Author Topic: Flava Injector vs eye dropper/w aq. tubing  (Read 2113 times)

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Flava Injector vs eye dropper/w aq. tubing
« on: October 25, 2003, 09:50:00 AM »
Whilst browsing through the cooking section of some chain store, I came across two nifty items :
1) Digital thermometer, ~8" long, rated to 200*C, 394* F, ~12.00 USD

2)Flavor Injector, w/ nice SS tip ~4-5" long.

I was wondering if anybody had dreamt of using the injector or similar apparat instead of the ubiquitous eye-dropper-and-aquarium-tubing gig.

Aside from not dipping SS into into EXTREMELY acidic/basic
solutions, are there any other caveats?


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« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2003, 06:47:00 PM »
the injectors you speak of are quite handy sometimes... However they live up to the term disposable.  They are known to stick this can cause sudden movement while pushing or pulling, which in turn knocks thing around or splashes this or that...Point is they can be handy, just keep in mind most np's will cause the sticking to begin, and the plunger is rubber which means it will be eaten by the candy. Always be sure to secure your apparatus and try to hold the injector like a flashlight, working the plunger with the thumb.  Resist the temtation to get your eyes to close in case of splash. Goggles are worth there weight in gold to protect the eyes.  Blah Blah, I do ramble!

As for the thermom.  Since the probe is metal you know thw drill.  Calibrate in boiling h20 to mark varience.  Swim has 2, one with the metal casing removed from the probe...
to be attatched to bottom of flask for temp reading durring convection heating or when a temp is needed for a weird position.  If using for a oil bath a glass candy thermom would be better, doesn't quit on you when splashed or dropped in the oil. If it does get wet or oily inside, pop it open and clean it with q-tips...they are somtime expensive but have been invaluable in many aplications (ghetto).

Edit:   After re reading this i'm sorry if it sounds condescending, it's just that swiws has made plenty of mistakes and careless mishaps and if possible would share this to keep others from accidents as well. ::)


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Not cond. at all...........
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2003, 07:53:00 PM »
Nope, not condescending; but rather, exactly what I was looking for. I thought the rubber seal would be problem, but wasn't exactly sure from what. The rest of the info was a good insight into thoughtful kitchen technique. I try to retrieve bits like that from the more in-depth write-ups.
Thanks and TTFN.


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try this
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2003, 02:29:00 PM »
The all poly injecters in the automotive section at your favorite "mart" chain work great too.  Not so disposable either.  They are designed to measure out oil and other "volatiles" into gas containers.  Work great, never stick..and hold around 100ml. $3 retail price....


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Need TONKA labware
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2003, 09:58:00 PM »
Thse are handy too, as well as the tube that comes with. SWIWs always seems to break the circular handle though.  What SWIWs really needs is some labware made by TONKA! 8)


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I wonder if some type of lubricant would be...
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2003, 05:12:00 AM »
I wonder if some type of lubricant would be suitable for avoiding the sticking?