Author Topic: Cure for alcohol Wacker?  (Read 7118 times)

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cure swim's o2 wacker?
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2003, 12:16:00 AM »
swim tried to follow ritter's procedure as closely as possible-

dried some IPA (forget how much) over 80g, then 20g, 10g, 5g MgSO4.1h2o
fractionally distillled some safrole at 124C, safrole had just a tiny hint of yellow in it.

stirred 275ml IPA, 1.5ml h2o, 1g photographic PdCl2, 2.8g acs-grade CuCl2.2h2o, then 50g safrole and placed in a 2L soda bottle.

swim tested the krv several times by pressurizing to 40 psi, he then measured the pressure at 35 psi, apparently 5 psi escapes when the o2 tank is disconnected.

swim pressurized the krv to 40 psi, shook 5 minutes, then 4 times he placed on a 40-45C water bath for 10 minutes and shook for 10 minutes. this was repeated a total of 6 times. when swim stopped shaking, the solution was 1/2 foamy bubbles and 1/2 liquid, the bubbles would break up in 10 seconds or so. the solution stayed dark brown the entire time.

Pressure        PSI Drop
32 (+- .5psi)   3
30              5
32              3
33              2
33.5            1.5
34.5            0.5

total pressure drop was 15 psi instead of an expected 28 psi and the solution remained dark brown.

extracted 4x 50ml DCM, washed 2x 100ml, 4x 75ml brine. two days later swim distilled a few grams of forerun starting at 56C (BP for safrole) but mostly from 85-92C. distilled 29.4g suspected-ketone from 94-100C.

threw 20g in a textbook Osmium Al/Hg. the reactin got hot, but more slowly than normal, ketone was drippped in over 30 minutes and the reaction built up to a 1 drop/10 seconds reflux about 30 minutes after that.

extracted with 100ml, 5x 50ml toluene, then washed with 4x 75ml brine. dried over 20g MgSO4, toluene was clear at this point. gassed with hcl to yield a miniscule amount of crystals and some yellow toluene with a bit of brown oil sitting on the bottom.

anybody know what went wrong? safrole purity?
not enough CuCl2 used for 35psi KRV reaction with hand-shaking?
run the fucker in MeOH instead?

is this fake ketone MDP-3-P? the aldehyde...?

help swim out and he just might wack some asarone and make tma-2 for ya!


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Photographic PdCl2
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2003, 12:48:00 AM »
There was someone mentioning lately he haqd never success with that grade PdCl2, then he ordered from a genuine chem source, and suddenly all went well.
That's all I can see in a quick read. LT/


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ah, but photo-grade PdCl2 works fine for the...
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2003, 01:00:00 AM »
ah, but photo-grade PdCl2 works fine for the benzoquinone wacker, right?
what about the DMF o2 wacker?

the PdCl2 sure is a nasty brown-red. if one were to make it himself with Aqua Regia does it come out this color?


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« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2003, 01:34:00 AM »
I would strive to obtain chem grade PdCl2 for any wacker.


"" J. J. Berzelius prepared palladium dichloride or palladous chloride, by evaporating to dryness a solution. of palladium in aqua regia, and dehydrating
the residue by a gentle heat. L. R. von Fellenberg obtained the chloride, as a rose-red sublimate, and a garnet-red mass, by heating palladium
sulphide in a current of chlorine; and E. H. Keiser and M. B. Breed obtained it as a sublimate by heating spongy palladium to dull redness in
chlorine; the anhydrous chloride can be distilled at a low red-heat in a current of chlorine when it yields a sublimate of deliquescent, dark red,
acicular crystals. N. W. Fischer obtained a solution. of the chloride by exposing palladium to hydrochloric acid and air; the process of dissolution
is then a slow one. If chlorine is passed into hydrochloric acid in contact with palladium, the metal dissolves quickly to form the dichloride; and if
nitric acid is added to the hydrochloric acid, some palladous nitrate is formed. By evaporating the hydrochloric acid solution over quicklime, the
chloride is obtained in reddish-brown, prismatic crystals, which, if free from nitric acid, remain dry. L. N. Vauquelin found that when palladium is
dissolved in aqua regia, and the nitric acid removed by repeated evaporation with hydrochloric acid, there remains a brownish-yellow, crystalline
mass, which, according to the analyses of R. J. Kane, is the dihydrate, PdCI2-2H2O.

