Author Topic: hellman's Universal Cure  (Read 8005 times)

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hellman's Universal Cure
« on: October 24, 2003, 07:06:00 PM »
Hellman's 3-step Classic (Universal Cure)

Goodevening Bitches and Gentlemen,
This is the end of extraction difficulties for the salts of PSEUDO EPHEDRINE:

Regardless of pill, regardless of country, and most probably regardless of attitude and technique, this is a method to remove the waste of time and money in isolating Pseudoephedrine.
This is long overdue.


Isolate psuedosalt in Dh20, basify,add non-polar solvent then gass for cystal, or just freeze final solvent, and watch the pretty crytals drop.

A 1 litre glass jar
A 300 ml glass jar
A container of Naoh
A litre of Toluene/Xylene
1 chinese "lucky" coin of debateable monetary worth(joke)
1 Litre DH20 ( Distilled water )
Cotton wool
2 or 3( the more the merrier) 100ml syringe barrels

1) grind all pills, in a suitable device
   a) mortar & pessle
   b) sealed envelope with hammer
   c) coffee grinder or similar

2) Drop crushed pills into Jar with water 500ml Dh20,
   ( you know when you make jelly, if you use too much     water, it just doesn;t set does it?) The same applies for all the gels, that adulterise the pills,.

Let the bastard sit overnight. At least 12 hours,.

Filter through cotton wool plugged syringes, to obtain a reasonably pure solution which goes back into the now cleaned jar.
It doesn't at all mater what colour tghe solution is, it's all good, and your gonna have a good time,.

With the clear(ish) solution, basify the fuk out of it, but it all depends on the inital amount of Psuedo,.
My personal rule of thumb is a table spoon per two grams, I know it's over-kill, but it does not affect yield, if anything it promotes, the break down of all the adulterants, and frees the majority of pseudo that can sometimes be stuck, in the binders,.

Leave this overnight as well, and depending on what pills you use, you will see a few colour changes happen,
i used one that was heavily gakked, with ambi polar gells, blue dye, and in sulfate form, it went from clear to orange to clearish,.
At this point it is also wise to never throw anything out, basify all the shit you previously used, by this i mean the crap that remained in the filter, and your yield will get closer to quantative,.

Once basified, and left for a day at least, it is time to drag it off with non-polar,.
Add your non-polar, say 100ml at first, and add to the heavily basic solution,

So now in your jar, with the basified clearish liquid, that now has a layer of non-polar solvent on the top, lid this and shake the crap out of it.And leave for 30 minutes,.

Bee safe  here kids, you know that this substance equals cuffs,

Teat pipette of the top layer, with contains FB Pseuso, and a host of other adulteants, into another clean jar,

Add another 50 mls of your non-polar to you main jar, shake, repeat, leave, and again teat pipette, the top non-polar solvent, into the 300ml jar, along with the other 100ml of fb laden solvent,.

Add another 50 mls to your basic solution, leave this overnight, with should leave the rest of the FB to migragte into the non-polar,.

What you are left with is approx 150-200ml of FB in your toluene/xylene,along with a small amount of crapula,.

Set up your gassing apparatus, and gass for crystals.

Did you remember to keep all of the crap in the filters,?
Just throw it all in, syringe and all if you want, re basify, and repeat the sovent extraction, combine all extractions in the final remaining jar full of non-polar, and gas, gas, gas,.

Haven't gassed before,'
I think it's high time you did,
You will enjoy it, your customes will thank you for it, and everyones body ends up being that little bit healthier,.

Not that you guys really care anyway, otherwise you wouldn;t be taking it in the first place, right?

Drugs do kill, tyou just have to learn it for yourselves,
Think of this like a harm prevention seminar!!,



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What if it turns black?
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2003, 07:46:00 PM »
I actually tried this b4 and after adding naoh and leaving it for a day the solution turned black and remained that way for the next several days until i poured it out.  Any ideas on what went wrong?


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It doesn't really matter if it went black,...
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2003, 10:45:00 PM »
It doesn't really matter if it went black,
Just make sure it is extremely basic, then add solvent and gas,
It will work out,



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You will find that when you add your ...
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2003, 11:07:00 PM »
You will find that when you add your non-polar, after you have let that basic solution stand for at least 12 hours, that it will be sufficiently clear to gas,.

I don;t think the Governments had bees intending to gass, to recover their product, then again, if you were smart(chemically proficient) enough to do this, then why would you bother, on small scale stuff like this,.

