Author Topic: e/rp/I2 Reaction  (Read 8130 times)

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e/rp/I2 Reaction
« on: March 22, 2004, 03:39:00 PM »
Rp was added to hot I2 and E,h2o.Way too fast! and smoke came and went a few minutes later.The reaction was e:10,mbrp:6,I2:13  ,dH2o:3.5ml.With additional rp,I2,H2o as needed.The smoke was bad,how bad?.Swim wonders how much chem's were burned?Rp after this smoke is still reuseable?Re-Worlock.Won't do that again!


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more water, less heat
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2004, 05:24:00 PM »
Add more water at the start. This was too dry anyway,in my book. Never heat these chems up to mix them. They will react and generate their own heat, anyway, and you only speed that reaction up by having some of them hot to start with.

Read more. Waste less.


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heating when mixing
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2004, 05:41:00 PM »
on the subject of chems heating when mixed, can any-one explain the mechanism for what causes a mixture of h3po3, i2 and d/h2o to be so endothermic? seems odd since rp, i2, and d/h2o is so exothermic


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Has the E burned off?
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2004, 06:06:00 PM »
Thanks!As is written 5ml or 8ml dh2o for a lwr.Swim knew it would smoke, but not that bad. Swim saw a old Worlock thread for a hotter quicker reaction and was sidetracked.Big mistake!The bad part is there alot of lost E?


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The bad part is there alot of lost E?
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2004, 08:23:00 PM »
The bad part is there alot of lost E?

What did the smoke look/smell like? What does the remaining reagent mix look like? Is it still wet/sludgy?

I guess most of the e is still intact, as reactions dryer than this still yield some useable product. As Geezmeister suggested, add some more water and run a lwr with the recommended reagents ratios / reaction temperatures / duration.


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was it voloptous smoke?
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2004, 10:38:00 PM »
was the smoke like red and suddenly all reaction vessel is kinda orange???

that happens when u do quick reactions and start heating right at the beginning...what should take like 20 minutes minimum took like 5 seconds???

in my experience some lost will be noted but keep it going.

cheers and global peace


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orange smoke
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2004, 02:23:00 AM »
The smoke smelled like rp,I2 did'nt think too much at the time as I was lifting the condenser out of the flask to stop the pressure.It was strong and intense 6 gms at once at 150c,it was a sight...was orange,yellowish hue with drabs of red.Went dry so I had to add h2o and is a liquid now after the dry spell and sludge.It is dark close to black now,Hi is present,after I thought I had to add more I2 a gm or so.Oil bath is down to 100c.


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How did you know?
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2004, 02:37:00 AM »
Ganzas ,Swim just read your post and lol,you saw it too,eh?Your words!,yes it was very voluptuous! Very colourful orange.What was the smoke rp:? e:? or both?,can a big burn like that ruin the rp?


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« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2004, 09:29:00 AM »
i saw it. It ruined my first 4g PFed try in the terms of getting 1g at the end. After that i allways have an ice bath close. But I think u didnt want to do a quick so u probably have made wrong your calculations....From what ive read here. Long WET Reflux is supposed to be a WET thing.
Those fires will not happen. Reaction is "safe".


and for that have that ice bath close and dont heat from the beginning coz once the reaction starts getting faster u simple cannot "stop it" by the Ice since u will crash the glass. Start slow and apply heat holding the flask in hand like 3 seconds....dont let it start very fast...when that happens place in ice...but then again dont let it stand in ice indefenately forever...thats the problem in the quick reactions...they are good for observation.

LWR IS BORING. Boring=better yield & quality and safer.


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Using water in every rP/I reaction
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2004, 06:23:00 PM »
Do you have to use water in ALL E/rP/I/ reactions? Also the fast hot dry onces?

In every synth. they talk about the chems beeing liquid after some time, but the nano SWIM made, was pretty dry!


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« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2004, 06:50:00 PM »
Even the dry reactions take some water. Aside from impure precursors, which will doom any reaction to failure, the principal reason for newbee failures in rP reactions is too little water.

Why fight the odds? Take the time to do a long wet reflux and save your sanity, your precursors, and your pocket book. Increase your chance of success. Improve the dope you make. The dryer reactions CAN be pulled off successfully IF you know what you are doing. Even then, the quality of the product will seldom match that of the LWR, and the yield never will. I say that from experience with both types of reactions. The LWR is like falling off a log compared to the dry cooks. Why do things the hard way?


