Author Topic: ergot to whatever question  (Read 9935 times)

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The Arcamone Reference
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2003, 06:17:00 AM »
I don't know if there is already a PDF of Arcamone et. al. around here (I only did a quick search), but I've uploaded a (fairly low quality) copy. (I've got a high res. pdf too, but I would have to upload it in pieces).

Production of new a lysergic acid derivative in submerged culture by a strain of Claviceps paspali Stevens & Hall.
By F. Arcamone, E.B. Chain, F.R.S., A. Ferretti, A. Minghetti, P. Pennella, A. Tonolo and Lidia Vero.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences, Volume 155, Issue 958 (Oct. 17, 1961), 26 - 54.


Edit: A high-res copy of the article has been uploaded to



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« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2003, 11:15:00 AM »
will dissolve some of the maleic acid also.


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I dissolve in
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2003, 04:51:00 AM »
My buddy wrote:

I dissolve in H2O, since it does not dissolve in Ethanol or Methanol as well.
I disslove 1 G of Ergometine Maleate in 50 Ml H2O and then add 1 ml 25 % Ammonia Sol. this is enough to push the PH up to 8,5 - 9.0.
I then extract with 100 ml Dichloromethane, after evaporating I recive about 100mg freebase, I repeat the process and get roughly 700mg after 7 extraction cyles.
I also tried to put the Ergometrine Maleate into suspension, 1 Gram suspended into 100 ml Dichloromethane and the 1ml 25 % Ammonia Sol. added to. this give some nice crystals, just like snowflakes, which I then extract.
Same result, really, 100 mg was the average recived from 100 ml of solvent.

I guess its Soxhlet for me. Unless I find a better solvent.

And dry Diethyl ether does not dissolve Ergometrine or the freebase at all.Tried it allright.


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High-res copy of the Arcamone article
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2003, 11:21:00 AM »
I recieved a high-res copy of the Arcamone article from ChemisTris, and have now uploaded it to my page, the link can be found in

Post 446606

(ChemisTris: "The Arcamone Reference", Tryptamine Chemistry)


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free base ergotamine
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2003, 10:08:00 PM »
from J.Organic Chemistry vol.1,245-253(1937)by:Jacobs and Craig.
A solution of 0.6g of ergotqmine tartrate was treated with excess sodium carbonate solution, and extracted with warm chloroform.  After drying the extract, the chloroform was removed in vacuo.  The residue was dissolved in methyl alcohol and the solution was again concentrated to remove any chloroform. Next alkaline hydrolysis to give lysergic acid. To writ methanolic potasium hydroxide, hydrolysis.


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Will try.
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2003, 01:56:00 AM »
My buddy wrote:

First of all, thanks for the input!
Uff, since I live in the 3d world we do not have Internet so much and to find one with acrobat reader and print it out was a drag. But extremly helpful.Thank you Rhodium!!!
Iso Butanol with chloroform seems to be helpful in my case.1:4

As soon I got I, will let you know.


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Full reference
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2003, 04:45:00 AM »
The whole article referenced in

Post 446983

(bbell: "free base ergotamine", Tryptamine Chemistry)
can be found in

Post 437085

(Rhodium: "Okay then, here you go. Collect the whole series!", Tryptamine Chemistry)


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Another jazzy idea
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2003, 12:54:00 AM »
Another jazzy idea

ocurred to me.

My biggest trouble is to get rid of the maleic acid, which obviously interfears with the hydrolysis, rendering it worthless.
So, instead using tonnes of solvent and years of time, to extact  a couple of milligrams of  ergometrine freebase, maybe there is a simple and easy way, to substitute the Maleic acid with Tartaric acid.
Tartaric acid seems not to interfear with the hydrolysis, at least it did not with the Ergometrine Tartrate, I used in the past.

It was so beautifull. After the hydrolysis I would let cool down to about 10 C in the fridge, then neutralise with just some dilute H2SO4, and right away, black crystalls would appear, during the addition, with the first drop.  After cleaning (Washing with dilute H2SO4)and grinding, they would be somewhat offwhite. And they would give fine endproduct too.
Ok, soxhlet is a possibilty, but it inhibits the necessity to obtain at least  a couple of extracting columns, which are quite expansive.
On the other hand, I know that in Europe, some people are working with this material successfully and very fast.
(no komplaints whatsoever, better results than with et.)
They are adjusted to et, but had no trouble at all, to adjust themself to ergometrine tartrate, in fact, they seem to have the ideal way how to do it. This I have to find out. (and they wont tell me, of course)

I'll keep on looking, thank you all for you effort.