But this is a good place to start, and wet your feet,.

I think you will find that the multi-kilo processors are starting a little lower on molecule complexity scale than Pseudo,

I mean when benzaldehyde and toluene, and pool shock are just so easy to get, ;)

hmt's :o


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Before making such claims, have you tried this
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2003, 11:27:00 PM »
Before making such claims, have you tried this on all available pills (at least in your area) The blue sulphates you mentioned are of course easily extracted, most of us new this a long time ago, try all the rest.


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No thanks
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2003, 05:32:00 PM »
IMHO this technique will work with very clean pills, and not with typical OTC sinus meds. "Universal" is a broad claim, and one I, for one, do not think a universal extraction method really exists given the diversity of gakks and binders.

What steps do you take post-extraction, pre-reaction to remove the polyethylene glycols this technique will extract with the pseduo? How do you remove orange  I gak, which will come right over with that much NaOH and that high a pH? How do remove the orange II gaks?

Letting the based solution sit for twelve hours will not make any of these any less likely to be extracted with the pseduo. You are insuring that two of them come with it, in any event.

You do not provide yields, and you do not provide the OTC formulations this method works with. Yet you tout it as universal. I am not persuaded.


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SWIW still believes the key to universal ...
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2003, 05:44:00 PM »
SWIW still believes the key to universal extraction is in mimicking the body's uptake of the psudo.  Have been reading lately about this, still not putting full efort though.


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i dreamt that swim tried to extract the ...
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2003, 06:55:00 PM »
i dreamt that swim tried to  extract the glycols with a hot non polar(usin the theory that ethylene glycol is non polar)then basin the remainin stuff n extractin with non polar not sure if the dream crystals swim got where free base psuedo or not..what does freebase taste like? coz they didnt taste bitter..only dreamt with 1/2 gram


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« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2003, 08:13:00 PM »
so maybe the acidic env of the stomach breaks up the pill, but how does the pseudo cross the villi?
active transport seems out of reach, but what about passive?
osmosis - maybe the ph and salinity of the blood provide the differential which will pull only the pseudo acid salt across a membrane? is it molecule-size related? any lit on ingestion of pseudo FB?


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Hmm, Yes i have tried all, or most of the...
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2003, 09:36:00 PM »
Yes i have tried all, or most of the pills, but this was a long time ago, but not that long,.
hence I suffer no issues, if the police come a knocking at my door,.

But, i will not go quietly into the night, as this is important to me,. And now that i have nothing to fear, i will put more energy into this,.

And you know what they say, they're a bit of you in me, and vice versa,.
I think i might start my own forum, if any tech heads, want to help me with the database, pm, me,.
I will start a topic in the couch forum, today,.

But, prove this technique wrong, if you like,
God, Am i personally responsible for chemistry>?
Chemistry is chemistry, and this is not something which I discovered,.
I have just ordered it, and made it practical.
And all the fucking frustration that I once had, trying to re-invent the fucking wheel, waiting on responses from people who knew, but would never tell,.
So you might as well get a gassing,.

Why wouldn't it work,?
I have seen dark stinky nonpolars, laden with proposterous amounts of crap, but with a gas, and a filter, it is all done,.

Yes, I have tried it on sulfates, and HCL's, paracetamols, which by the way are a tasty price here in oz, even the generic 48 count/ 30mg/500mg paracetamols,.

But yield wise here in australia, that sulfate, the one that you know I am talking about, seems to be of maximum value, that's all,.

Phosphorous acid here, is ridicously easy to get unwatched, i mean $77.00 for 20litres of 85% Phosphourous acid, god,.

Not to mention the glorious tincture suppliers that work with horses,,.

I remember seeing a post here, of a beatiful gassing apparatus using cacl2 and hcl only, with a drying tube made from nylex fitting, and clear pvc tubing,.

That's what i would be doing,.



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ahgreich, found this for ya,
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2003, 12:48:00 AM »
Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride is an orally indirect acting sympathomimetic amine and exerts a decongestant action on the nasal mucosa. It does this by vasoconstriction which results in reduction of tissue hyperemia, edema, nasal congestion and an increase in nasal airway patency. The vasoconstriction action of pseudoephedrine is similar to that of ephedrine. In the usual dose it has minimal vasopressor effects. Pseudoephedrine is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It has a plasma half-life of 6 to 8 hours. Alkaline urine is associated with slower elimination of the drug. The drug is distributed to body tissues and fluids, including the central nervous system (CNS). Approximately 50% to 75% of the administered dose is excreted unchanged in the urine; the remainder is apparently metabolized in the liver to inactive compounds by N-demethylation ,parahydroxylation and oxidative deamination.


