Author Topic: Post Wacker Filtering Problem? i think....  (Read 2165 times)

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Post Wacker Filtering Problem? i think....
« on: December 21, 2003, 04:16:00 AM »
Ok its 7 AM where swim is and its been about the longest nite he can remember for a long time. He just completed his first wacker without any hitches, he thinks. He allowed the shit to cool to room temperature for about an hour then went to filter it through 1 coffee filter. Much to his dismay, there was little shit to filter? It looked like there was alot in there when the temp was about 40c, but room temp is about 10c. There was about enough black powder looking stuff, hydroquinone?, stuck on the coffee filter to cover the bottom and some of the sides. Like maybe 20 grams worth of hydro. Hard to judge but definately nowhere near the 150 of benzo used?

Swims confused? He knows that lower temperature solutions dissolve less solids so he cant understand where all the solids went?!? Ok now its 10 past 7 in the morning and swims eyes are failing him. All the shit is sealed tight in a mason jar in the freezer. Maroon black lookin shit, kinda smells like mints? or like spearmint? either way it didnt smells that way 10 hours ago hehe. What do i do about the solids? Should swim proceed and use, say... 7 NaOH washes instead of 3?
Also, any advice for swim to determine tomorrow, well later today now, how well his wacker went, if it went well at all?

EDIT One last question, that shit should only sit in the freezer 1 day right? Any more would be bad for yields correct?


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You really wont get that much hydroquinone in...
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2003, 01:45:00 PM »
You really wont get that much hydroquinone in the filter. Almost all of it is disolved in the reaction mix. The washes are done to remove the hydro and then distill to get your ketone. Swim has let his post wacker mix of goodies sit in the freezer for up to 2 weeks with no apparent yield loss. Sounds like you did your wacker fine.


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Yeah swim read more and found an answer UTFSE...
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2003, 02:53:00 PM »
Yeah swim read more and found an answer UTFSE that swim must have missed when he searched the first time saying that most of whats on the filter is actually pdcl2 and some hydro that didnt solvate. When swim did his NaOH the NaOH was dark black and his organic turned cream colored like kahlua or coffee.
Yeah hopefully his ketone is nice :)  Its nice yellow green and swim yielded about 85 ml which is much more than he expected hehe.
Also swim went back after and looked at his washes that he saved and in the bottom of some he can see black oil like substance, swims assuming  its dcm and tone, so next time hes gonna take more time on his washes. Overall hes really fuckin excited  :)  :)  :)  :)