Author Topic: Corrosion proof electrode attachments  (Read 4034 times)

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Corrosion proof electrode attachments
« on: January 11, 2002, 01:27:00 PM »
OK, so maybe you don't dick with electrochemistry.

Maybe you don't make your own NaOH.

Maybe you have not investigated electro routes to mescaline.
(I haven't either, but Predator (Au.) said he knows how and if I ever catch up to him I'll weasel it out of him....

anyway, how to make your shitty alligator clips obsolete...


>>Oh Lord Dwarfer - once again I call upon ur divine wisdom >>to help me out of a ghetto fix...

Always a pleasure.  Send money

>>If u wanted to attach a piece of metal to a wire, and >>then use the metal as an electrode, how would u go about >>protecting the copper, solder etc from acidic/basic >>conditions in the solution? Although hot glue works OK, >>the heat from the electrodes would begin to soften the >>glue.

(Unless you have a special need, use carbon electrodes from a welding supply store..
3/8" X 12", 3 for a dollar...
Split off the copper cladding...)

So: use Teflon insulated wire.

Strip the 1" at the end.
Dip it in Alumnox, a tube of carbon impregnated conductive grease you can get for $1.50 a tube at any hardware store: it is used for aluminum wiring in houses...

Bend it (the coated wire) over the end of the electrode: slide a chunka heat-shrink tubing over the bare wire and electrode, and heat it till it seals down real tight....
Heatshrink tubing is available for like $5.00 or so for a few feet at the same place you got the aluminox...

There you go: guaranteed to satisfy or your money back...

>>Also how would u go about ensuring the that electrodes >>could be placed only a short distance >>apart (say 3-5 mm >>or so)?  >>The solvent SWIM was (NOT) thinking about >>using was going to be DMF or some other fairly >>>potent >>organic solvent.

AHA: spacers:
do I see phenylalanine in your future??? Lemmee know if it woiks........

I've had zero experience with THF...
Some plastics should be OK in it: 

3 to 5 mm....

Not knowing the shape of your ‘trodes, this is generic:
take you handy micrometer with you to an electronics supply store, and mike some of the OD's of the wire available,: again, get teflon insulated wire....

Configure the wire to provide the spacing...

If you have (for example,) a carbon cylindrical inside trode, and a FOIL outside, the foil could be wrapped around the carbon after the carbon had been spiral wrapped with the wire.

Not a bad idea for another reason, since frequently one of the problems is circulation, and having REACTED materials get the fuk out of the way and letting the UNREACTED have a chance at the catalyst....

So if it was spiral wrapped, and you had a small pump continuously deliver the flow thru back at the top to wend it's spiral way back down, washing the electrode surface continuously, why shinola and shitteree that would be nifty keen...


Ifyou have enuff warmth to melt hot glue, you are probaly not doing electro chemistry:  hot glue melts at about 150F.

However, it doesnotwork nearly as well as the technique described.  Use the hot glue to fill up the hole at the top where the shrink wrap has shrunken: it will makea good handle...
