Author Topic: A first dream tonight - is his bed okay ?l  (Read 3524 times)

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A first dream tonight - is his bed okay ?l
« on: May 17, 2004, 10:39:00 PM »


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well, yes...
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2004, 11:14:00 PM »

Anything you would like me to tell Geezer ? I will see him tonight in a dream.

Tell him he would be happier doing a long wet reflux than a push pull. Tell him if he will just take the time to do it that way correctly ONE time.... he will understand.


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Listen to the geezmeister
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2004, 12:56:00 AM »
If this is his first time I don't see why he is going through all this trouble.  How much was he planning on doing anyway?  Listen to geezmeister!  Hell, in a downstairs apartment I don't think this type of a set-up would be a wise choice especially when there are other options.  Sounds like he needs to hold off a little longer and do some research on all of this.  Did he mention how he cleaned his psuedo/ephedrine?  Something tells me that he's not prepared and his dream may turn out to be more of a nightmare.  ::)


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more info
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2004, 01:39:00 AM »
you see when he first started doing his research (about a month ago) he came across a rhodium write up on push/pull that had the diagram of the 2 gas cans. As for the E he tells me he found a Middle Eastern gas station that still sells 25mg ephedrine hcl and guafnessin tabs he used the straight to E method that was posted here at the hive. For the rp he researched the american history and found a couple good presidents to show him the way. With a little help from some acetone (as described by amalgous- I think thats how it was spelled) he had plenty. Now he is going to buy the i tonight when he checks his water purity so no further steps will be needed. It is too late for him to make big changes in his setup since he has no more money. He could scrounge up enough for a few tweaks. Also , remember he isnt trying for the the number one in purity and quality he has releastic expectations. He would just like to end up with something decent and work his way up from there. He chose this setup because of the low cost and the seamingly easy build (plus it had pictures). When he started all he knew about the subject of honey is he wanted some and couldnt afford to buy it  pre-packaged, so keep that in mind (if you say anything advanced please explain in detail). Oh yeh almost forgot , he only plans to get 3-4g his first time. Trying to keep it small and simple. 
Thank you for your support
Death to ewoks


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I talked to the strange man and he told me...
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2004, 02:02:00 AM »


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For starters
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2004, 02:20:00 AM »
There's several threads about the lwr going.  Here's one you might start with...

Post 487593

(the_wasper: "First LWR", Stimulants)


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I'll be gentle...
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2004, 02:23:00 AM »

(if you say anything advanced please explain in detail).

How much does a 12" balloon cost?
You should have enough change left over to buy 24-36hrs of patience ;)
At what ratio does your friend intend to mix?
How much added water?
At what temp?
For how long?
Those are all important factors if success is expected.
Noone is saying the pushpull won't work but since the P/P's inception, there have been some modifications in cooking style that have a greater impact on the success rate.
We don't want your friend to fail on his first attempt as you don't want your friend to fail so the advice is layed out giving the advantages in choosing what's best for your friend.
The LWR is the way to GO.


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first , thank you for your kindness(i could...
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2004, 02:41:00 AM »


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Strong Advisery...
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2004, 03:04:00 AM »
With Rage ;D
Don't utilize that digicam!
What your fictional friend does should stay fictional!
That's impossible if pictures are involved.
There have been a couple excellent posts recently by a few bees that detailed the Step-by-Step procedures in the LWR...
One off the top of my head is

Post 499430

(Relux: "Diary of a wet dream (1st)", Stimulants)

There are a few others in TFSE®


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I would bee concerned about all that
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2004, 03:10:00 AM »
JB Weld that he has gooped on everything.  Who knows what kind of impurities will bee introduced.  He might not live to tell the rest of the story.  Hopefully any toxins will be removed in the workup.  Are a flask and a condenser really that hard to obtain?


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about that pseduo
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2004, 07:08:00 AM »
You tell us you have pseudo from pills with guafinesen that you extracted by straight to E.

I'll bet you what you think is pseudo--- isn't. Guffy is hard enough to shake in a a/b if you don't use naptha as the solvent. I haven't attempted to pull such pills with the straight to E method (because of the guffy) but i've extracted E and pseudo from such pills by a/b methods using naptha. Nothing else seemed to work for me.

Have you burn tested the pseudo on foil? What color is your residue?