2004, 03:13:00 AM
After reading the feed store thread, it reminded Swim to post some real-life events that went down at one of the local "bullseye" stores.

Speaking of scare tactics, this one lame employee from Bullseye will walk by (directly in front of Swim) with his intercom/cell phone and give a full description of what he is wearing, how many boxes of pseudo he is purchasing and just stand there as the "supposed" security guy he is talking to says, "Yeah, I see him... WE will wait for him by the door"

What do they expect? For Swim to drop his pseudo and run for the door? Funny thing is, nobody is ever waiting for him by the door.  ::)

GOOOes without saying, Swim doesn't park his car in the parking lot anymore.  ::)

Swim is going to do some counter surveillance and find out what car he drives and get HIS tag number. Next time he sees him, (and is not purchasing pseudo) he will hit him up and ask him point blank for his name. (which they are required to do) especially if they are not wearing a name tag (he never does)

When he asks why Swim is asking for his name, then Swim will say, "Do you drive a specific make/model/year car with plate #.......?" When he says yes or no, then Swim will respond with "I could have sworn that I saw three people trying to break into it."

When he realizes that nobody tampered with his vehicle but very well COULD, he may not take his job as serious as he used to?

I guess the best thing to do is ignore him (and not frequent the store as much) because he truelly is irrelevant and is probably part of some anti-theft management team, to make other employees aware of certain people so they can zoom in on them with the store cam and discourage them from stealing?

Or is he discreetly trying to give Swim the hint to take a break from this particular store? Everytime it has happened, it went down on a Monday. At least that is what Swim said!  ::)

Funny thing is, the only time that Swim ever sees this guy is when he is buying pseudo, he is never available at any other times, so chances are he may never get to work his own scare tactic. He is kind of young to bee a cop or fed but he sure wants to bee one awfully bad!!  ;D

They sure are getting bold, they are literally working this scare tactic directly in front of the customer!

Is this scare tactic familiar to anyone else?

Edit: If they combine this tactic (applied to people buying the maximum allowable) with some RFID tracking chips?

Title: A similar thing happened to Swin recently,...
Post by: NaXen on July 28, 2004, 03:40:00 AM
A similar thing happened to Swin recently, except in her case, the pharmacist actually came out from behind their little counter and asked her if she needed any 'assistance' and suspiciously eyed the handful of pseudo boxes in her hand (only 3 boxes)...then followed her around the store. after this episode, the pharmacist goes back to their little counter and writes something on a clipboard....  could they also have the pharmacists 'keeping an eye out' and trying to scare off petty chemists?? whats this world coming to... :o  anyhow, yeah, swin has had similar experiences at many larger chains of drugmart type stores, she has switched to smaller stores since these incidents...

Title: Related tales
Post by: abominator on July 28, 2004, 05:47:00 AM
Having worked at Wally-World swim's cousin says they are taught on the first day to be aggressively nice to the customer and to watch for shoplifters, this from the videos he seen.

In his cousin's experience he says that it is the managers and wannbe-managers who spout off about the "allergy medicine" and other precursors(H2O2,matches,Coleman's, coffee filters) were specificly mentioned to be watched and take note of the buyer's appearance and frequence of purchase of the "suspicous" items.  The result would be the manager contacting the LE and then the LE possibly pulling the culprit over for any number of bullshit reasons to pressure for search, etc.

The small chain stores and pharmacies are all becoming more aware of meth precursors simply from the media and word of mouth.

Just having the wrong appearance or just simply being at the wrong store with the wrong employee working could lead to being searched upon leaving or possibly arrested. ::)

Title: SWIG had a funny experience once at his local...
Post by: Giver_Hell on July 28, 2004, 06:23:00 AM
SWIG had a funny experience once at his local pharmacy with the cashier lady a while back.

SWIG was wondering around in the store, looking for a couple of bullshit items that he might need someday just to help blend in with his pseudo. Hoping not to be too obvious about SWIGs real intent, he graciously asked the cashier for a certain brand of pseudo while he laid the other items on the counter. While the cashier lady was reaching down to get the pseudo she asked SWIG in a rude tone,"You mean the ones to make methamphetamine with?" SWIG was shocked by her uncalled for remark but SWIG just smiled and said,"Make that two boxes." This seemed to frustrate the old lady a bit.

