Author Topic: Second hand glass ware  (Read 3633 times)

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Second hand glass ware
« on: January 21, 2004, 10:22:00 PM »
The other day I found someone who is selling hugh amounts of second hand glass ware. He says the stuff is coming from an industrial laboratory that recently moved to a new building. When I came to collect my order I had a bad feeling about this deal. I didn´t like the guy. He asked questions like what I wanted to do with it, and if I synthesized chemicals before. Should one be careful buying labware from a private person ? Well off course....But how would one check the liability of such source ?

Is it normal for a laboratory to have heating mantles and round bottom flasks of 20 liters ? The price I paid for two mantles, 4 coolers, 3 20 liters round bottom flasks was only 80 euro. I considered this a bargain at the time but now I have mixed feelings.....


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Personally, I prefer to buy from a private...
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2004, 11:57:00 PM »
Personally, I prefer to buy from a private party. Less records that way. I think that chemical aquistion is MUCH more sensitive, and probable to trip bees up than plain old glassware is. Though that's not to say you shouldn't be quite careful.

>Is it normal for a laboratory to have heating mantles and round bottom flasks of 20 liters ?

A legit-industrial lab? Sure, more normal than in sombodies garage hobby lab.

However, always go with your gut feelings.

I've been ripped off once ($500+)but I wasn't buying in person, he was supposed to ship, never did.

Oh well, what's money?


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« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2004, 08:29:00 PM »

The price I paid for two mantles, 4 coolers, 3 20 liters round bottom flasks was only 80 euro.

At that price I would just smile


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mixed feelings
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2004, 10:37:00 PM »
mixed feelings???? the only feelings that should be mixed are delight and euphoria. if you are nervous get a friend to pick the stuff up and dont use it for a few weeks just to bee safe. you are a european bee, me too and i have never found prices that good. one can always lie about their identity to a private this a postal or person to person transaction ... i am always wary of getting burned but 80 euro wouldnt buy me a shirt.


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>He asked questions like what I wanted to...
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2004, 12:59:00 AM »
>He asked questions like what I wanted to do with it, and if I synthesized chemicals before.

Most likely because the first impression that he got of you was not that of a professional chemist. Seems normal to me. Fuck, it's not that those guys are stupid, or that you have a goddamned right to buy everything without questions asked, is it?

BTW, using 20L flasks is considered 'large scale' for most chemists. Plus, if something goes wrong at those volumes things can get seriously fucked up. Imagine a 20L flask with LAH/THF cracking and spilling on the floor....


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> If someone finds you lab and see's a 20L...
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2004, 10:06:00 AM »
> If someone finds you lab and see's a 20L flask your ass is in some shit!!!

Nope. Not at all.

> wtf do you need a 20L flask for though??

Moonshine still?

> I would be very uncomfortable making that transaction.

I wouldn't. It's not considered suspicious or illegal in most parts of Europe yet.

> >He asked questions like what I wanted to do with it, and if I
> synthesized chemicals before.

Oh come on, that's absolutely normal behavior! All he did was being friendly and doing some chit-chat. I'd ask the same.


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Maybe you´re all right
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2004, 12:18:00 AM »
and I should stop worrying about this deal. As long as I don´t have any chemicals at my home that could be directly related to the production of drugs I´m not in danger. I´m a fully trained chemist that has done a lot of (small scale) syntheses over a period of 3.5 years. I have a wide range of chemicals in my possesion that are not forbidden, although the combination of some of them could be interpreted as "doubtful" for LE, but hey, isn´t that true for a lot of research labs. I´m even not sure yet whether I will ever use the 20 liter flasks. The deal was simply too good to let it go. For the time being I will stick to 1 to 2 liter syntheses and keep myself low profile as always  :) .

Another point I would like to bring up here is the presence of chemical literature within in a house or lab. I have quite a number of books on the subject of drugs manufacturing, as well as polymer chemistry, paint/ink chemistry and soap/perfume making. I collect these just because I´m interested in the synths that are described. According to my knowledge in my country that is allowed, although, together with the chemicals, one could always say there is an intend in manufacturing illegal substances...It is something that worries me sometimes and I don´t have a clue how I could prevent this situation. OK, I could hide all books/articles but that is out of the question. Chemistry is just my hobby  :P .


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« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2004, 03:24:00 AM »

in relation to chems, for example in Oz and i guess the U.S you are allowed purchase chems regardless. [with in reason]

So, basically you can purchase any chem within reason, buy it and take it home, but then if the you no who rock up on the door step then you can get charged.. what the fuck is going on with the system". That is what i want to know".

So you can buy them.. i,e solvents and others, take them home then get charged.. that is crap" so put rather simply, the government does this just so they can convict people", man that is fucked...

What does all you bee's think?


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>What does all you bee's think?
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2004, 08:58:00 AM »


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(Post deleted by MDMA_AcTIvEsTS)
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2004, 03:51:00 AM »


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I've been trying to work out what
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2004, 11:06:00 AM »