The dichloride obtained by dehydrating the dihydrate is a browniish-black mass; the sublimed salt appears as rose-red, or dark red, acicular crystals;
the unsublimed salt is a garnet-red crystalline mass. The dihydrate forms reddish-brown, prismatic crystals. V. M. Goldschmidt said that the crystals
are probably rhombohedral. L. Pauling discussed the structure. E. H. Keiser and M. B. Breed gave 2.5 for the sp. gr; and G. Beck, 4.00 for the sp. gr.
at 18 degrees and 44 for the mol. vol. J. J. Berzelius observed that the anhydrous salt fuses without decomposition when gently heated in a glass
vessel; when fused in a platinum vesed, it acquires a bluish-green colour by taking up platinum chloride. When.strongly heated, chlorine and palladium
are formed. F. Puche found that the dissociation begins at 600 degrees, and attains one atmosphere of  pressure at 920 degrees. ""

The sublimate appears in several methods as rose red. The sublimate should be concidered as the purest form.  So if you have nasty brown-red PdCl2, it's time to find a new source perhaps?

Realize yourself that there could be about 20 other reasons why your test failed. I just begin with the most obvious one. LT/


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Some photo suppliers used to sell Na2PdCl4 or...
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2003, 12:52:00 PM »
Some photo suppliers used to sell Na2PdCl4 or some such shit.
I'd use MeOH instead of IPA as the solvent.
Once the reaction is finished add water to destroy the ketal intermediate. pH should be slightly acidic.


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Fester PDCL2
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2003, 01:19:00 PM »
Whilst on this topic. Are you guys suggesting that Palladium Chloride made by conversion of a Palladium ingot immersed in a solution of Hydrochloric Acid which then has current passed through it(as commonly popularised in Festers book), would be of an insufficient quality for an O2 wacker?


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« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2003, 01:47:00 PM »
Do realize that most industrial (non chemgrade) HCl solutions contain quite some impurities, f.ex. nitric acid.

See post above:
""N. W. Fischer obtained a solution. of the chloride by exposing palladium to hydrochloric acid and air; the process of dissolution is then a slow one.
If chlorine is passed into hydrochloric acid in contact with palladium, the metal dissolves quickly to form the dichloride; and if nitric acid is added to the hydrochloric acid, some palladous nitrate is formed.
By evaporating the hydrochloric acid solution over quicklime, the chloride is obtained in reddish-brown, prismatic crystals, which, if free from nitric acid, remain dry.
L. N. Vauquelin found that when palladium is dissolved in aqua regia, and the nitric acid removed by repeated evaporation with hydrochloric acid, there remains a brownish-yellow, crystalline
mass, which, according to the analyses of R. J. Kane, is the dihydrate, PdCl2.2H2O.""

When doing this Uncle Fester procedure, I would only work with highest grade 33-35% HCl solution, 99.9% pure HCl from a HCl gas cylinder, bubbled through dH2O, to get superclean HCl solution.
I would also check my Pd ingot for impurities at the maker.
I haven't done it, so that's my 0.02 cents added. LT/


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« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2003, 10:37:00 PM »
As I said in the former posts, I did a quick search 2 times already, and didn't find any boiling point or bp of MDP2P mentioned by me. Please enlighten me, especially that "including Pihkal" remark. Or was this aimed at another member?

You admins are all in the same boat as far as I am concerned. Just look at this link. This is you talking.

Post 171271 (missing)

(LaBTop: "Successfull DMF O2 Wacker", Methods Discourse)

You are reciting the Argox post, the DMF/O2 wacker on Rhodiums page. And yes, it is inaccurate. I do not know what kind of stirring you are using, but for this reaction to be over in 200 min you must have the product to catalyst ratios that are much higher than the ones listed. And on Rhodiums page for that procedure you have a boiling point of MDP2P 114C. When the reality is that the B.P. of MDP2P @ 2mm Hg is 132C. The truth is you have to run the reaction until the the O2 absorbtion is over. That time will vary depending on the efficiency of your stirring. If you prestir the catalyst for 12-24 hours the yields are much better, 90% instead of 70%, but the reaction will not get hot on it's own with prestirring. You will have to apply external heat to 50C. Now tell me I am wrong! And I know all of you admins know that by heart, but you choose to mislead. Why?

- for those who are interested.