Needless to say that was SWIGs last visit to that pharmacy for quite some time. SWIG now spreads out his "shopping" more so that employees won't notice him as often.
Title: Those are all bullshit tactics designed to...
Post by: SQUIDIPPY on July 28, 2004, 09:19:00 AM
Those are all bullshit tactics designed to intimidate and discourage individuals whom they believe are purchasing items for possible illegal uses. Being as a suspected purchase is just that it is not in fact illegal. Suspicion is generally not good enough for a judge to sign a warrant. So the best that they could do would be a “knock – N- Talk”
Most of what this is, is small fish on the bottom of the food chain looking to suck their way up. You see, LE comes around and lays it down thick and heavy on my store manager. Well, Mr,. Store manager doesn’t want trouble from organized crime (LE). So, Mr. Manager instructs his $7.00 an hour workers, just like Mr. LE told him. So now you have Mr. $7.00 and hour figuring that if he can report a whole bunch of these Do-badders, that he might someday have Mr. Managers $12.00 an hour job. So little suck-up boy  runs with his list for Mr. Manager . Mr manager says “good job, boy.” And throws the list into the pile of others. He don’t give a shit. He’s concerned about his stores profit margin and if he had his way he sell you as many boxes of pills as you had cash for. Assuming LE wasn’t watching , of course.
Around here there’s no secret you step up to bat, say the magic word and most checkers don’t even ask you how many. They just grab two automatically and ring them up.

Title: Two Wally WHilred Experiences
Post by: ChemoSabe on July 28, 2004, 10:00:00 AM
Swim's buddy had two related expereiences at the one local Wally WHirled that still has an off the shelf 3 box limit on pseudo products.

the first time the pills somehow tripped that annoying "you have activated the Wally Whirled inventory control system" as swim's buddy was exiting the store.

The woman he had to then deal with was a middle aged friendly lady who was not concerned really and was only repeating stuff that she had learned to say in this situation. She knew immediately what had tripped the alert and simply asked why I'd bought so much medication.

Swim's buddy made the quite true statement. "I use it as a bronchodilator for asthma and it works better than what the doctor will prescribe".

This honest statement flew fine with her and swim's buddy was not furtherly detained.

The next WW incident occurred when first trying out the "do it yourself" checkout lines.

Again the 3 boxes of pseudo product triggered something. Swim's buddy could see an alert on the feedback screen on the unit that said "show drivers license" and all he could think of was the Oklahoma laws that track pseudo sales.

The employee who came to deal with this saw the yellow bottle gas line dehydrator that swim's buddy was also (stupidly) buying in tandem with his bronchodilator pills and was concvinced the problem was in needing to check if the buyer was "a minor purchasing motor oil".

A line began to form behind this scene and a mini panic set in with the employee that he'd better get this problem taken care of quick! His attempts to get "the motor oil problem" to pass did not work so he had call a senior empolyee to help him.

As it turned out this guy guy ended up scanning _his_own_ drivers license to get the machine to let the sale be legit.

Swim's buddy could tell from reading the machine's screen that the whole thing had been about the pseudo though. Unbenkownst to the baffled assisting employee.

That was a very odd but funny incident.

PS. Last time I was in Wally WHirled I overheard some employees talking and _they_ call it Wally World too.

Title: Chemo
Post by: Scottydog on July 28, 2004, 10:38:00 AM
Swim has been asked on occasion what the pseudo is used for. Swim always uses his classic response. "I have asbestositis, I used to work for the US govt in a civilian capacity. They told me we were removing insulation but they lied to me, it was really asbestos. It is the only thing I have found to help me breathe like a normal person."

Tossing the US Govt part in there always draws a look of sympathy. It is an ironic slap in the face, considering they were probably grilled the week before by a Govt task force agent, brainwashing them into believing people that buy the stuff are inherently evil. Makes them think twice as to who the evil party is.

Considering that it is now on the board, Swim will not bee using this response anymore.  ::)

Maybee the idiot will bee there next Monday. LE has to obtain a verifiable address to do a knock and talk. Although he understands that if they wanted to bee complete dicks they could detain him without cause up to what 72 hrs?

