Author Topic: Chemical Supply House - Assistance is requested  (Read 2944 times)

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Chemical Supply House - Assistance is requested
« on: November 06, 2002, 08:57:00 PM »
The Story. . .
     Over the past year SWIP  has been slowly aquiring all the necessary material & equipment to make MDMA.  1 piece here on part sent there.  SWIP is unsure if they will ever be able to make any drug as they are not a chemist.  Most of the knowledge swip possesses has been found here or a few other select internet sites.  However, 1 year and $1,425 they have everthying necessary to make MDMA.  More MDMA than swip will ever need, until a recent mishap.  A box full of glassware, bubble wrap, newspaper and foam peanuts fell from a hiding place(GOD DAMN IT!) 8 foot above a concrete floor.  Everything in the box was fine.  It's the items that fell out of the box and smashed into bits-n-shards that swip is concerned with.  Swip is in need of 1 2L 2 neck 24/40 rbf, 1 400mm condensor, 1 thermometer & 1 1L 1 neck 24/40 rbf. 
Their concern. . . 
     Swip does not want to order from anymore online suppliers.  Swip understands nothing they are after is questionable but swip does not want to go this route.
Swip feels their name has been placed on 1 too many items already.  Over the years swip has heard people speak of chemical supply houses.  Swip hit the phone book(s), no luck.  They called the local chamber of commerce, no luck.  They contacted local universities, no luck. They called some local 'chemical plants' to ask for advice, no luck.  Swip searched google, no luck.  They have tried to find the answer on their own, no luck. 
The question. . .
Now they seek the advice of other bees.  Are there places in the USA where someone could walk into a 'store' and purchase the glassware swip is after?  If there are can someone offer suggestions of how one may go about locating a 'supply house'?  Possibly someone could share a few of their favorite locations in PM?

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« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2002, 09:39:00 PM »
You're gonna have to use the online suppliers if you don't have any walk-in lab supply places near you.  Online auctions are your best bet, I think.  The things you need are not watched at all except for maybe the 400mm condenser, which you could score from an online auction from a private seller (don't use those big companies that use online auctions to sell their stuff, they keep records!)  Or you can use a fake id to get a mail box at mailboxes etc. or something and use a prepaid credit card with the fake id name on it and buy stuff from online suppliers.  then close the mail box.  oh and instead of buying a 2 neck 2 liter flask you can just use a claisen adapter on a singe neck 2 liter flask.  Anyways, this information is available on TFSE, under Acquisition Forum.  But I'm in a good mood today.  I'm transferring to a bigger university with a better chemistry program.  BTW, stop calling people!  If you are a legit person trying to get glassware you should know where to get it.  Calling chemical plants to ask about glassware is suspicious!  What you should be looking for is laboratory supply companies.


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Making it clear
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2002, 12:46:00 AM »

     First let me say thanks for reply.

BTW, stop calling people!  If you are a legit person trying to get glassware you should know where to get it.  Calling chemical plants to ask about glassware is suspicious!

Now let's clarify.  Someone who is new to an area can not be expected to know where all the:

laboratory supply companies

are located.  Information like this is learned by asking good questions. . . This was how it was approached.  When the chemical plants were contacted swip requested a list of local distributors for their product.  Swip explained they did not need 10lbs of Sodium Hydroxide(the min lot order) instead only needed 300g.  Swip explained their company was highly reccomended. Swip also mentioned they were looking for a company to do repeat business with. Swip was eventually told the distributor list was considered confidential.  Eventually swip talked them out of 1 dist.  However, when this dist was contacted they only sold chemicals not glassware.

Or you can use a fake id to get a mail box at mailboxes etc. or something and use a prepaid credit card with the fake id name on it and buy stuff from online suppliers.

Swip read the MM thread read & CL forums.  They have a working knowledge of counterfeit documents and dropsites.  However, they do not see a need for it.  Swip is in need of a small vacation.  What a better reason to cross state lines than to pick up the remaining glasswase so they can attempt to make MDMA.  Swip now assumes 'lab supply companies' formally known as Chemical Supply Houses are a reality not just an urban ledgend, correct?  Can anyone reccomend a few states where swip should look?  Anyone want to PM me an address or two?  Swip may bring them some business.  Anyhow, thanks TBG.  Your advice will be put to good use.  Tommrow the search for 'laboratory supply companies' will begin.

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Scientific Supply
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2002, 01:48:00 AM »
Scientific Supply would be another name to look under.


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Consider the industries that use the chemicals or ...
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2002, 12:54:00 AM »
Consider the industries that use the chemicals or glassware SWIY seeks. Next, think about where those industries might be. Acquisitions is one of the best parts! It's never easy for anybody...

When you meet a swordsman, draw your sword: Do not recite poetry to one who is not a poet.


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Taking the industry into consideration
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2002, 10:24:00 PM »

Consider the industries that use the chemicals or glassware SWIY seeks.

This has been done.  Countless hours were spent doing this.  It's because of this research swip has found literally thousands of sources for glassware & chemicals.  Now, can all of these bee used to swip's needs?  No, of course not.  Much time and guess work was spent in deciding which companies to contact.  1 year later all the chemicals and glassware to make MDMA(less the borken parts) & a few other drugs have been obtained.  No busts, choppers, weird neghibors, 'peeps' or cars passing by swip's house.  However, swip understands this by no way means they are in the clear.  But, they feel it is a somewhat good sign.  Afterall, swip has heard of people being busted / questioned (see law forum) for just ordering chemicals.
     Ok, one final question for this thread.  Since it seems no one wants to share a source.  This is understandable, swip supposes.  Could you all save swip alittle time?  If you have a 'Laboratory supply company' in your area check the phone book.  Are they listed?  Swip's library only has local phone books.  They contacted 'the state' library 3 hours away.  The lady there told swip they have phone books for almost every state.  If these companies are listed it would be worth a trip for swip.  Swip understands this research could be done at home on  However, things like this(online phone books) always seem to be 'lacking'.  Also as mentioned before swip is always looking for a reason for a road trip so they can make drugs. . .

Thanks in advance

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