Author Topic: The perfect crime  (Read 2823 times)

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The perfect crime
« on: February 18, 2004, 07:22:00 AM »


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Don't know about the bulk of your post - not...
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2004, 07:44:00 AM »
Don't know about the bulk of your post - not really sure what you're talking about most of the time. But the free speech stuff is right on. Don't critisize this site, because they will muzzle you and there's not a fuicking thing you do to be heard. It's fucked and very frustrating


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NO no no no no
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2004, 08:08:00 AM »
>>Why do you wanna stay? to watch Rhodium further his education? fuck that cunt, we'll meet up in the under-underground.

FUCK OFF YOU IDIOT. You have something to say;  IMO you chose the wrong way to say it.

You take care of yourself and I'll (we'll) do the same.

Bye for now.

Oh yeah and your post is in the wrong forum


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Hive protocol
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2004, 08:59:00 AM »
There is no such thing as a perfect crime. Some people come here for all the wrong reasons.

I wonder how many people refrain from reading the introduction page?

I come here to "discuss the Chemistry of Mind-Altering Compounds." Nothing more nothing less.

But there are still those that think they can enter this community to score drugs, and meet with others to facilitate other illegal acts.

In the real world, there are drug agents and I can guarantee you that they visit this site as well.

Does this mean that this site is run by the DEA? I seriously doubt it. Can I prove it? No I can't. Everyone is anonymous to me as I wish to remain to them.

I have been visiting this site for almost 5 years and have come to realize that there is a hive protocol. It is best to conduct oneself as if standing in a room, knowing that there may bee cops present.

The bright side is that the cops can't prevent you from giving and receiving information.

If the DEA is really running this site, then they sure have kept Swim up to date on the latest changes in pill formulations, and newest extraction methods.

Its kind of nice to have the ability to peruse this information.

Sure, Swim has had some sketchy PM's. If it feels like a deal too good to bee true, it probably is! No gun to my head forcing me to take the bait.

There are black helicopters in my neighborhood a few times a week, but I can bee rest assured that it has nothing to do with any "information" I've given or received.

If Swim's door ever gets kicked in, it most assuredly has everything to do with a "real life" security breach, not any theoretical discussions over the internet.

Its simple, if there are things that you wouldn't want to discuss in front of a cop, then don't discuss them here. There are cops that do nothing more then sit in a room full of computers just waiting for people all over the internet to make a mistake that gives up vital pieces of information concerning ones identity and location for a wide array of crimes (not just drugs)

Its not a secret, its very simple. Don't tell on yourself!

I can see how easy it would bee to get lazy in the real world, (taking sloppy security precautions) get tagged by an informant and then blame the hive.  :P

I'm not paranoid of this place, I will contine to absorb what might bee theoretically useful and reject the rest.

The DEA will continue to fill their computer rooms and the endless lists of idiots will continue to do their part in keeping the price of illegal drugs high.

Tomorrow Swim might end up becoming one of them idiots, but today he is not.

Just say NO to idiocy.  ;)


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d_y and the site
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2004, 09:08:00 AM »
no, stimulants is the perfect place for that. dont know the guy but it looks like he is familiar with crank. didnt do much to help his cause, no matter how right he may be. serves as a warning to those not careful with their intake. then again, an ordinary rant would've been dismissed as a rant as well. you just cant win. does he get style points?


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Not here
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2004, 09:19:00 AM »
>>no, stimulants is the perfect place for that. dont know the guy but it looks like he is familiar with crank

Fair enough. However I would think that it belongs in The Couch forum.