Even without ID, they may get his true identity but as far as an address is concerned, he has always been a homeless bum and all mail should bee marked as "General Delivery"  ;D

Title: SWiSD knew a fellow once who while heading for
Post by: SQUIDIPPY on July 28, 2004, 11:36:00 AM
SWiSD knew a fellow once who while heading for the check out line, noticed a cop talking to the clerk. Being a rather arrogant, and ignorant, fellow, but knowing his purchase was not illegal, he slaps his three boxes of pills onto the counter and stares down the cop. He finished his purchase, got into his car and drove away. Well cops don't like to be intimidated. So Mr cop chases him down, pulls him over and proceeds to bust him with 21 boxes of pills.
Come court time, the court found that his purchase was not illegal, the officer had no grounds to pull him over and no grounds to search. NCF,.........but do you think that they gave him back his 21 boxes of pills?

Title: Shipment Detained by Port Authority
Post by: ChemoSabe on July 28, 2004, 12:35:00 PM
The one time swim's buddy tried ordering gakkless foreign pills post 9/11 the shipment got held by the local port authority.

He got a letter from them saying that in order to receive his shipment that he must first show up at the _court_ of the port authority to somehow prove that he's somehow worthy of recieving such an item. Plus if he's granted receivership of it he must then pay an additional $600.00 for it!

That's over $500.00 more than it was worth in the first place.

Also there was a big rubber stamped message on the envelope this notice came in stating "HELP PREVENT DRUG CRIME".

Swim's buddy made no response to the notice whatsoever but never ordered foreign ungakked psuedo pills again.

Title: not against the law
Post by: Jacked on July 29, 2004, 03:12:00 AM
3 boxes of 96 count 30mg pills are not illegal to purchase or possess. 9 grams is the threshold and that is just under the limit. If the store doesn't like you buying 3 boxes of 96 count then they should regulate the shit them selfs. Tell them to go fuck them selfs. I have several times raising so much hell the store manager gets involved is the best way to shut up overzealous cop employees. The store managers have always been very nice and understanding. After all the 96 counts are manufactured for wall mart for sell only by wall mart, They are involved in the illegal drug business weather they like it or not.
 We use two cars one parked next to the other and a quick hand off ensures no excess boxes if you do get pulled which hasn't happened to me as of yet.. 
 Never buy pills after 10:00pm as a rule from any 24/7 store, Did you know the off duty cops hired to stand at the door at night run tag numbers of late night shoppers for the lack of anything better to do. Actually it is not out of nothing better to do but in fact it is standard operating presedure... This can jam a bitch up worse than a few boxes of pills if anything outstanding is on file..

Title: Excellent post
Post by: abominator on July 29, 2004, 03:20:00 AM
Is that nationwide Jacked?  One may only purchase 2 boxes of sixties right?  This is what the clerks in the small chain store tell me, anyway.

Title: Threshold
Post by: Scottydog on July 29, 2004, 06:04:00 AM
Abominator: Swim has always assumed that it was (3 boxes of 96 ct 30s) or (3 boxes of 48ct 60s) each box containing 2.8gs of active pseudo, so the rules should bee the same? Then there is the 20ct box of 120s or 10 ct box of 240s and these each contain 2.4gs of active pseudo.

I guess every chain has its own policy as long as it abides by state and federal limits.

The US is starting to become like Mexico. In Mexico, the pharmacy will try to sting you twice. Once for the purchase of the drugs and then the kickbacks from the federales for turning you in.

Makes me wonder when the DEA is going to start offering these clerks kickbacks?  ::)

Title: Bee careful
Post by: mr_pyrex on July 29, 2004, 08:59:00 AM
I happened to notice something a while back in the law and order forum that might be worth mentioning here in this thread since it seems somewhat relavent to the subject of inquizitive employees or other individuals.  I didn't have time to re-read the thread to see if indeed it is 100% true or can be verified...but if it is in the least bit might bee VERY wise to steer clear of anyone noticing anything about your purchasing habits especially if you have anything in your vehicle at the time that would lead them to believe that you might be using the materials illegally.
  I'm not saying give in to their fu*#ed up tactics, I'm saying exactly the opposite...never give in to their tactics just circumvent them or figure out a way to get around them with as little chance of them knowing as possible.
  Since a free bee stays around for another day and another time to beat them at their stupid game.  Anyhow here is the title of the thread-Meth law targets ingredients, not drug.
  And if by some chance I get lucky and this direct link works, great-->

