Author Topic: Massive Psilocybe Cubensis Cultivation Bee Style  (Read 13619 times)

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Massive Psilocybe Cubensis Cultivation Bee Style
« on: July 05, 2003, 12:51:00 PM »
I was just thinking, hypothetically how could one go about producing say 50 kg of dried shrooms per month. Im not interested in growing shrooms myself, this is merely a theoretical problem for me. Here is what Ive come up with so far:

The key is to mix a large amount of mycelium water and H2O2 (making it say 3% h2o2) than mix this thouroghly with a shit load of dry cow shit (in the right proportion of liquid to shit). The H2O2, Ive read, wont kill the mycelium but will kill contamination. They say that H2O2 may slow down colonization a little, but that wont matter because the mycelium will be at every point in the mass of cow shit so it will be compleatly colonized within a few days! Once the substrate is colonized, contamination is much less likely to fuck things up.  Furthermore, the H2O2 decomposes releasing O2 wich I hear helps growth.

So here's the theoretical untested proceedure:
Take colonized pf cakes, grind them up in a blender with 3% H2O2. Now add each slurry to a  large (say ten gal arrowhead jug)  container of a mixute of 3% h2o2 and agar or honey or some nutrient. Seal the container and let the mycelium grow for a couple of weeks. So now you have dozens of 10 gal jugs of mycelium water. Dump each jug into a trashbag full of compost, mix thouroughly and tie the bags  closed. Of corse you must use the right proportion of mycelium water to shit.Wait two weeks befor opening the bags and boom you have hundreds of pounds of colonised cow shit. Now for fruiting you're going to need alot of space.

So what do you guys think? It's nothing really innovative, Im just suprised that not many people grow like this (or they dont discus it online).


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« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2003, 03:08:00 PM »
just do grain to grain transfers with rye.
then case.


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Ever heard about autoclaving?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2003, 01:09:00 AM »
Ever heard about autoclaving? The idea of mixing the the mycelium with H2O2 before inoculation sounds VERY stupid to me  :) .


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Im sorry if my post was stupid, I ate the...
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2003, 04:42:00 PM »
Im sorry if my post was stupid, I ate the toxic mushrooms once.
Well it seems to be working for this guy

. BTW, I wouldnt buy that book, maybe h2o2 is the golden key and the above link was set up by the D as a trap. ;D  Thing is, it would get kind of difficult to make 500+ pounds of spawn by atoclaving 50+ bags of substrate and than inoculating each of them. Its also much slower thus increasing the risk of contamination. Using my theoretical method, the mycelium is already mixed in thouroughly with the subtrate so growth occures everywhere simaltaniuosly.


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« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2003, 06:15:00 PM »
You have to pasteurize your cow shit by putting it in a pillow case and boiling it for a few hours, you can guess how wonderfull this smells

I do assume you know how important it is to have everything sterile for production of clean mycelium/mushrooms, and dealing with a large scale such as this would be really hard to maintain without the proper equipment

I think making 22 pounds of dry shrooms a month(it will take you a long time to colonize large ammounts of mycelium) is reasonable if you have the knowledge/equipment/time/space/money to spend

after clicking that link you posted I hope you don't think that cultivation of edible mushrooms is the same thing as psychoactive mushrooms.


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Thanks for the input
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2003, 07:05:00 PM »
I said 50kg not 22 pounds. Are you saying that 500 pounds of colonized CS will produce roughly 22 pounds? What do you think is the flaw in the outline I gave? Perhaps with the use of h2o2 the cow shit doesnt need to be pasturized.


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h202 (let alone 3%) won't kill most of the...
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2003, 07:38:00 PM »
h202 (let alone 3%) won't kill most of the contaminants in cow manure

do some research ,
 a good starting website is

the yeilds on cultivating mushrooms depends on your technique and knowledge you could colonize 1lb of clean mycelia but if you don't know what your doing you could yeild  1 mushroom
see what I'm saying?

you should look at the PF TEK(with the 50/50mix and jars) first before you try anything else.

I wish someone did produce 50kg of shrooms a month around here, in nor cal there is a huge drought on shrooms  :(

I belive the reason not many people cultivate shrooms is because it takes to long(couple of months) and not that much $ can be made per ounce (my 0yr old sister use to pay 160.00 an ounce)
on the other hand methamphetamine can be made in a day and sold around the 1000.00 mark per ounce


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You know that 1/8 of an ounce is about 3.5...
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2003, 07:53:00 PM »
You know that 1/8 of an ounce is about 3.5 grams, so 1 oz is 28g, so a pound is about 448g, 1kg is 1000g, so 1kg is about 2.2 pounds, so 50kg is about 110 pounds.

Maybe 6% H2O2 should be used?


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you're correct
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2003, 08:09:00 PM »
your correct I fucked up,

any % of h202 will not kill all the contaminants in cow shit.