And you have the nerve to say a cook that I trust e-mailed it to me. What is your problem? Perhaps you can explain to me your motivation for this, you, Rhodium, the rest of you admins.


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> And I know all of you admins know that by
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2003, 10:44:00 PM »
> And I know all of you admins know that by heart, but you
> choose to mislead. Why?

Hey fucktard. Yeah I'm talking to you asshole. I don't like your tone. Why don't you hit the road and get lost if you don't like the information you are fucking freeloading here?


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Short answer
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2003, 04:24:00 PM »
I had posted in this spot during a few hours a much too lengthy angry answer, but have deleted it, it's not good to answer in rage.
So I'll keep it instead to a shorter, a bit more decent and calmer reaction:

Post 171271 (missing)

(LaBTop: "Successfull DMF O2 Wacker", Methods Discourse)
"" This is you talking.""
NO, it's clearly NOT me, it's Grouch's voice and later in that thread KrZ's voice, (see text of DMF/O2 wacker on Rhodium), and I stated clearly that the text from Grouch was emailed to me.
Grouch sadly enough is since last year in prison, as we all know, and I don't know if he's still there. Is his friend still reading here, could he give an update please on his status?

"" the DMF/O2 wacker on Rhodiums page. And yes, it is inaccurate. I do not know what kind of stirring you are using,""
"" I also used a 3 inch stirbar and a Thermoline heavy duty stirrer that's rated to stir up to 132 litres.""
That you can and have read in the same post, you seem to be selectively blinded and don't want to read what doesn't fit your conspiracy theories!
That's a VERY HEAVY magnetic stirrer, Grouch also told in the same thread that he had an O2 uptake drop because he didn't put the stirrer-setting back in the original highspeed setting after one of his O2-repressuring steps.
Grouch and KrZ both do not mention anywhere external heating of the vessel to 50°Celsius. Only exothermic internal heating.
But still they could aminate their ketone successfully, while you couldn't.
So WHO's inaccurate???

"" but for this reaction to be over in 200 min you must have the product to catalyst ratios that are much higher than the ones listed.""
I strongly believe you are constantly switching between data for a DMF and an alcoholic O2-wacker.
I do not believe that KrZ and Grouch were both mistaken (see their posting history), while you would be right, you talk again about a DMF wacker, that one works as announced by 2 trusted members.

"" And on Rhodiums page for that procedure you have a boiling point of MDP2P 114C. When the reality is that the B.P. of MDP2P @ 2mm Hg is 132C.""
That "you" is not me, that's KrZ, the one you trusted so much you start PMing him about this procedure!!! Now YOU in fact call HIM a lier, he won't be pleased eather, believe me.
""KrZ: Vacuum distilled at ~2.0 mm Hg to recover 311.22g PiperonylMethylKetone (MDP2P) fraction  between 105-114°C. There was an Isosafrole forerun, and a minimal high boilingpoint and thus polymerysized glop after 114C."" He then AMINATED his product! He also sound as if he was professionally knowing his tools, and wrote down the data collected precisely!
If you should have some grey mass left over up there, you should start to doubt your OWN vacuum meter, method, vacuumpump , thermometer, and especially your whole fuckin attitude first, before accusing others!
You DID NOT MAKE ANY MDP2P TO BEGIN WITH, you admitted that you could not aminate any products, so how the hell do you have the guts to doubt those figures, based on some fuckin ALDEHYDE or whatever you made there instead of a ketone, and then start accusing me and about everybody here of misleading people???
You really seem to be on a "nailing" binge aimed at me (and even my colleagues!) without thoroughly checking your own "facts", so you start telling me for a change what triggered this behavior?
WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM??? I don't have one.

"" The truth is you have to run the reaction until the O2 absorbtion is over. That time will vary depending on the efficiency of your stirring. If you prestir the catalyst for 12-24 hours the yields are much better, 90% instead of 70%, but the reaction will not get hot on it's own with prestirring. You will have to apply external heat to 50C. Now tell me I am wrong! And I know all of you admins know that by heart, but you choose to mislead. Why?

- for those who are interested.
You have to heat an ALCOHOLIC wacker, however you don't have to but CAN add some heat to a professionally proceeded DMF/O2 wacker. As said weeks ago ALREADY. See:

Post 171802 (missing)

(Antibody2: "Re: my exploited private email", Methods Discourse)
, where we talked then about non DMF wackers. That includes alcoholic ones too, you know.
You keep beating a dead horse.