Post 479717 (missing)

(301970: "Meth law targets ingredients, not drug", Law and Order)
Pyrex out of links ;-)

Title: Its three boxes here....
Post by: evilscripter69 on July 29, 2004, 01:09:00 PM
quantity and milligrams  does not matter here yet just 3 boxes.
Title: Re:Mr. Pyrex
Post by: abominator on July 29, 2004, 05:35:00 PM
This bee has already read that particular post and those tactics are being employed in his town.   In fact the LE is spreading the ingredients around everywhere from the local paper to giving the pharmacies and stores advice on what to look for.  Who knows if it ain't like ScottyDog said and LE bee giving kickbacks to the cashiers for rolling on customers.

In my particular town things are very out in the open with meth.  The clerks just assume when you get more than one box that you are a dope cook.   It is like trying to walk on broken glass without getting cut around here and many other places swim suspects.

Title: fuken govt
Post by: refukendiculous on July 29, 2004, 08:46:00 PM
like the little slap to the govt...having did a little time for the feds,any chance to give THEM a slap and a bloody nose always warms the heart...anyway,picked up some presidents at the local food store and immediately after payin the guy writes something down and takes it to another dude at the srvice counter...not sure what that meant but until it becomes illegel to buy matches they can go fuk themselves
Title: Swim also purchased sixteen boxes of ...
Post by: Dragontail on July 30, 2004, 06:42:00 AM
Swim also purchased sixteen boxes of presidents at the food store and the cleark asks, "may I ask why you need all these?", so swim replys, oh these presidential eddition are going to be collectors items! The cleark simply said, "oh, I see" with a smile and off swim went.
Title: 3rd Confrontation
Post by: Scottydog on August 01, 2004, 03:13:00 AM
Swim is a glutton for punishment.  ;D

He seen the fucker again this afternoon! Same bat place, same bat channel. lol

Swim told me that as soon as he got next to him, he beat him to the punch and said, "Go ahead and do your thing!" Sure enough out came the cell/intercom.

Swim went ahead and told the fucker, "You deserve a raise, your boss and president should bee mighty proud of you."  ;D  :o  He repeated what Swim told him to Mr X. He said, "I know, I keep asking my boss for a raise and he isn't budging."  ;D

Swim said that he had said it so loud that 4 clerks stopped what they were doing and even THEY started laughing. He obviously must do this to alot of people. After he left, the checker told Swim that he is really just a nobody and all he does is walk around all day kissing ass.

Needless to say, Swim still got them for the max but he made damn sure it was the first stop on his paper route and he WALKED to get a few beers, immediately thereafter.

Fucking punks everywhere.  >:(

Title: Check this one out. Sometime in the recent...
Post by: SQUIDIPPY on August 01, 2004, 03:48:00 PM
Check this one out. Sometime in the recent past SwiSD  goes to one of his local pharmacies. He promptly steps up to the plate, for his “at bats”
The checker grabs the product, rings it up, and say’s , “do you have a btire @#$nch”, card? SwiSD replies, “Oh, ya but wife has it”. (Of course I’m well aware that this product is not on sale any way.” So the persistent little cunt say’s, “Well how about  a phone number then” S/D wanting to make it appear that he is attempting  comply, spouts off a number,  she says, “nope” SD’S just about ready to say, “Look lady, S/D is not interested In you keeping a record of how many pseudo tabs he buys, along with his name  and address”. But one thing that S/D can tell ya, If these kinds of tactics are the best they can come up with, then  anybody with a half of a brain should be relatively safe.

Title: Matches
Post by: mwarlock on August 03, 2004, 06:02:00 PM
The tried and true method to buying a lot of matchbooks.  One of a friend owns a bar.  Sorry oops my bar ran outa matches ... That is if ever asked what the hell your gonna burn down with 15 boxes. :P
Title: no problem
Post by: fnord on August 04, 2004, 12:50:00 AM
where swim lived there was no problem with meth,and he was never questiond about his buying habits(minus large amount of solevents at a hardware depot) and once even bought a case of p-phed on sale a a discount grocery store without problems(swim had too they were a buck a pack!)the lady just gave me a funny look but since i was in the day before buying 10 1$ bottles of cough syrup she probly wasent too surprised