Author Topic: failure!  (Read 2599 times)

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« on: July 09, 2004, 01:45:00 AM »
my friend said:  so i've had my first failure....   but upon further consideration i think i just used too much water (overlooked wet i2).  pseudo seemed wonderfully clean,   which i fucking hope it was cuz i had sum low ass yields (but who cares,  i just found a way cheaper source, and right under my nose!).  1.5gE:3Ig:2gMBRP:4 drops of H2O.   E was fb, i was wet, mbrp i have no reference for quality

EDIT:   the pseudo source i mention is just another store that's cheaper than the rest

a pinch of I2 and mbrp when placed in a test tube with a drop of water fumed when heated and kept on fuming after removal of heat for some time.  is this enough to have complete faith in the rp?  I2 is guarenteed as it's made fresh from bulk KI

so about the rxn,   it went black and bubbled little tiny bubbles for a few hours in an oil bath at around 130c.    i couldn't find that thread with pictures of the various stages of the rxn, nor could i find one that described them in detail.   If anyone knows where these threads are it'd be much appreciated

upon workup i over acidified to 2-3 or so.   is this the cause of my complete lack of return?   i only did a single pull on the rxn fluid, but it was enough to conclude that i've fuct something up or taken it off too early.   figured i'd get sum input and start fresh

bottom line:    it's about fucking time i did something with my labware!    thx beez!


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Enough base?
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2004, 05:22:00 AM »
>>so about the rxn,   it went black and bubbled little tiny bubbles for a few hours in an oil bath at around 130c

How many hours? 2, 12, 24?

FB is very sensitive to violent starts and can be hurt if not destroyed.  Here is a post on starting FB rxns:

Post 290856 (missing)

(Jacked: "Reacting FB", Stimulants)

Swim wants to know if you based you post-rxn goodz enough, because even with excess hcl after a rextal you should still have product.  Read here:

Post 406266 (missing)

(Jacked: "% used ????", Stimulants)
and take heed in all Jacked says.


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2 hrs or a bit more. thx for the links.
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2004, 12:56:00 PM »
2 hrs or a bit more.    thx for the links.   i'd still love the pics thread if anyone has it


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Here is a good pic
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2004, 07:33:00 AM »
It is Jacked bringing on phase two with a million candlepower spot light. You actually see the first stage as well.(right before the spotlight comes out)


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2 hrs or a bit more
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2004, 10:22:00 AM »
2 hrs or a bit more

Go AT LEAST 24 hours for a wet reaction, SWIG like to leave it running for 36-48 hours at 110-120 C.

Ever heard about iodoephedrine ?


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Swim would suggest
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2004, 11:58:00 AM »
A bee must choose either the LWR(easy to master, qualiry dope every time, high purity and yields), or push pull(harder to master, and lower overall yields, but a bee can still make excellent honey from the P/P).  One cannot try to go "in-between" methods and expect to just boil it for a couple of hrs. and expect quality product.

If superman harvests any return it will most likely be undereduced.  You could consider cooking it again.

Post 400334 (missing)

(SHORTY: "Re-Cooking Meth for Higher Potentcy", Stimulants)


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wicked pic jacked!! thanks that's sum major...
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2004, 12:24:00 PM »
wicked pic jacked!!    thanks

that's sum major expansion you have happening there however and it's got me thinking that had my test tube been a bit dryer it may have popped!   at the peak volume of the rxn the tube was about 1/4 full,    at the minimum volume it was maybe 10% of the peak.

so that's a 10X increase in volume.    should i be worried about a larger increase?


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Lets clear something UP, swim is not Jacked he
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2004, 02:59:00 PM »
Lets clear something UP, swim is not Jacked he is Gluecifer69.  Swim merely had that pic saved on an old forgotten drive.

Jacked deserves the credit and I ain't him.  Refer to some of his posts on push/pull to get it right.