Btw, do you start to realize the stupidity of your own above statements?  :
You did NOT succeed to aminize your "ketone", but still use all collected data from that FAILED test (nr 434171, you haven't posted any data of a SUCCEEDED one!) to try to tackle our COLLECTIVE knowledge? Are you INSANE perhaps??? In that case, get professional help.
The consensus here seems to be that the bp of MDP2P at 760 mm Hg is 187 celsius, and not 164. So your famous "25 degrees difference" remark, thrown out in obvious anger, I still don't get. I linked those posts with discussion about MDP2P bp's LATER, so what the hell was that hickup aimed at that day? You talk to yourself mainly? And that mirrors itself into your posts, leaving us with no clue what the hell you mean?
Learn to type comprehensive texts for others to understand, try to get out of your daily egoistic reasoning, and try to see through the eye of the reader when you proofread (if ever) one of your own posts before clicking Submit.

"" And you have the nerve to say: a cook that I trust, e-mailed it to me. What is your problem? Perhaps you can explain to me your motivation for this, you, Rhodium, the rest of you admins.""

Are you slowly seeing your own unscientific way of reasoning yet???? You in fact attack KrZ.
And then YOU HAVE THE NERVE to attack us?  GO FIGURE!!!

NOTES for people with more logic:

1.  See

Post 436217

(Bubbleplate: "Well....", Methods Discourse)

for a sudden yield increase with GOOD highgrade PdCl2.


Post 171639 (missing)

(pmpB_4: "Re: my exploited private email", Methods Discourse)
"" most asssholes(sp! :P ) here that bitched about the IPA (LT/: an alcohol)-02 Wacker only fucked up because they didn't have the H20 in the IPA/PdCl2/CuCl2 prestir. They added it during the oxidation, and it was my fault their PdCl2 didn't solvate! Go figure!! ""
Osmium told in this thread (nr 439327) to add no water in the first IPA post of this thread, is this (old)statement above (2.) right or wrong for any ALCOHOLIC wacker, so also a failed METHANOL wacker as used by ARGON in nr 434171 where he added the water after the prestirring ??
And if right, thus his PdCl2 did not solute totally perhaps, another cause of the failure perhaps?
If he (2.) was right, then the alc.wacker prestirr could be much shorter with the water added?
In the DMF/O2 wacker Grouch and KrZ added also water in the prestirr (much more related to the safrole btw). So if one changes only the solvent, Methanol for DMF, why would there be a difference?

3.  Wacker success, good and fast O2 uptake, depends mainly on HEAVY stirring, yes, got it at last? Heavy SHAKING is even better, much better gas to fluid contact.

It seems clear by now that ARGON did not heat that METHANOL wacker, so that will have been the main reason of failure in his post nr 434171.
Why the fuck he then starts rambling on and on about a well eshtablished (by many members) DMF/O2 wacker is still beyond my comprehension.

Is some mexican thug standing perhaps behind you with a machete, which he will carve in you when you don't succeed?? That's the way it starts to sound.
In that case, get out fast and start over again in a safer place. LT/


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The SHORT one:
« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2003, 04:47:00 PM »
ARGON, you have the wrong bull at the horns!

(However, he would have never found out what was meant by that, probably forcing him to grab the poor creatures balls, so preventive extensive guidance seemed in place, producing above long explanation). LT/


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« Reply #31 on: June 12, 2003, 08:52:00 PM »
Hey fucktard. Yeah I'm talking to you asshole. I don't like your tone. Why don't you hit the road and get lost if you don't like the information you are fucking freeloading here?

Os, don't get angry. I mean, some of the stuff you guys have posted up is not on the money. And after a few months of fucking around, you start to get thrustrated. I asked all the right questions in the past, and got nothing gooood in return.

I am sorry, but that is what it takes to get answers around here.


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« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2003, 09:13:00 PM »
So your famous "25 degrees difference" remark, thrown out in obvious anger, I still don't get.

Well, let me explain. Throught the Hive and Rhodium and Erowid there are documents available for download by Shulgin, Chromic, BrightStar, Krz and many others that repetedly state that the ketone will come over ~25C higher than the safrole with the same vacuum source. I mean are we gonna play stupid??? Do you want me to give links??? That is not my famous remark, I am sorry.

