Author Topic: So what exactly is in the pipe?  (Read 2588 times)

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So what exactly is in the pipe?
« on: July 25, 2004, 07:56:00 PM »
SWIG had another unfortunate run in with the dreaded eudragit again. SWIG now knows what brand of pills he will be avoiding next time around. SWIG mistakenly thought they where free of this new gakk but after sampling his final product he then knew he was gakked.

So after a couple of hits from his toter he started to wonder just exactly he was smoking when the product turned to a brownish color followed by a blue color? This color transformation, as most people knows, starts to show about half way through the smoking session.

SWIG pretty much knows that the blue color is the antihistamine from the pills but SWIG is curious as to what the brownish color is? Can anyone help SWIG ease his mind about this?


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« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2004, 09:05:00 PM »
Sounds like HCL.  Try cleaning it some more with acetone.


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its not hcl
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2004, 10:48:00 PM »
i have had a similar experience amnd i really dont think its the chlor either, and i certainly can rule out tirp cause i used pills that had none. aslso it wasn't all of the dope in swibbs expereince, just the last pull. swibb thinks it is in the realm opf possibility that itrs the chlor but he honestly wonders if it is a by product or if it is magnesium sterate. this come to mind because eudragit seems have an affinity to metals.


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not hcl
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2004, 01:31:00 AM »
Jade: SWIGs product does not hiss or frizzle (I know its a poor explanation but its all that came to mind) when
its heated and melted down so excess hcl can be ruled out.

barkingburro: About your last pull comment, would the meth from the first two pulls be clean and gakk free? SWIG knows that the last pull will pull some trash along with meth so I'm wondering if this might be what happened in your case. SWIG always mixes his dope in one bag so SWIG can't say that the first two pulls was gakk free. But SWIG thinks that this gakk was pulled in all three pulls instead of just the last one. 

The first couple of times that the product is melted down it looks clear and clean. Cracks back nice and fast. After repeated heating and cooling, usual about the third time, the color change occurs. The clear liquid, meth, will slowly take on a light blue tint. This will darken to a deeper blue and some will turn brown. At that point SWIG can notice a sweet taste to it. After polishing up what was in the toter SWIG was left some ugly residue to clean up.

What SWIG should have asked originally is if there is any meth left in the bowl when the color change happens? SWIG assumes that there still is some meth left but the majority of whats being consumed would be gakk from the pills.

Seems that there is barely any added effect, if not none, for one to continue to toke on the toter after the color change happens.


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sounds familiar?
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2004, 01:44:00 AM »
It seems like I've read something like this before but can't remember what was said.  How's the quality of it?


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I would rank it towards the bottom of the list
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2004, 02:09:00 AM »
I would rank it towards the bottom of the list on quality when comparing it to what SWIG usually makes. Makes you feel kinda zoned out after a while.


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i agree pretty much 100% with giver hells
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2004, 03:34:00 AM »
and yes i was trying to say (man i was barely awake during that last post) that it comes out in the dope from the fnal pull. i suspect that it IS gaak becasue it shows up at that time. also i do believe there is either meth or psuedo iodide or a combo of the 2 in this bluish funk. it also gives me a splitting headache (as does psuedo iodide). the dope from the pulls prior to this however are of a beter quality.giver  you may try sepeerating out your last pull from the remainign product as you may find a ice suprise in the quality of the preceding dope.