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I fucked up in a similar way, gassed my house
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2004, 05:06:00 AM »
When attempting a pretty dry reaction with a pushpull, I didn't realize until too late that there was an iodine crystal in the flask joint. The mixture was slightly heated and went off with a whoosh, essentially filling my house with a choking white gas (presumably HI) which stained many things brown. A bit more iodine was added after stopping the reaction finally in a ice bath, and the reaction was continued in a way I figured might work (so many freaking ideas, directions, procedures, ratios times, how the hell should I decide which to do?  >:(  ). In the end I obtained slightly yellow large rhombic/rectangular pillar like crystals as the acid form, which turned to a fishy smelling oil in base. This substance did not smell quite right. This did burn without residue. This did produce a high. The high was almost uncomfortable, quite anxiogenic, crampy and did not prevent sleep. What the hell is this shit? Anybody know the properties of iodoephedrine?
ps. The yellow of the crystals was removed during a recrystallization to produce a product with similar crystal structure (smaller crystals, same shape) that did not seem to produce the same degree of buzz.


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The red smoke that came off was PI3, ...
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2004, 06:03:00 AM »


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#1 problem for all newbees
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2004, 05:09:00 PM »


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« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2004, 01:07:00 AM »

  geezmeister : Why fight the odds? Take the time to do a long wet reflux and save your sanity, your precursors, and your pocket book. Increase your chance of success. Improve the dope you make. The dryer reactions CAN be pulled off successfully IF you know what you are doing. Even then, the quality of the product will seldom match that of the LWR, and the yield never will. I say that from experience with both types of reactions. The LWR is like falling off a log compared to the dry cooks. Why do things the hard way?

Well, SWIM would still like to try a hot dry rxns before attempting LWR. Can you give any precisely ration between ephedrine/water (assuming LG precursors)? Like 5mL/10g eph.

rgs, place


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Well no,
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2004, 02:05:00 AM »
Thats the fun of a hot, dry rxn you gotta figure it out for yourself which is where the symptoms geez stated start to occur.  So you see your probably already frustrated and you haven't even started yet.  Hopefully you got a big pocketbook, alot of freetime, patience and luck cause your heading down a long winding road even though you could take the expressway.  It will take you alot longer than 48 hours to get reasonable results from a hot dry cook.  So actually the lwr is most likely the fastest way for a newbee to get some good results.


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Could someone educate me on the last comment
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2004, 03:06:00 AM »
Could someone educate me on the last comment that I made, it received bad karma, and I would like to know where my mistake is. Is it false to believe that red P, and Iodine make PI3, or is it false to believe that moisture and PI3 make H3PO4 and HI,  Any else that I stated was just my theory, and I believe that I made that clear.


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seeking education:
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2004, 05:09:00 AM »
what is it about humans that must see all matters in 2 extremes?

i've only got 2 ears; one for the evil voice; one for the good.

you must either do the 36-48 hour nonsense; or you must do the 2 hour nonsense...that was the nonsense that was "all-the-rage" a few years ago; when people would brag about the product and post digi-pics of its lurid desirability; along with rave reviews concerning the absurd, yet sexy, push-pull unit.

ya'll bee out there with this crap, but i love you anyways


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Re: Can you give any precise ratio between...
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2004, 06:35:00 AM »

Can you give any precise ratio between ephedrine/water (assuming LG precursors)?

1ml water/40g ephed.  If rp is used or I2 is homemade they're probably somewhat wet and you can lower the amount of water added to 1/2ml. 1ml is equal to one full 100unit insulin syringe. If you need to add more you can always do it as the reaction progresses.


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"jones,en "for a hot , dry reflux
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2004, 08:58:00 AM »
Place: Read post 497110,then read it again 2 or 3 times!Search Geezmiester and read all post's. If then you don't get it click on Popeye,Worlock,Methead,Placebo profile's,click read good post's or all and you will find your answer. I am not able to do that because I am not a chemist these guys are ...the best!There is no ratio,for a hot dry formula,you have to controll it and it is dangerous and hard.It depends on your heat, percusors,glassware altitude etc.If you are a real smart ass,best you pm Warami,Geezmiester or any other bees that know what they are doing to save you your money,time and your clothing.Do you have a "Toast"Fire Proof Rain Coat"?? YOu might need one!                                                                                                                         Shorty:The long and winding road to a short dry reflux, has cost me 29gms of no gak sudo,and 10 days time. On 5 reactions!Place listen to shorty,it could dry up!be too wet!start a flask fire!blow a flask or a cheap salt shaker,test tube,soya bottle..whatever.Balloons blowing up and knocking the flask over into the oil bath has happened more than my once.Shorty you know .Thanks for the input.Love your posts and could ya send me your write up on your gas patent?My computor is fucked.