And I was under impression that we reconciled on rudeness?? Or are we right back where we started?

Yes, perhaps you are right, you pesonally do not list the incorrect b.p. of MDP2P. But I would really appreciate some insight into why half these docs have that copied and pasted error. Do you know?


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Raf's pulling his ketone about 50 degrees...
« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2003, 09:44:00 PM »
Raf's pulling his ketone about 50 degrees higher than safrole,he doesn't know why.Safrole around 105 or so and ketone 150-160C.Isosafrole at 115 sometimes higher and sometimes lower,depends in what mood his pump is.


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« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2003, 03:36:00 AM »
Yes, I know, and I already explained that to you 3 days ago in the above post:

Post 439153

(LaBTop: "Huh?", Methods Discourse)
""Btw, the real boiling point of   --PURE--  MDP2P is not often encountered by COOKS, caused by the fact that nearly all Hive and Rhodium procedures to get to this precious commodity will let them create a mixture of goodies and more or less impurities, which have a different combined bp.
Just as well as a bp of impure MDP2P under vacuum is affected by the same burden, and there is always a boiling traject to observe, not a specific fixed boiling point.
F.ex.: MDP2P boiling at 10 mm Hg or 10 mbar from 148 to 165°C. Or from 145 to 162°C, etc. ""

Now have a look at what raffike just told you:
""Raf's pulling his ketone about 50 degrees higher than safrole,he doesn't know why.Safrole around 105 or so and ketone 150-160C ""  That's in fact a 45 C jump to see the first ketone drops roll.


Post 175260

(LaBTop: "Re: DETAILED METHODS for NON-CHEMISTS The Sequel !", Methods Discourse)
, in BENZOQUINONE to KETONE from RollWitMe :
""The other ones boils alkene at 92C and knows to watch for ketone @ ~ 130C. Well only 2 drops of unreacted alkene came over at ~95C and then a neon green ( very pretty, SWIM first tone runs were darker yellow w/ only slight green undertones compared to this which was practically glowing flourescent green ) fluid came over @~138-145C "" that's a 43 C jump to ketone.


Post 23325

(LaBTop: "Detailed Methods for Non-chemists Edit: IT'sDONE!", Methods Discourse)
, in SAFROLE :
""S15. - The main safrole oil body (ca. 15.5-17.2 L), which boils (at~ ~130 C) and comes over at your vacuum ( should be 20 mbar or lower),""
""M14. - To get the real clean MDP2P, you will have to vacuum-distillate this dirty MDP2P-base ....and you don't let the temp go over 170 C, at ~20 mbar vacuum ""
that's a 40 C jump to ketone.

So I should say that it's pretty sure that between 10 and 20 mbar vacuum, the temp jump from the first drops of safrole to the first drops of ketone lays between 40 and 45 C.

I just quickly did a random check on some posts I remembered, and I do not see any strange anomalies. The traject is pretty much the same.

So, come up with those links, "I mean are YOU gonna play stupid"???
I am not gonna do all YOUR thinking, searching and problemsolving, no freeloading anymore.

Last but not least:
""And I was under impression that we reconciled on rudeness?? Or are we right back where we started?""
So now you try to pull our legs???
YOU were the one who started with multiple unfounded accusations, packed in exceptional rude wrappers, and we were the ones who didn't bigban you after the very first rude remarks.
I have saved your ass here, if not for me, you were already bigbanned. I know your cocky hidalgo behavior, based on uncertainty, so change your attitude wisely, or you get axed forever by some less flexable staffmember.
And that was the last serious warning. LT/


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What a whiner that guy is.Isomerize your ...
« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2003, 07:28:00 AM »
What a whiner that guy is.Isomerize your fucking safrole(if you have safrole) and oxidise with peroxyformic acid if Wacker is way over your capabilities.Check these sticky threads for info how to exactly do that.
PS when MDP2P is distilled second time,raf collects stuff over 5C range,will this guarantee enuff pure >95% ketone?


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« Reply #36 on: November 09, 2003, 03:33:00 PM »
Hell of a thread to find when I only needed the bp of MDP2P.  Ironically, this is where I found it - in the link to the Improved Boiling Points Chart, so keep on arguing, bees.  It makes the search more, um, shall we say interesting, but, at least in this case, provides the needed end result (even though, there still seems to be some question about MDP2P bp without vacuum....)