Author Topic: Psuedo from Claratin 24hr  (Read 3072 times)

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Psuedo from Claratin 24hr
« on: April 09, 2004, 09:20:00 PM »
Due to claratin being placed as an OTC drug, it came to my attention as a viable source for psuedo.  The active ingredients are 10mg Loratadine and 240mg Psuedoephedrine Sulphate.  Now here is my question is loratadine gakkish at all or does it come out in a standard A/B extraction.  Since i need HCL would just doing an A/B (then reacidifying) stil carry over thinking about it now it seems like it would but I would like some feedback from anyone having used this as a Psuedo Source.


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« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2004, 09:25:00 PM »
is not soluable in water, take advantage for that. the pseudo is in sulfate though so it will have to be based before you can work with it.


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It might be better to keep p-fed from drugs...
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2004, 10:07:00 PM »
It might be better to get p-fed from drugs that are not solded from OTC.  Just go to the doctor and tell him that you have bad allergies, I got 60 zyrtec , now I don't know how the other inactive will react, but if one could find one with something that contains no active ingred. that could hurt the reaction then one might try that, because if you have insurance, it is cheaper, and cuts down the risk of people noticeing.  This could not be used on a daily basis, but just one obtion


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straight to bee
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2004, 10:24:00 PM »
sources say these pills have a drymatrix(swelling agents) ,

but a jap/tetra wash, and then a/b will work,
from wareami

If the washes are done first before the a/b to turn the sulfate into hcl then water won't hurt a thing because you'll be using clean pfed!

100ml tetra
10ml JD
Mix thoroughly then give the GUPS a bath...(no more than 3 minutes)

or do a waterless a/b with sodium carbonate

pm me mate


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Swig just buys the green kind from W. World,
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2004, 10:55:00 PM »
Swig just buys the green kind from W. World, "EQ$%^t kind, and place the powder in a buckner funnel and pour about 3*20 ml and use a vaccum to collect the filtrate.  Then evap. and dry.  Next Swig pours toluene and and then soak for 24 hr, then use to buckner funnel again in the same way as ethanol, then wash with more toluene, and then a acetone wash.  Then a 24 hr soak with acetone, and again on then buckner funnel followed by toluene washed, then give another 24 hr to dry.


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Geez's experiences w/Zyrtrec
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2004, 07:20:00 AM »
Geezmeister has posted cleaning methods for zyrtec and Allergan-D.  Thought it may bee of some help, here is the link 

Post 455641

(geezmeister: "Success extracting zyrtec, allergan", Stimulants)
. :)


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24 hour pills
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2004, 01:44:00 PM »
Thanks to Gluecifer and Wareami, Swim found a cheap carb cleaner that contains both acetone and toluene.

A couple boils with the carb cleaner and then on to the tetra trap using sodium carbonate and xylene.

Just like Swim's extraction method using generic 120's, once the pseudo freebase is extracted into the xylene, one can then dry the xylene over baked MgSO4.

Then one can use a preferred HCL gassing method to precipitate the pseudo. Filter the pseudo from the gakk laden xylene. After wringing out the coffee filters, a bee is good to go! This method works with other brands and types of 24 hr pills, not necessarily containing pseudoephedrine sulfate.

If one does not have access to the flammable carb cleaner, a 50/50 mix of acetone and toluene may work as well for the pre-boils.

Acetone deals with loratadine quite effectively! As it does with most pseudoephedrine products containing antihistamines.

These are a pretty expensive source, the only time Swim has dreamed with them, is when he got them for free.  ;)  

Gluecifer and Wareami should get paid for plugging the industrial solvent industry. Are you guys sure you don't work in the advertising dept? Over the years, Wareami has covered nearly the entire arsenal of available solvents.  ::)


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Solubility of pseudo in its different salt forms
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2004, 02:43:00 PM »
I remember reading on Worlocks' page, that 'the sulfate salt is sparingly soluble in alcohol.'
Whereas one may use (e.g.) ethanol to pull pseudo HCl, does this mean that the same could bee used to wash pseudo sulfate? I imagine that alot of the gakks etc would be soluble in ethanol, and would be removed with such washes...



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Actually Ethanol is the best
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2004, 10:13:00 PM »
Solvent for pulling pseudo hcl.  Im not saying that it won't pull any gaaks but in my experience ethanol pulls the least amount of gaaks than any other alcohol.  I am referring to 100%, dry ethanol.


