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Dream Team
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Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:15 pm
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Anyone that has information regarding the hive and rhodium's site, please post it here.

Last I heard, they had taken it down because of new management at their webhosting company and were searching for a new host.

Granted, Synthetika is off to a great start, but I am a bit nostalgic to see a post by Labtop or Osmium...



Last edited by MistaMiyagi on Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:22 am
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This was posted over at WD...some time back , and since then we've had no contact not even a we're still trying , so that leaves us just pondering as to the future of our



Posted - Jan 01 2005 :  11:29:14 PM    

- the Hive progress -

As the year of 2004 has now ended, I have composed a summary of the events having taken place since the Hive/Rhodium server went offline and where we stand in the current situation. Along with this I will also attempt to kill some of the myths created by restless minds and straighten out the confusion ensuing from the earlier lack of information that naturally has been replaced by certain assumptions (illustrating varying degrees of sanity).
This is the first in a series of official briefings to take place regarding the progress of our future Hive.

Considering what has been written here (at WetDreams) and other sites by users who also visit the Hive, and how fast information flow between these sites has led us to draw certain conclusions... We asked for permission to post Hive related updates on WetDreams because of its large amount of Hive members, but also because we need an effective way to reach as many bees as possible - a task that we believe the members of WetDreams are highly qualified to perform. Wink

The first confusion I wish to clear out concerns a particular widely spread mail that originally was posted by Antoncho at the Russian This was a mail written by myself and sent to the Hive Staff members whose email addresses I had in my possession. All addresses were CC'ed and made visible in order to disseminate these among the staff to facilitate further communication, WITHIN our group.
For some reason Antoncho later copied the mail and posted it in its entirety without my knowing. At the time being, nothing in the mail was intended to be public matter, and so it was posted without permission. I would rather see that Antoncho explained this himself, but he has not responded to my mail and have not been heard of as far as I know. I am, however, sure of that Antoncho had the best of intentions and that he probably has gone away to celebrate the holidays.
On a side-note: Even though it's unethical and therefore wrong to publicly display any email address on the net without permission from its owner, it might be worth to mention that the staff of the Hive communicate through addresses unrelated to our real-life personas.

ATTENTION all RUSSIAN members/bees:
Until Antoncho is reachable again, it would be greatly appreciated if anyone who knows how could contact somebody with moderator privileges on in order to delete the addresses in Antoncho's post.

Moving on: The reason for the server going down was simply a change of management due to internal restructuring within our former web host company leading to a change of management, and nothing else. Continued hosting of our server was not compatible with the visions of the new management, and thus we needed to find another host and move the server.
As you know, the Hive is run entirely by volunteers, and on a tight budget funded by the staff as well as occasional donations from kind members. It is a fact that our former host have been extremely generous, and we should all feel lucky to have been offered such high level of service and security at minimal costs.

To all of those with paranoid tendencies who have grown confident in the belief that the Hive has disappeared for good: you couldn't have been more wrong. What has been going on during the last two months is the thought process and development of a carefully and thoroughly staked out plan for a solid and permanent solution, being assisted by people who are considered being among Europe's elite in their specific area of expertise.
A Hive is a home and not just any home, we have taken this opportunity to develop an even better solution where the server is powerful enough to maintain a high load of traffic, but still safe enough to protect our members from being traced or identified.

We want to show our appreciation to those of you who have made different kinds of offers to host the site(s), if only temporarily, however we will continue to decline such offers. The reason for this is that putting up a fully secured server is no small task and involves the coordination of the time and effort of several different people, and it simply wouldn't be worth the effort to have these people work their asses off twice in such a relatively short period.

We are happy to announce that the last piece of the hosting puzzle has finally been found!
The next step is to somehow find the means to buy the hardware meeting our standards. This simply isn't possible without the help of our fellow bees. Yet again we are in the process of constructing a donation engine. Details on this will be provided shortly.

However, it is an awkward feeling to ask for donations at a time like this. The estimated 150,000 people who were forced to move on due to the tsunami disaster in Asia may not need anything more, but the surviving friends and family to those affected desperately need aid on so very many accounts. More than a million (1,000,000!) people are completely homeless - for real, not just virtually, like in 'our' case. Our hearts go out to the ripped apart or otherwise crippled families.

To those of you who can afford a donation for the Hive: I speak for both Rhodium and myself personally when saying that we cannot sit here and beg for money without also asking you to take the survivors, who in many cases have lost everything, under consideration.
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Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:18 am
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A few weeks back, resolved to a Japan based IP address and I thought they might be starting up there, but no longer.
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Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:33 pm
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the admin of wd posted this:
Originally posted by Jacked
So I guess you all have given up on the hive? One more god damn week and you will know what's going on. I don't want to be the one bring this about its not my place.. You will have the chance to show your loyalty soon enough..

and wd now has a donation page
smth about to happen?
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