Author Topic: Translation needed  (Read 2254 times)

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Translation needed
« on: March 13, 2004, 10:32:00 PM »
Hi, I am not sure where shall I post this, but since I am new to the hive, I will try at here.

Can anyone help to translate the following article? Its seems dannish to me, I could be wrong....

They are taken from a website, do i need to state the site's address? Please let me know if it is needed. There are heaps of photo in there:)

Problemet er producenten

Problemet er producenten (gangsterorganisationer) som producer stoffet, og som bestemmer indholdet i produktet. Producenten bestemmer således over vores børns liv eller død.

Producenten stryger fortjenesten, samfundet betaler for skaderne, forældrene betaler med deres børns liv og helbred. Den eneste løsning er, at staten producerer og sælger lovlig (MDMA) - ecstasy.

De danske myndigheder m?i det mindste minimere risikoen for vores børn ved at teste de indkøbte piller anonymt ude i nattelivet, og p?laboratorier. Alt andet ville være uansvarligt over for de unge, samt os som forældre.


De internationale regler om kontrol med kemiske stoffer/kemikalier (prækusorer), der kan benyttes ved ulovlig fremstilling af narkotika og psykotrope stoffer, er i Danmark udmøntet i lov nr. 479 af 30. juni 1993.


De daglige opgaver med virksomhedsregistrering, udstedelse af licens og udstedelse af tilladelser til import/eksport varetages af Told- og Skattestyrelsen.


Rigspolitiet deltager i et tæt samarbejde med Told- og Skattestyrelsen om kontrollen af de virksomheder, der har tilladelse til at håndtere de i loven opregnede kemikalier.


Da en lang række andre end de i loven opregnede kemikalier ogs?anvendes til narkotikafremstilling, er det i løbet af 1999 i regi af blandt andet EU besluttet, at der i de enkelte lande træffes foranstaltninger til etablering af et tæt samarbejde mellem de kompetente myndigheder og de erhvervsdrivende med henblik p? at de sidstnævnte p?frivillig basis underretter de kompetente myndigheder om ethvert forhold, som måtte give anledning til at formode, at kemikalier kan blive anvendt til ulovlig fremstilling af narkotika eller psykotrope stoffer.

Med blandt andet baggrund i dette samarbejde blev der i 2001 foretaget efterforskning af en sag fra år 2000 i Ålborg politikreds vedrørende beslaglæggelse af et amfetamin- og ecstasylaboratorium.

Efterforskningen vedrørende de nu dømte personers indkøb af kemikalier og laboratorieudstyr førte til afdækningen af de mængder amfetamin og ecstasy, der kunne fremstilles i det illegale laboratorium.

Sagen blev afsluttet ved et nævningeting, hvor de tiltalte blev idømt henholdsvis 6 og 3 års fængsel for at have fremstillet eller forsøgt at fremstille 7250 stk. ecstasytabletter og 630 gram ren amfetamin, hvilket i fortyndet form svarer til 3-5 kg p?gadeplan.

I år 2001 blev der i henholdsvis Roskilde politikreds og i København ligeledes afdækket illegale laboratorier. Med baggrund i oplysninger fra en kemikaliegrossist blev der indledt efterforskning mod en privatkundes mistænkelige indkøb af kemikalier.

Efterforskningen førte både til laboratoriet i Roskilde og derefter til afdækning af, at den pågældende havde samarbejdet med endnu en person i København, hvor der ogs?fandtes et laboratorium.

I de afslørede laboratorier var der blevet fremstillet ca. 100 gram ren amfetamin samt gjort forsøg p?fremstilling af ikke nærmere opgjorte mængder af forskellige former for syntetisk narkotika.

Thanks in advance


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in the novel discourse forum
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2004, 10:36:00 PM »
the second thread is for translations wanted,you can present the text you want translated there.

apologies if you already knew this


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« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2004, 10:53:00 PM »
Here's a good link for translating yourself:

Translating from Danish to English is a quite slow procedure as the translator (second one from the top,

accepts only 25 words and you'll have to choose the best suitable word for it if the translator has many words which would suite..


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thanks very much for the help.....
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2004, 10:55:00 PM »
thanks very much for the help.....

edit: since this is at the wrong place, can somebody help SWIM to move it to the right place? thanks


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« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2004, 09:04:00 AM »
The language isn't that good, but I guess this is
readable, right? :)
Not very interesting if you ask me, more a Couch topic,
maybee intersting in the Law & Order forum.

Anyways, here it comes:
The problem is the manufacturer

The problem is the manufacturers(Organised Crime) that
produce the drug and therefore control the contents of the
product. The manufacturers will also, because of this, be
in control of our children's life (or death).

The Manufacturers get the profit, society pays for the
damages and parents pay with the lives and health of
their children. The only solution is that the government
starts manufacturing and selling legal MDMA - ecstacy.

The Danish authorities must at least minimize the risk
for our children by testing the pills anonymously at
the clubs/parties and at laboratories. Anything else
would bee irresponsible, towards both our kids and
us as parents.

Watching Chemicals

The international laws concerning control of chemicals
(precursors) used to manufcature drugs is outlined in
Danish law nr. 479 from 30th June 1993.
The daily job of registering new companies, giving permits
and licenses for import/export is the responsibility of
the Tax & Customs-office.

The National Police works tightly with the Tax and Custom's
office when it comes to companies that are allowed to
handle the watched chemicals.
Due to the fact that alot more chemicals than those mentioned
in the laws concerning drug-manufacture can bee used in the
production of illicit drugs it was decided in 1999 in assocation
with the EU that a cooperation between the authorities and
suppliers of chemicals was needed. This means that the latter
mentioned party is obligated to report any suspicious purchase
where the chemicals might be used in the production of illegal

With basis in this cooperation an investigation was started
in 2001, concerning a case in the Ålborg area pertaining
to a bust of an Amphetamine- and Ecstacy-lab in 2000.

This investigation of the now sentenced persons purchase
of chemicals and lab equipment revealed the amount of
of amphetamine and ecstacy they would we able to produce
in their illegal lab.

The accused were sentenced to 6 and 3 years prison,
respectively, for producing or having intent to produce
7250 ecstacy pills and 630 grams, which is equal to 3-5
kilos "on the street".

In 2001 illegal laboratories were found in both Roskilde
and Copenhagen "jurisdictions". With the help of information
from a chemical supply house investigation was started
against a private person (weedar: as opposed to a company)
who did some suspicious purchases.

The investigation lead to a laboratory in Roskilde, but also
through this person a lab in Copenhagen, run by another

The labs had produced approximately 100 gram pure amphetamine
as well as attempts to produce amounts of different types
of synthetic drugs. No amounts of the latter were