Author Topic: Elemicin -> Mescaline  (Read 8867 times)

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Ozone Generation
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2003, 11:09:00 AM »


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Post 233837 and post Post 426991 are helpful...
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2003, 10:25:00 AM »

Post 233837

(Bwiti: "Aldehydes From Ozone", Chemistry Discourse)

Post 426991 (missing)

(ylid: "DIY ozone generator", Chemicals & Equipment)
are helpful for ozonolysis.

The acetic acid + ozone method works best as by

this patent

apparently MeOH could also be used as the solvent.


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Another Source for Elemicin
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2003, 11:20:00 AM »

According to that website elemicin is found at 13.65% in Mace Oil. Currently I found Mace oil for $70/16oz. I'm sure theres cheaper out there.

also, any other bees care to share what the think about the theorized synthesis on top?



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elemicin content in essential oils
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2004, 06:59:00 AM »
Google rulez!!

Yesterday I found a supplier of essential oils who sells PURE essential oil of the australian "Prickly Leaf Tea Tree" (melaleuca squamophloia), which has an essential oil containing mostly elemicin (followed by Linalool, alpha-Pinen, Bicyclogermacren, Paracymen in that order, at least their certificate of analysis says so, and I believe them..)

Unfortunately the price of this essential oil is quite high, something like 290 $ per 100ml.... :(

But considering that at least approx. 50% of this oil could bee converted to something like 3,4,5-triMeO-benzaldehyde or the like, that's 300 bucks for 50 grams of a very valuable precursor, hm...
...starting from here, mesc would be still something very expensive to make!

Let's see what other valuable oils they have and what their analysis say:

ELEMI resin/oil main constituents are (in that order)
"Limonene, Elemicin, Elemol, Elemene, Phellandrene" but other sources say the elemicin fraction is only up to 10% of the oil, probably NOT enough for our needs ;)

Nutmeg oil contains a small percentage of elemicin along with some myristicin (probably also not worth the work of separation, but somewhat cheaper than "m. squamoploia" oil):
"Pinene, Myrcene, Sabinene, alpha- & beta-Terpinene, Terpinene 1-0l-4, Myristicin, Elemicin"

...and a nepalese herb named "wintergreen" (gaultheria fragrantissima; wow, sounds like if it has a *lot* of strong fragrance ;D ) has the following main constituents in its essential oil: Methyl-Salicylates, Benzyl-Benzoate, Menthyl-Azetate, beta-ASARONE, Hexanal

But I'm a little confused about their calamus rhizome oil analysis, 'cuz it says "Calamenene, alpha-Cadinol, Shyobunone, 6-Epishyobunone, Acorone, Acorenone, cis-Isoasarol", but no asarone at all, and that's the asian acorus calamus species, not the european variety (they contain more beta-asarone than the european species, due to having multiple chromosomes, being tetraploid (4 chr. sets) in contrast to russian/european varieties that are triploid (triple chromosomes, my botanical book says "sterile" species?!) and american calamus, being "only" diploid and containing almost no asarone at all. It seems as the number of chromosome sets is directly related to the asarone content of the essential oil (more chromosomes = more alpha/beta-asarone)!)
The essential oil asarone content may be determined by checking the refraction index: if its less than 1,500, there are less than 3% asarone present; if its more between 1,500 to 1,5545 the asarone content will be "something between 4 - 96%", not very precise, but as a first test...

..who knows better methods of estimating the asarone (or other essential oil goodies) content of herb oils? I'm all ears...

Not to forget Ho LEAF oil, not to confuse with the also available wood oil (cinnamomum camphora, a chinese herb called Ho-Sho): "Sassafrol, Linalol, SAFROLE, Borneon, Pinene" are the main constituents...

Hope this helps!  8)


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Probably not
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2004, 07:16:00 PM »
If you're referring to the supplier that I think you're referring to (the only one I found which sells that particular elimicin-rich oil), then they're out of the business.  The reason their website is still up is a mystery to me, but emails to the proprietor of the site indicated that he was unable to make any money in the specialty essential oils business...

If not (which is also possible, since the supplier I emailed had no prices listed), then $290/100ml seems outrageously expensive for something which you can make much more cheaply out of vanillin.


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re: melaleuca squamophloia oil
« Reply #25 on: February 27, 2004, 09:37:00 AM »
Well, I ordered their catalogue and it arrived just today, seems they're still in the business...

But you're probably right about the price being far too high for our special purposes, the vanillin route looks a lot more promising.
I just posted the information about prickly leaf tea tree oil cuz I wanted to show that although the oil CAN be obtained, it is probably too expensive to make ANYTHING from it, and that there are other oils out there which are far more compromising in terms of use as a phenethylamine/amphetamine precursor...

And for the sake of completeness: after having read a bit about cinnamomum species, I doubt that the chinese camphor oil commonly sold as "Ho oil" or white camphor oil will contain anything useful, the literature says the white oil is the first of three fractions obtained by steam distillation of the wood of said plant, and it will contain almost no safrole at all, in contrast to the toxic, carcinogenic (and therefore NOT available) yellow 2nd fraction (40-50% safrole) and the (even more toxic) brown camphor oil (also known as "chinese sassafras") with a safrole content of up tp 80%. Unfortunately brown camphor oil (and perhaps yellow oil too) are considered List I precursors, thx pigs...        ;(