Author Topic: removing iodoephedrine  (Read 3925 times)

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Look ware, I wasn't trying to attack you ...
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2004, 10:58:00 PM »
Look ware, I wasn't trying to attack you personally or anybody for that matter.  SWIM never had a problem with reduction in the past once he got the hang of it.  He has analyzed his own product everytime with tlc and mp tests, and granted his tlc technique is not that great, but iodo impurities are no longer a problem.  Your also right about how you can tell people what to do but they are still not going to do it exactly right.  Well, thats their bad.  The literature on how to do it properly is out there for the taking, it is up to each individual chemist to make it work for himself or herself, thats what SWIM did and is sure thats what you did and several other people on this board.  Besides they will get a lot more from it if they learn to tweak the rxn themselves, as then it becomes a learning experience.  It's all science and technology, not mystical "meth gods".


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Re: removal of azirides
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2004, 11:56:00 PM »
Rhodium, and fellow Bee's.....Well  how about that I did misread the article , sorry about that I'm wrong and all I can do is provide the article that led me astray ,or should say misread.....I just don't know how I got aziridine mixed up ..must be gray matter failure

Title: The Use of Heat to Eliminate Dimethyl Sulfone from Amphetamine and Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Samples
Author: Morales-R
Source: MICROGRAM; 1999; V32 (1); January; P10
Abstract: It is frequently the case that samples of methamphetamine hydrochloride or amphetamine hydrochloride are mixed exclusively with dimethyl sulphone. It was found that, when attempts were made to identify the methamphetamine/amphetamine salt in the presence of dimethyl sulphone, the dimethyl sulphone interfered with the IR spectrum. In order to isolate the controlled substances from the dimethyl sulphone, therefore, the sample was heated in a convection oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 115C. As the sample was heated, the dimethyl sulphone sublimated, leaving behind the methamphetamine hydrochloride or amphetamine hydrochloride. If this process does not work, then heating the sample for a further 10 minutes should solve the problem.


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« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2004, 05:03:00 AM »
amalgum: Apologies if I gave the impression of coming off from a defensive angle.
I know your statement wasn't intended to offend or beelittle anybee.
I was simply pointing out a flaw in that kind of suggestion, as it should bee a well accepted fact, if it weren't for the overlooked mechanics of the RP/HI, or the variables being discussed such as the ones in this thread.
I hope you know that my choice to use that statement as an example, is no ill reflection personally or toward the many useful contributions from SWIM's corner in past.
Looking back, I can see ware I may have given the impression I was being defensive.
Had you elaborated some more in that reply I wouldn't have felt the need to pipe-UP with my reply using your statement as an example! :)  
No offense...okies?

java: Thanx for clearing that UP! Something just struck me as odd considering what's been disclosed in the past from forensicko's :P  reports.
After some long thought however, prior to posting, I did consider that from a prosecutory standpoint, it would be easily understood why a forensic team might try to fudge the potency analysis for leverage in building an otherwise weak case. But we all know they wouldn't stoop that low now would they? :o

Methylsulfonylmethane...aka...Dimethyl Sulfone, MSM

That little peace is very enlightening though and something that Ibee's never had to deal with but sees it addressed from time to time here on the board by those plagued by it's presence in streetgear!
So that's all there is to ridding it?
Many bees should be jumping for joy, as I've seen many ways suggested to deal with it's removal, but never so easily.
Maybe I just missed it since it's not an area of concern in Ibee's circle!


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No pobs wareami 8-) SWIM guesses he should...
« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2004, 11:29:00 PM »
No pobs wareami 8)

SWIM guesses he should have looked at it from the newbee side of things, as it would be better for their health to learn how to get rid of side things like iodo shit and aziridines.  SWIM didn't mean to appear cocky.