Author Topic: pics and prints- possibly a concern  (Read 308 times)


  • Subordinate Wasp
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Re: pics and prints- possibly a concern
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2010, 03:23:16 AM »
I know it isn't always practical and I certainly don't always stick to it myself, but there's no good reason why you should ever be leaving fingerprints near where or on equipment with which you commit federal crimes.  You don't rob a bank and rub your bare hands all over the counter.

It's not very convenient, but it's certainly less inconvenient than 5 to 10 years locked in prison.


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Re: pics and prints- possibly a concern
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2010, 03:50:23 AM »
Point 1: ALWAYS wear gloves in the lab, period.

Point 2: If you are acting in a manner, that if proved, would result in your being successfully prosecuted for a criminal offence, please don't help pigs gather evidence. One thing that always has amazed me is how many people cannot resist the 'thrill' (yeah, I know, I can't say I ever remember feeling it) of 'capturing' their criminal activities on film. A picture tells a thousand words, juries love 'em.

Point 3: I am under the understanding that nobody here is engaged in 'illegal' activity (if I were to understand otherwise and then assist them, I'd be in breach of the law myself - nb. acting in the prosecution of a common purpose). Please, do not make me question whether I should continue to provide assistance.

Point 4: If one were to engage in ANY sort of criminal activity, one would be wise, especially if one uploaded digital images thereof to a site (tending to be probative of the legality of the deed), one would be well informed to dispose of both the camera and the computer they were uploaded on. Also, do not upload on an IP registered to you (or traceable to you) and if you really "MUST" link them to a site (to show off - damn, how many people are in jail for that reason), do so from an anonymous user account (newly registered, war driving IP's).

Point 5: To some of us, this is a game - that is true. However, for everyone here who regards certain things as a game, that is because we know the consequences of our actions and view it pretty much like fucking around with a box of live hand-grenades... It IS fun and pretty safe most of the time, trouble is if one goes wrong your day is plenty fucked up.

Point 6: The fact you are anonymous (not as much as you might suppose I assure you) and posting in a supposedly 'safe' place, do not kid yourself. If you get caught manufacturing drugs you are facing a whole lot of hard-time in a very unpleasant place, filled with extremely unpleasant people. Don't take dumb risks.
"...     "A little learning is a dang'rous thing;
    Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
    There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
    And drinking largely sobers us again.


  • Larvae
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Re: pics and prints- possibly a concern
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2010, 03:01:01 AM »


  • Larvae
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Re: pics and prints- possibly a concern
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2010, 04:11:13 AM »
Don't take dumb risks.
I think this needs to be printed at the top of every page to remind people.


  • Subordinate Wasp
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Re: pics and prints- possibly a concern
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2011, 10:50:37 PM »
I work closely with infosec day to day.

There's a simple solution to this which will put the paranoia and fear to bed.

1. Take all photos from a cheap camera used only for that purpose. Never use your good camera for questionable photos, and never use your cell phone camera for those either.
2. Strip all EXIF/metadata information using a tool appropriate to your OS.
3. Resize with a simple utility not known for storing metadata, or Photoshop if you know when and how to disregard this advice.
4. The target size should be reasonable. 1024x768 should be enough for anything which is being shown on a screen. We're not making prints nor is this a photography competition, so keep it reasonable.
5. Run your EXIF/metadatastripper again.

No metadata, camera fingerprints, or latent physical fingerprints will come through.

When you're done for good, smash the camera and throw it into a dumpster.

Once the basic EXIF/metadata is gone, there should be more of a concern with ill-advised objects appearing in the photo, be it a closeup of an actual finger, a national/provincial/state flag on the wall, a specific combination of books, rare glassware from a small manufacturer, other low-volume specialty equipment, etc.

Seemingly innocuous details can be enough in combination. What someone thinks is irrelevant may not be, especially if they're one of only a few individuals in their province or state to be pictured with a certain piece of equipment, with a certain glassware set (pictured in another thread), and ordering a certain unwatched but low-volume chemical, from a certain supply house.

Paranoia should be directed at removing superfluous information from the contents of the photos rather than stressing too hard about scary but unseen data in the image files themselves. A Ford isn't suspicious, a specific model of a Ford isn't suspicious, and a specific color of a specific model of Ford isn't suspicious. However, if a specific make, model, and color, of a older year, with distinctive wheels, and out-of-province plates is seen leaving the scene of a crime in a small town on the other side of the nation from where it was plated, then that becomes a damn good description of the suspect. Apply that thinking to the contents of photos and don't be done in by what you've bought and how you've decorated, especially if there is a concern that unnecessary flair might be used to authenticate photos collected online to a discovered lab premises offline.


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Re: pics and prints- possibly a concern
« Reply #25 on: March 21, 2011, 04:04:57 AM »
If you really want to avoid having finger prints then go and get some silicone sealant,, like one would use to seal leaks--the color doesnt matter!
  then wipe some over the 'offending areas' of "your prints" and wipe off 10 seconds later,,,,,I can Assure you all that the silicone WILL have "filled in"  all those liitle lines and cracks,,and wont leave any fingerprints ubtil the stuff wears through!!!
"the two things you can give away and never lose, are what you know, and how you feel...."


  • Subordinate Wasp
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Re: pics and prints- possibly a concern
« Reply #26 on: March 21, 2011, 04:09:02 AM »
Liquid band-aid and spirit gum also work well for that purpose.