Author Topic: Visual indication of cut meth?  (Read 24395 times)

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Visual indication of cut meth?
« on: June 20, 2004, 07:22:00 PM »
My place on the Hive ladder could not be better defined as it is now, posting a question regarding my potentially dishonest "friend" neighbor/dealer and his sometimes Mickey Mouse product while others are pioneering their way to a successful Pulsatile Release extraction.
Just as I was so proud to have graduated to a point of knowledge capable of a successful RP/I/E synth - E becomes almost impossible to come by. While I am tempted to just go ahead and attempt my first synth anyway, with cold/allergy 60's using STE - I will probably find myself going down the street and buying my razzle dazzle once again.  ::)  This leads me to my question.
About 50% of the time I am an unhappy customer.  I'm sure that "cut the shit half the time" is a good business tactic for decreasing cost and insuring continued cash flow from customers, but seeing as though I am the customer – I’m frustrated. Okay, without solvents or sublimation I swear I can spot cut product simply by looking at it closely.  Obvious cut is apparent when you either have a bag of white powder, or more likely crystals that aren't so crystal-like but are chunkier, are far less transparent than the real deal, have a white milky color to them and are hard and solid but slightly softer than the real deal. At least this has been my experience.  There is one other type of questionable indicator that I am unsure of and would like some professional input from my friends here at Hiveville. I have made it very clear that I will not put up with diet meth.  My connection seems to understand this, but instead of compliance I think I'm getting creativity.  This last purchase is passable quality wise but still seemed funny. I think he's changed his approach.  Here's what it looks like:  Clear - transparent crystals (very good to see  ;)  but coated ununiformally with a white crystalline powder.  The powder is caked on to many of the crystals unevenly, some heavier than others. Some, just one side of the crystal would have a large coating of this powder while another side would not.  The best analogy would be something you've probably seen in the winter. A chunk of clear ice with a portion covered with compacted white snow.
Any suggestions?


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Going on appearance alone
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2004, 07:57:00 PM »
How do you know if the powder isnt the meth and the crystalline substance really the cut?

Alot of gear produced via the Nazi method will bee powdery (and pure) most of the "most common" cuts are crystalline in nature.

RP methods using excessive temps will also result in meth powder as well. (FYI)

Does SWIB smoke, snort or inject? Have you tried dissolving a portion of your gear in water? Crystalline niacinamide and inositol are water soluable so the water dissolving will not help but with MSM it WILL give you a better indication.

With inositol and niacinamide the results of smoking will give a WAXY substance when the flame is removed and LESS smoke will bee released. One might feel that he/she is having a hard time getting a hit, while the waxiness becomes more apparent rather then the shardy lines that one has grown accustomed to.

It could bee the results of two different batches mixed together as your "friend" got to the tail end of the 1st.

MSM will form a liquid pool that takes a little longer then usual to "crack back" We all know that the shit should crack back immediately upon removal of the flame.

As pseudo becomes more difficult to come by for the smaller operators, the gangs and purveyors of the nazi method may realize that they have no competition and take advantage of the situation and provide diet meth or meth lite as a main staple to users who have no other option.  ::)


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Gotta Know A Cook or....
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2004, 12:39:00 AM »
I always assume that unless you know a combo cook/dealer personally that virtually anything you buy off the streets will contain some degree of cut. Despite how clean the product might appear to be from a purely visual standpoint.

For me that means if swim's buddy didn't make it himself there's no other way to truly assure uncut product.

Simple clues to impurity ...

If it's some color other than white
No or slow "crackback"
weird taste or smell (should bee odorless)
Learn the taste of pure meth and pure MSM and use for reference

Best way to assure purity is to make it yourself and learn well the art of recrytsallization

Recrystallizing street goods (or bads) is a good way to check what you are really getting but you may end up being shocked by the quantities you (don't) end up with afterwards.


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uv light
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2004, 08:49:00 AM »
Look at the sack of meth under a uv light. Do you see more than one shade or intensity of light reflected? When you see the same shade, hue, intensity, etc... there is a pretty good chance its all the same stuff. If there is cut added, many of them reflect the uv light differently than the meth, and you will see two types of powder under the light. This is not a definitive test, but a good rule of thumb. MSM certainly glows differently under uv than meth HCl does.


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« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2004, 09:00:00 AM »
In swims experience the cut will often have bubbles in it - you can see them if you hold a piece to light -
 also meth doesnt have curvy edges cut does.


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« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2004, 02:23:00 PM »
You could of course try to dissolve your gear in various solvents (water, alcohols etc.), recrystallize it and maybe also try washing/rinsing it with different solvents (any nonpolar, acetone etc.) - you should be able to get rather pure stuff, and maybe you can even isolate the cut that was used? (just give it back to your dealer...)  ;D



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Pick out different particles (ie.
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2004, 03:12:00 PM »
Pick out different particles (ie. small crystals) and check the melting point of them.  Black light is long wave UV. Short wave lamps might show something that long wave UV doesn't.  Short wave lamps are used by some people for checking minerals.  I found one mineral/rock kit with a short wave UV lamp in a thrift shop for $2 one time.  You can find them on Ebay sometimes, too.