Author Topic: newbee here with questions please go easy eheh  (Read 2203 times)

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newbee here with questions please go easy eheh
« on: September 11, 2003, 06:42:00 AM »
SWIM has spent the last 2-3 days reading over lots of articles and discussions from the forums here.... he has found a LOT of interesting and helpful information...

also he has just started to study the basics of organic chemistry and in fact is how he found this great site... SWIM recently attended an estate sale of a retired doctor who had passed away and came across an old leather bag with lots of intriguing names... SWIM has done some research here and elsewhere and is SURE that some of the chemicals are useful but would like the opinion of the hive members on some of these names and amounts and possible usefulness... thanks in advance and hopefully this is posted to the right forum... sorry for the length but SWIM would like any suggestions at all about these compounds:

bronkephrine>>> ethylnorepinephrine HCL 10 cc vial @ 2 mg. per cc (a total of 50 cc)

adrenalin in oil >>> 1:500 1cc

sinkayvite>>> sodium diphosphate 1cc

ergotrate maleate>>> ergonovine maleate 1/320 gr. 1cc

adrenosem salicylate>>> adrenochrome semicarbazone 5 mg. per cc (a total of 8 cc)

adrenalin chloride>>> 1:1000 1cc

marezine>>> cyclizine lactate 50 mg per cc (a total of 4 cc)

trilafon>>> perphenazine 5 mg per cc (a total of 3 cc)

prostigmin methylsulfate>>> 1:2000 1cc
neostigmin methylsulfate>>> .5 mg per cc

emetine HCL>>> 65mg 1cc

neopavrin 60>>> diethoxy isoquinoline HCL 60 mg per cc (10 cc vial)

sytobex>>> 10cc cyano cobalamin 1000 mg per cc

sparine>>> promazine hcl 50 mg /cc (total of 6 cc)

promatide>>> 1.3 ml

vesprin>>> triflupromazine hcl 20 mg 1cc

pentobarbital sodium>>> 0.162 gr

bentyl hcl>>> 10cc dicyclomine HCL 10 mg cc

pronestyl>>> 10cc procain amide hcl 100mg cc

ARAMINE>>> 1% metarminol 10cc 10mg per cc

persantin>>> 2cc dipyridamole 5mg/cc

quabaine arnaud>>> 2cc .25 mg strophantin g (total 6 cc)

aramine bitartrate 1cc

aquamephyton>>> phyionadione 5 cc 10mg per cc

phyatromine>>> 10cc physotigmine salicylate l-hysoscyamine hydrobromide

levsin>>> l-hyoscyamine sulfate .25 mg per cc (total of 18 cc)


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Dude if any
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2003, 11:14:00 AM »
Dude if any answers that they deserve a medal;

might i suggest, there are books called MIMS and even books that cover nursing and the amdministration of pills, get old ones they may tell..

Mims book is a medical book for doctors and it has most drugs in it (perscription that is)

good luck, there is bound to be a book or two out there...look harder


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thank you for the info and the reply...
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2003, 11:27:00 AM »
thank you for the info and the reply... i do understand i listed a lot of substances but it was in the hopes someone would see 1 or 2 (namely aramine bronkephrine and ergonovine) that they may have some insight on... SWIM will continue to look and dig around as you suggest   :)


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« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2003, 03:21:00 PM »
Sounds like you have some pretty cool stuff there... I'll bee honest and say I know absolutely nothing about any of those, but I can make a few suggestions: the adrenalin and the adrenachrome stuff sounds very promising. Also, so does the ergo maleate stuff. But I am no LSD chemist by any means, so I couldn't give you any advice on it.
Probably the only sound advice I could give you would bee to check the expiration dates on that stuff. If that doc was old, maybe his meds were old too, and some of them may have decomposed.... just bee careful whatever you do.


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Might be useful...
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2003, 03:51:00 PM »
ADRENOCHROME SEMICARBAZONE -- 3-hydroxy-1-methyl-5,6-indolinedione 
    Material:  Oxidized eniephrine (adrenaline) with semicarbazide.
    Usage:  100 mg is thoroughly dissolved in just enough alcohol, 
melted fat (butter), or vegetable oil and ingested.  Because of its 
poor solubility in water these must be used to aid absorption.
    Effects:  Physical stimulating, feeling of well-being, slight 
reduction of thought processes.
    Contraindications:  None noted.  Acts as a systemic hemostatic 
preventing capillary bleeding during injury.  Adrenochrome causes 
chemically induced schizophrenia.  Its semicarbazone does not.

cyclizine lactate  is and antihistamine that is used as an anti emetic.

neostigmin methylsulfate is a drug used to treat myasthenia gravis.

pentobarbital sodium is this a typo? phenobarbital is a barbiturate anticonvulsant. adult daily dosage, 60-180mg.

dicyclomine HCL is now known as dicycloverine, a drug for IBS. a mild anticholinergic antispasmodic drug.

procain(e) is a local anaesthetic.

metarminol is  drug used to treat hypotension.

dipyridamole is an anti platlet drug.

perphenazine is an antipsychotic and an anti emetic

promazine is a phenothiazine antipsychotic, adult daily dose, 100 to 800mg. was introduced in the late 50s. mainly used to calm agitated and restless behaviour. long term use may result in parkinsonism like side effects.

thats all that i can find at the mo. i'll probably gather some more info later on and post that.


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« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2003, 04:21:00 PM »
Pentobarbital is probably not a typo; it is a short acting barbiturate used as a sedative, in anesthesia and in animal euthanasia.


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Even more info...
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2003, 04:27:00 PM »
didn't take me long!

'Although the total synthesis of d-lysergic acid has been achieved (1) the only practical source available to the illicit manufacturer is the hydrolysis of the pharmaceutically important ergot alkaloids, ergotamine and ergonovine.' post No 450823

you might want to read this too,

Cyanocobalamin is a synthetic (man-made) form of vitamin B12

hyoscyamine - the main role of this drug is to prevent painful spasm of the gut and urinary bladder. The following conditions may be helped: diarrhea, irritable or spastic bowel, diverticulosis, colic and bladder spasm. It is seldom used in treating peptic ulcers since there are much better drugs now available to reduce stomach acid and heal ulces.

aquamephyton is an aqueous Colloidal Solution of Vitamin K, bit of info here, 03Feb_PI/AquaMEPHYTON_PI.pdf

I have a feeling that Strophantin is an antibotic, but cant find anything to prove, or disprove my thought.

Triflupromazine ( Vesprin ) is an anti psychotic drug of intermediate-potency. Used in the treatment of disorganized and psychotic thinking. Also used to help treat false perceptions (e.g. hallucinations or delusions.) may cause neuroleptic malignant syndrome.

Ethylnorepinephrine is a bronchodilator used to treat the symptoms of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, allergies, and other lung diseases.


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« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2003, 08:45:00 PM »
Strophanthin is a glucoside from the tropical vine Strophanthus hispidus (syn. S. kombe). It is chemically related to digitoxin and (formerly) used as a cardiotonic. It is very poisonous.

Strophanthus hispidus


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« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2003, 09:13:00 PM »
to everyone who took time from their day to look over this post...listed several of the chemicals not knowing what they were for(strophantin incl.) at all... most everything else the traditional indications for usage were known but not in the clan. chem. sense.... and yes these are old medicines but SWIM has seen several papers stating that the main chemical component one would be after for a PPA from let's say bronkephrine or aramine is most likely still active(any insight into the validity there would be very nice also!)....


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« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2003, 09:20:00 PM »
wow that sure is  a pretty plant to be so poisonous  :)