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Just recently Baal was watching a Discovery...
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2003, 07:34:00 PM »
Just recently Baal was watching a Discovery channel program on how they restore sunken ships for museums,etc...during the restoration process they submerged the salt-waterlogged timbers into PEG(yes the arch-enemy)to remove the deeply imbedded salt laden H2O without damage to the piece, due to PEG's high absorbtion capacity. With that said, I can see where Hellmans cure certainly has credibility from a scientific standpoint, nor do I think Hellman's intentions surrounding the post were to mis-inform the ignorant. If the final extraction solvent contains nothing that can be gassed to a HCL-salt other than pseudo-freebase, then why would'nt it work? Baal is almost finished testing Hellman's method and will certainly report back to this thread with the results. Thinking along those similar lines, running the crappy pills through this same protocol 2x would certainly still be a much more simpler process,plus its far more cost-effective, & with less solvent exposure to boot. In Baals neighborhood, those e-z extracto's prices are way out of hand these days. Those are around $10/gram for pseudo when youre done, a high price to pay for a little convenience. Grampa always said "There is always more than one way to skin a cat".......


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hey Baal,
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2003, 08:35:00 PM »
That's right kids,

It's chemistry, I hope you all enjoy it,.
It is just a shame that no-body has posted it before,
There are alot of bees here that are simply light years above these manipulations, and it leaves me in awe, as it humbles me also,
And that is where i want to be,
Having a look at the Hyperlab, made me realize that i am a fucking nubile ignorant asshole, but I am thankful, that i have removed another lid from the box,.



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send reports
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2003, 08:02:00 AM »
Baal-- I'll be happy to see the reports of your trials of the method and hope it works, even if you have to do it twice to get clean pseudo. I cannot explain why PEG and some other polymers seem to come through on water-based a/b's, but they do. I do not routinely gas to get my pseudo from the non-polar, and cannot say that gassing will prevent the polymers from coming over with the pseudo when it is gassed to extract it from a non-polar solvent. I would note that it did not seem to solve the same problem with meth, and I do not think pseudo would be any different in that regard. I'd love to be wrong.


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G`day HM.
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2003, 08:43:00 AM »
While yer at it,

Try grinding yer pills,
adding a HUGE(like a real fucking lot) excess of dh2o
adding some hcl to ph of 2
boil the fuck out of it.
Skim the fluffy whitish,plastic,foamy,spoof looking crap of the surface until no more rears its ugly head.
Make a nice fuel layer balance on top of yer water.
SLOWLY,and with stirring bring the PH up to 12 with the diluted base medium of choice.
Go get shit-faced with some teeny-boppers at the kewlest disco in town.
Come home if ya cant get none.
Loose the water.You figure it out.Back lawn is good for me.
Then follow Ol` Hellmans write-up from there.

Diamonds I tell ya ;D Diamonds.

This was my little secret.Now its our little secret.
Take it for what its worth.

Have a nice night.Ballzofsteel.


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This I will try
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2003, 09:13:00 AM »
Ballz-- -this I will try.


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Funny, when I said so nobody listened.
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2003, 09:18:00 AM »
Funny, when I said so nobody listened.


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the way you said it
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2003, 10:01:00 AM »
Its just the way you said it. I saw the post, noted it, thought of your previous comments about using water and letting it sit for longer periods to give the water activated binders time to fall apart and break down, and thought that if the course I followed didn't work, I would try that.

I of course didn't at the time because you are a chemist, rather than a meth cook, and what do chemists know?  ;)


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I would be suspicious of it working
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2003, 01:46:00 PM »
It appears to me to be too similar to
ways found lacking 2 or 3 years ago,
at least with what has ben found locally.

Don't thing that the thing we call "PEG" is
the same as the "PEG" used for timber stabilization.

it ain't.


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« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2003, 04:16:00 PM »
Yeh, ambi-polar adultants, but they won't bind to form a salt when you HCL gass them,.

I mean really, you could just, do it in one pot,
And leave all the pill adultants there, and just pull of the top non-polar,.

Gotta go,
Late for a St Vincent De Paul food voucher!

BOS, is telling you no lies, I was going to include the acid burn, but I found that I didn't need to,
Excellent BOS,!!!!!!
Truly Supoib,!


hellmein ;)