Author Topic: buprenorphine and oxycodone  (Read 2049 times)

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buprenorphine and oxycodone
« on: October 28, 2003, 08:56:00 PM »

I seem to have a few of these little babies lying around, also they're pretty much the flavour of the underworld here,

Black market/pharmaceutical
Oxy's $20/ 80mg (oxycodone)
Morphine $30 / 100mg (Kapanal)

PBS scheme(pharmaceutical Benefits scheme)
Oxy's $0.80 / 80mg
Morph the same
buprenorphine 300mg / $50 (program cost)

But it is rare to get the PBS prices unless you are really in pain,.

My question is this.

What can we do with Buprenorphine?
Can we get rid of the ceiling atagonist effect?
Can we change the molecule, because it's does is incredibly low,
my friend(not me really!) takes 8mg of Bup. every day, which from what I can work out, after constantly nagging him its equivalent in feeling is to say 150mg Morphine,.

This will be one of the last questions I'll ask for a while on this stuff, but do any bees, know how to alter buprenorphine?

And maybee Oxycodone to,,.

to something more tasty?



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see rhodium's page
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2003, 08:58:00 AM »
there is a demthylation procedure of oxycodeine to 14-hydroxy-dihydro morphinone via "hard acid"
a mixture of methionine (an amino acid obtained at health food stores) and methane sulfonic acid.
Now the mechanism of this totally beffuldes me.
I like to know the why's as well as the how's of chemistry.
And how this works out on the molecular level I have not a clue.
oxy morphone is 15X morphine oxycodone is 1X morphine so you see the gains do you?


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« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2003, 01:41:00 PM »
Methanesulfonic acid is a strong acid which protonates the oxygen of the methyl ether, and when it bumps into the (easily alkylated) -SH group of methionine, the methyl group (which is "loosened" by the protonation) is transferred to the methionine, forming the S-Methyl-methionine and the free phenol.


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WOW, Would there be subsitute acids, rather...
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2003, 04:13:00 PM »
Would there be subsitute acids, rather that?
And I gues if not, aris the acid, under any suspicion?

Oddly enough there is no problem with the Dl.. chem but for the love of me that acid seems unavailable, even to some of the scientific chem suppliers,
What's the deal, and is it the only acid to accomplish the job?.



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the same question
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2003, 03:49:00 AM »
I asked the same question in another post.

Post 467712

(BieneMaya: "Sodiumdichromate in Oxysynth", Chemistry Discourse)

But there is some serious mistake in there.
I have corrected it.-