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Hehe ok well mixing with h2o2 is not going to...
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2003, 08:26:00 PM »
Hehe ok well mixing with h2o2 is not going to solve all of your contamination problems. H2O2 will not kill your mycellium in small amounts, but it will also not kill of the mycellium of any other possible contaminant. It will help prevent spores, and other single cell organisms from contaminating your bags of shit or whatever you are using but you had better be sure there is no multicellular contamination already on your substrate.


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Thanks for the additional input. More More!
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2003, 10:57:00 PM »
Lilliental, could you please explain why you think it was such a stupid idea? It just occured to me that you might have said that for another reason than I initially thought. Will the psilocybin oxidise? Wont the h202 mostly have decomposed by the time it friuts? You are a chemist, I am not. Im a student.

Anyways, I think it could be the combination of H2O2 (maybe 3-8%) and thourough mixing of the mycelium water throughout the cow shit. It will grow at every point in the pile, AND the shit will be filled with O2. Just think about that. After all, this stuff grows in the wild which makes you wonder, HOW? The comonly accepted explaination is that there are just so many spores everywhere that most piles of droppings wont grow because of contamination but a few lucky ones will. Hmm, is that the full explaination? As a thought expirement, imagine a giant feild with a million seperate piles of shit. Now thrown all over the field by the wind are thousands of differnt types of spores and bacteria. Now the ones that get lucky, what exactly happened there? There just isnt enough bacteria and mold on the lucky ones? There certainly would be bacteria and contamination in every single pile, I guesse the lucky ones just have less contamsand the psilocybe mycelium over took it. Or maybe there is more to it than that. What other chemicals are in the fresh shit... methane, what else? Its a conspiracy man, they are so concerned about shrooms. Did you know they just recently came out with an anti-hallucinogin comercial.

Anyways, dont want to trail off topic, dont want to give them any excuse to lock this thread (Im just kidding guys). I think there is some simple proceedure out there that anybody with enough space can use to cultivate  hundreds of kilos of shrooms without too much hassle.

Anyone have any clever ideas?


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The thread IS close to being closed!
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2003, 01:59:00 AM »
The thread IS close to being closed! Please use your common sense before posting. Spores are more resistent to H2O2, but mycelium will be killed like everything else. Also H2O2 might not be sufficient to sterilize cow dung (even if pasteurizing might be enough).


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re: H202 Tek
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2003, 09:55:00 AM »
There actually is an H202 tek out there for mushroom cultivation.. I bought it and it's on my home computer. Have not had a chance to try it yet, but the author reports increased resistance to contamination and easier growing. It WILL kill the mycelium, which is why it is used for a preliminary treatment ( as i recall). A google should give more details.


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"Spores are more resistent to H2O2, but...
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2003, 12:01:00 PM »
"Spores are more resistent to H2O2, but mycelium will be killed like everything else. Also H2O2 might not be sufficient to sterilize cow dung (even if pasteurizing might be enough)."

Ever wonder why you can make mycellium syringes in which you add peroxide, but you cannot make spore syringes with peroxide. If I am not mistaken yachej did a little exerpt in an entheogen review which detatils the use of h2o2 in mycellium syringes.

Uhhhh???  Sorry lil you are completely wrong in this instance. If I need to I will post references but the fact that h2oh does not kill mycellium in semi dilute amounts BUT DOES kill spores is well established fact. It would be a shame to close the thread based on your misunderstanding of mycology. And I am quite sure of this through both experience and reading. Do some searching on the shroomery or anywhere else for that matter.


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Mhhm, links?
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2003, 02:07:00 PM »
Mhhm, links?


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Ok if I must
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2003, 03:18:00 PM »
Well I suppose i can search some links for you although I am quite confident that if you went to the shroomery and simply searched for peroxide or h2o2 that you could satisfy yourself.  Right off the bat here is a reference:

Entheogen review
winter solstice 2001 volume 4
page 137
auther Yachaj (a fellow bee if I am not mistaken)

"get a knife out of the hot water, cut a small wedge out of the cake and place it in the syringe barrel. Remove syringe barrel from from cake and insert the plunger. Point needle upwards and eject air. Now draw 1cc of cold clean tap water into syringe, 0.2 cc of 3% hydrogen peroxide and the cleanest air you have available. shake vigorously  eject air, and allow peroxide to work for 5 minutes then innoculate a new glass of pf substrate."

I skipped over a few things which were irrelenant but I am quite sure that this is sufficient as a reference. Do some searching on your own, this is actually the only time I have heard ANY objection to the fact that h202 can be used in mycology.  If you really need more than my word, the word of everyone else that posted on this topic, the entheogen review artical and the information posted at the shroomery then I will go find more evidence for you.


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bottom line heat(& pressure is best) should be
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2003, 03:27:00 PM »
bottom line heat(& pressure is best) should be used to kill contams in substrate before innoculation of spores

no more of this h202 buisness..


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"no more of this h202 buisness..
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2003, 05:58:00 PM »


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Just remember to not have those books shiped...
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2003, 09:27:00 PM »
Just remember to not have those books shipped to your address and dont use your credit card. These days...