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Mon May 02, 2005 1:01 pm
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Hi everyone

Over the past few weeks, and for a few more to come, we are experimenting with our fourm aethetics and functioning,
A new improved search engine is being made, plus a quick search feature to get you there,
We have made a few changes to the Main page, as in an effort to become more static and Search Engine Compliant,
The admin and moderators names have been temporaily cloaked, to aid this, but if many of us are unhappy with this, we will bring back the names,

I have personally had some local adsl problems, but that is all being sorted out now,
We have a few new moderators, Bio, Nubee and Primathon, who will have some of the fruits of their labours appearing soon around us,

The Online degree is still active, and will continue, as it has just been temporarily suspended due to Work Load,

Beside's that we are in the process of yet again moving, to a much bigger 160GB/3000gb dedicated server, 40 times bigger than this one

We are process of putting together a few more archives, and supplements to the hive board, as well as providing our forum to be downloadable from nubee's Page-

Primathon has put forward many good ideas, and is joing us to help with programming, and forum mangement,
So all in all things are looking very good for chemistry,

We are still powering ahead to oneday perform basic reactions for our group of members, and we encourage anyone with interest to join the bandwagon to make this possible,
Java is very keen, to get this going, as we all are, So I hope that we can make this happen,

I kow alot of reactions that I would like to see done ,
Benzaldehyde from Cassia, apricot, and toluene.

Anyway, Around the 13th of this month, we will take over the new server, and when we do that, we will have enough room to host absolutly anything to do with chemistry,
So all our e-books, can be safe

We are making a deal with to mirror their archives, as to apply our theory to practice, on protecting our communities, and Data


Oh, we now have a glassblower that has agreed to share all his knowledge to all of us,
I personally being involved with a small bit of glassblowing myself, am very excited,
So in the near future, you can expect to see a new forum on glassblowing, where we will put everyhting to do with glassblowing in there,

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Chemically Balanced
Joined: 26 Mar 2005
Posts: 45
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Mon May 02, 2005 7:02 pm
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We are making a deal with to mirror their archives, as to apply our theory to practice, on protecting our communities, and Data

That's great. Will they be mirroring Synthetikal at the same time?
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