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Flammable Brake Cleaners
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2004, 01:32:00 PM »
WW, has a flammable brake cleaner that is similair to the carb cleaner only it has butane.  Does anybee know how this affects it's performance?

Glad to see ScottyDog posting another excellent write-up!  Pay attention beez ;) , it works, at least on the pillstock mentioned!

Good work Scotty!

Re:Ethanol, this bee has never used it as denatured alky was his favorite, but if strait up ethanol is better may bee making a trip to the liquor store. :o
In other words SHORTY's always right!(at least the times swim remembers)


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Are you sure its butane?
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2004, 05:06:00 PM »
I doubt that it is butane because it would evap straight out of the can.  Unless that is what is used as the propellant which is unlikely.


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Butane Propellants...
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2004, 05:26:00 PM »
Shorty: Yes there are several aerosol products that contain butane propellants.
Ibee is currently testing some new custom exotic formulations much like the IDEA method was based on but instead of using straight solvent mixes(ie...acetone...tetra...etc...), most of the exotic combos come in aerosol forms. Some butane...some CO2 propelled...

Post 470870 (missing)

(wareami: "Rocketboosters.....", Stimulants)


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I was actually going to edit that post, ...
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2004, 06:36:00 PM »
I was actually going to edit that post, SHORTY! In afterthought swim can't remember if it is butane or something else, for some reason butane stuck in swim's head.  Swim is sure it contains toluene and xylene as well.


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I was gakked mate
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2004, 12:23:00 PM »
thanks for the help about the water? my bad rxn e was gaked.I have not done shit in 20 rxn's!problems with these 120;s:Eltor box of 12 from the great white north,no usa,not down under but up over.Thought it was a breeze,we don't have bad pills!I was wrong mate!In;actives:Hydroxypropyl methylcelulose,magnesium stearate,methylcellulose,silica.sucrose.Not much,but the nice clean looking crxystals won''t make m.!!Tell me plain and simple mate ,cause I don't think I can do this.can do new straight to e well,egull,idea well,hard doing the a.b with the tetra trap though.Thanks James!ps what's that water less ab,etc we have used the lye,ust got some carbonate.


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Follow scottydog's method
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2004, 02:37:00 PM »
Probably the most to up to date extraction on 120's is Scottdog's in the "Gassing Gakk?" thread. I seriously suggest following it if you want clean pseudo from those pills. They are time release and may be using methacrylates in the delivery system and not listing it on the inactives.


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Please read my recent post, and the post that...
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2004, 06:03:00 PM »
Please read my recent post, and the post that shares the new denaturants,  I belive now that a a/b extracting before every using fitration helps, instead of starting with ethanol or methanol.


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Actually Ethanol is the best solvent for ...
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2004, 10:35:00 AM »
Actually Ethanol is the best solvent for pulling pseudo hcl.  Im not saying that it won't pull any gaaks but in my experience ethanol pulls the least amount of gaaks than any other alcohol.  I am referring to 100%, dry ethanol.

Are you sure?
Someone thinks that extensively washed pill mass is best extracted with dry 100% IPA.  It doesn't dissolve alot of pseudo by weight but they think it seems to dissolve even less gakks.


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Heating IPA
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2004, 10:58:00 AM »

Someone thinks that extensively washed pill mass is best extracted with dry 100% IPA.  It doesn't dissolve alot of pseudo by weight but they think it seems to dissolve even less gakks.

Foxy2, would the iso be heated, to better dissolve the pseudo?   If heated will it pull more gakk?


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Yes and Yes
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2004, 12:36:00 PM »
Yes and Yes, Gluecipher.

But even hot IPA still pulls far fewer gakks than does methanol or the ethanol you or I would have at our disposal (and which contains at least 5% water.)


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On the pills i have tried it on..
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2004, 06:42:00 PM »
Lab grade ethanol was the best alcohol at extracting the pseudo.  I would add it to the pills and gently heat with stirring untill all the pills dissolved and then filtered it while hot.  I got the idea from a chemistry site which had an experiment extracting aspirin from pills.  It worked really well and when evaporated on a sheet of glass it left an even pattern of pinwheels.  That was back when pills weren't that difficult to extract though.