Author Topic: Funny Sass Story  (Read 2183 times)

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Funny Sass Story
« on: July 30, 2002, 10:40:00 PM »
The following story is completely false, moreover the main players weren't even human cause this didn't happen on earth or anywhere near this galaxy.

Fiction, get it??? ;)

Anyways, swim works at a bullshit company doing bullshit things, HOWEVER, swim in an industry that "new things" are constanstly being tried cause no one has locked down this market (the market is fully legal).

So, through intense socially engineering, net surfing and plain creativity, swim is able to have a "us" supplier (united states of saturn) send swim a spanking bottle of our favorite "x" precursor.

Well the egotistical boss-person opens up the box and is yelling the contents of said box over the loud speaker..(yes I know).

Swim see "his" bottle on this person's desk and almost tackles the bottle to get it in his possesion..

The deal was it would come in and swim would pay half.

Well we all know how difficult this cursor is to get some immediately swim wants all the ml's for himself.

Tastes real to..and swim was in a position to do a water test @ work!

The moral of the story is well there is no moral...

Swim got his shit...pdcl2 aint here yet but after that its just a matter of time....

You guys are the only ones in the universe who this even begins to make anykind of sense....

This is a bullshit job, but you have to keep a job where you can pretty much order at will and are protected by the bureaucracy and legal status of a corporation.

Cool eh? :)

Diversion?  What diversion?  To who?  To where?  What were we talking about again?


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> Cool eh? Don't be so sure this will not ...
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2002, 11:13:00 PM »
> Cool eh?

Don't be so sure this will not backfire.
If I were you I'd keep that bottle at work 'just in case'.

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.


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Re: This is a bullshit job, but you have to keep ...
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2002, 07:54:00 AM »

This is a bullshit job, but you have to keep a job where you can pretty much order at will and are protected by the bureaucracy and legal status of a corporation.

So where's the Kg of lysergic acid?

Who is that masked man?


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« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2002, 09:28:00 AM »
The way this economy is going, and the way this present government is going...

If they sell it to me I'm going to buy it...

need some MORE sass NOW pronto VERY BEHIND...dig?

LAH & 2,5, DMB......for future synths

Im not playing with these people anymore...

Fucking waiting for crumbs to fall from the rats and maybe i'll get a piece of the pie.

corporations have screwed me since onset...

I'm not even I'm just Jaded and Merchenary...

Which is a shame in itself...I used to be the perfect smart lil drone...

(in your best monty pyton intonation)

"And NOW for something COMPLETELY Different"

That right folks taking FULL advantage of my position...

At this point (anyways) in my chem skills I'd fuck up a KG of ERGO...

But figure you gotta make 2c-i and 2c-h  to get to "B" and "7"

figure that'll keep me busy for the next 5 years or so...

Diversion?  What diversion?  To who?  To where?  What were we talking about again?